It is a paper of warnings to save Japan from the Left's evil schemes.
The following is from an article by Ms. Yoshiko Ikeda in this month's issue of Hanada magazine.
Why has the government allowed such people to siphon off public funds for so long?
In the March issue of the monthly magazine "Hanada" on sale now, Ms. Yoshiko Ikeda has written an article that hits the nail on the head, titled "Yumeno Nito and the Red Network," from p. 80 to p. 89.
It is a must-read for all Japanese who can read the printed word.
It is no exaggeration to say that Japan will die if you do not read this genuine article.
Another evil law, the LGBT bill, is on the verge of being enacted as well as this bill if things go wrong.
Ms. Yoshiko Ikeda's article will be passed down to posterity as a warning to the world to save Japan from the Left's evil schemes.
Why is such a bill being enacted without the public's knowledge?
It is a historical masterpiece that perfectly explains the mechanism (the Communists and Socialists, i.e., the Leftists' scheme).
All Diet members are responsible for passing these outrageous laws and creating a system in which people who are nothing more than scoundrels and traitors are sucking up public money.
The Japanese people are all responsible for electing these unscrupulous Diet members who have passed the Ainu Law and other such laws one after another.
That is why we must immediately and thoroughly correct, reduce, or abolish these bills as soon as possible.
Now is the time to crush the schemes of vile and foolish religious politicians such as Komeito's Yamaguchi, who is nothing more than a traitor, and Leftist pedophiles plotting to divide and dismantle the nation of Japan as nothing more than traitors.
The Japanese people must crush the schemes of the Leftist pedophiles and their scheming to divide and dismantle the nation of Japan.
However, it is an outrageous folly that not a few LDP lawmakers are so incompetent that they cannot even be called politicians and have no face to match Mr. Abe's.
Preamble omitted, p80~p82; emphasis in the text other than headings is mine.
What is the "Colabo Problem"?
On January 4, the "Colabo issue," which had been causing a great stir on social networking services since the end of last year, was covered by all major newspapers except the Nikkei Shimbun.
On January 4, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government commissioner acknowledged that some of the accounting of Colabo (headed by Yumeno Nito), a general incorporated association commissioned by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government to support young women victims of sexual violence and abuse, had been improperly reported, and ordered the metropolitan government to re-examine the actual amount of expenses. The commissioner announced that he had recommended that the metro government take appropriate measures, such as requesting the return of any overpayments of commission fees.
It is the first time that a resident audit request to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has been approved since the case of former Governor Yoichi Masuzoe's personal use of his official car in 2016, but all newspapers, perhaps fearing attacks from the Left, have reported only superficial "unfair points in some areas" in their coverage of the issue.
What, then, is the essence of the "Colabo problem"?
First, Nito appears to be working for her benefit by holding a public office in the government.
Second, Nito, in her public office, is very closely connected to the opposition parties, including the Communist Party.
Most importantly, the "Colabo problem" is only the tip of the iceberg.
First, a law must be known when considering the "Colabo problem.
It is the "Law Concerning Support for Women with Difficulties" (from now on referred to as the "Women's Support Law"), which was enacted on May 19 of last year.
Many people may not be aware of this Law, but it is outrageous and allegedly unconstitutional legislation.
And the person who was deeply involved in this Law is Nito.
Make it a "Make them do it" Law!
First, please read Article 13 of the Women's Support Law.
Prefectures shall, in cooperation with private organizations engaged in activities related to supporting women with complex problems, conduct activities related to the discovery, consultation, and other support for women with complex issues by visiting ......, making rounds, providing places to stay, utilizing the Internet, accompanying women to relevant organizations, and other methods specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare. In addition, the company shall provide services related to support."
On the other hand, Colabo's website indicates that its business is "activities to support teenage women of middle and high school age," specifically, "counseling, provision of meals, accommodation support at shelters, operation of shared houses, activities by teenage women, lectures and educational activities.
In other words, the activities of private organizations, as stipulated in Article 13 of the Women's Support Act, and those of Colabo almost coincide.
Is this a coincidence?
Nito has been a member of the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare's "Study Group on Support for Women with Quiet Problems" since the beginning of the consideration of the enactment of this Law (2018).
In other words, Nito was in a public position to include a provision allowing local governments to support the projects she was conducting in the Law.
Colabo's annual report for 2021 shows that approximately 78% of the 44 million yen in operating revenue came from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's "Support Project for Young Female Victims (26 million yen)" and the "Grant for Assistance to Victims of Domestic Violence (8.7 million yen).
It pointed out the accounting irregularities in the "Project to Young Support Victims of Domestic Violence."
After the Women's Law was enacted, Nito was a member of the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare's "Expert Council on Basic Policies for Supporting Women with Difficulties" (from now on referred to as the "Expert Council") and continued to be involved in the formation of national policies based on the Law, making the following statement.
"The role of the national government and others is to ensure that the Law is effective and that a budget is provided for it. I want the basic policy of the national government to be a common nationwide mechanism, and I want it to be something that can be enforced and implemented. But, of course, there will always be municipalities that will not do things if they are obliged to make an effort, so I would like the Law and plan to be such that they will be made to do so."
It sounds like a representative of an organization that receives vast subsidies from the local government is demanding that the provincial government be obligated by Law, etc., to provide mandatory budgetary support for their business.
It sounds like she is abusing her official position to expand her business.
Even if Nito had no such intention, those who hold public office must "We do not conduct any acts that may be suspected.
Mizuho Fukushima, Renho, and the Communist Party
At a questioning session of the House of Councilors' Health, Labor, and Welfare Committee on April 12, 2011, Social Democratic Party member Mizuho Fukushima made the following request to the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare.
"After enacting the Women's Support Law, the national government will formulate an essential policy and a basic plan for prefectures, etc. I want the Ministry to listen to the opinions of those in the support field and make constant improvements, including expanding the budget."
It is the same as Nito's statement at the aforementioned expert panel.
One cannot help but think that Councilor Fukushima and Nito are on the same page.
In fact, immediately after the above statement, Fukushima made the following comment.
For example, I spoke again with Ms. Yumuno Nito of Colabo, Ms. Jun Tachibana of BOND, Ms. Tamie Kaino, Ms. Keiko Kondo, the Wakakusa Project, and various other people.
Renho, a member of the Democratic Party of Japan's Constitutional Democratic Party, is another strong supporter of Colabo.
At a March 19, 2021, Upper Houses Budget Committee meeting, she asked the government, "One trillion (for the GoTo Travel project) was appropriated in the supplementary budget, but has it been used?" After confirming that it had not been used, she requested that the budget be diverted to the Colabo project.
She added, "By all means, I am proposing that this money not be used as a surplus, that GoTo not be accelerated again now, but that it be used for those in need, those who are about to lose their bottom line. The Corona disaster is forcing young people to endure beyond imagination. Some have been left behind, prime minister, from the school and social systems, and some can no longer help themselves. There are children called Colabo, a general incorporated association, who are working to provide food, a place to live, and a place to stay for underage girls who can no longer go home due to domestic violence or abuse in places like Shinjuku and Shibuya. ......"
I recall that Renho's stance in the past was that if there was a surplus, the projects should be sorted out and abolished, but she looks pretty lenient on the government.
Furthermore, she names Colabo and asks the government to divert the budget.
Am I the only one who feels a strong sense of unease?
Concerning the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), I would like to add that Sakura Uchikoshi, a member of the House of Councillors of the DPJ, is a former auditor of Colabo.
It is not just the two parties.
Nito also has close ties with the Japanese Communist Party.
During the 2021 general election, he appeared on the JCP's YouTube program and sent a message of support, saying, "I will vote for the JCP in the proportional election.
As part of his activities, Colabo has also held a training camp in Okinawa to conduct a "sit-in against the Henoko base" and traveled to South Korea to meet with groups dealing with the "comfort women issue.
These activities are highly compatible with the political activities of the Social Democratic Party, the Constitutional Democratic Party, and the Communist Party.
Furthermore, on the day former Prime Minister Abe was assassinated, Nito posted the following on Twitter.
《I'm also continuing my activities to resist and not allow violence, but Abe's politics and the LDP government have created a society where incidents like this can happen. They make enemies, are exclusivist, hide what is inconvenient, and keep quiet, and even when people have committed suicide because of this, they have not faced up to their violence.》
Such a person who holds such political beliefs and continues to engage in radical political activities has a public office in the government.
This article continues.