新笠通信 奄美電信版

 Copyright (C) 2010 shinkasatsushin All Rights Reserved.

DOESN'T REALLY MATTER - Janet Jackson (2000)

2013-09-08 14:17:45 | Diaries
ファ シ♭ ファ ミレドラ ミ
レドシソ ラ ド♯ ミ

ファ シ♭ ファ ミレドラ ミ
レドシソ ラ ド♯ ミ

Nutty-nutty-nutty my love for you
I can't believe my dreams come true
I've finally found somebody whose heart is true
And best of all you're nutty-nutty-nutty for me

Nutty-nutty-nutty my love for you
(I'm always doing that!)
I can't believe my dreams come true
I've finally found somebody whose heart is true
And best of all you're nutty-nutty-nutty for me