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『交通公園』利用促進活動、始めます / Promotional activities for "Traffic Park" to begin

2025-01-16 19:25:08 | 路面清掃活動


Now that the road surface cleaning of the "Traffic Park" in Ako City has been completed, we will finally start activities to encourage people from all walks of life to use the park. We have created a handout (3 parts) for this purpose, which we will introduce here.

最初は、赤穂市役所の各部門で利用促進や利用案内を求める予定です。取り敢えず、交通安全関連の啓発活動を行なっている「危機管理室」に始まり、広報誌を編集している「市長公室秘書広報課」、赤穂市の事業所の窓口になっている「商工課」、そして Webサイトの編集・制作を担当している部署を巡ってきます。
その後、赤穂警察署に始まり、ヤクルト販売や郵便局など原付バイクを使用している事業所、そして 小学校と中学校を順に訪問して、春の交通安全週間に合わせた活動に『交通公園』の利用を勧める予定です。

At first, we plan to ask each department of Ako City Hall to promote the use of the service and provide information on how to use it. After that, we plan to visit the police station, then the business that uses mopeds, and then the elementary and junior high schools, and encourage them to use the "traffic park" for activities in conjunction with the spring traffic safety week.
I don't know what the outcome will be, but first of all, if we don't start letting people know that there is a large and splendid facility, nothing will change and the effective use of the facility will not begin.


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