交通公園の中央部を南北と東西方向に走る、最も多用する幹線道路、1,144 ㎡ の清掃が完了しました。これで、交通公園を利用する殆どの人にとって、安全に走行できる様になりました。
We have now completed the cleanup of 1,144 m2 of the busiest road in Traffic Park, making it safe for most people who use the park.
『 ここまでの経緯 / History to the present 』
赤穂市の「交通公園」の路面清掃活動は、2024年3月から始めて、体調の具合をみながら定期的に行ない、11月15日、24回目の清掃で目標にしていた 1,144㎡ のエリアの清掃を完了しました。
The road surface cleaning activities in the Traffic Park in Ako began in March 2024 and have been carried out regularly while monitoring the health of the residents.
Most of the surfaces are now safer to ride on than they were before the cleaning, whether for training events or for private use. See the images below to see how the cleaning process was carried out.
『 今後の目標 / Future Goals 』
今後は、清掃完了した 1,144㎡ のエリアの保全作業を行ないながら、交通公園の外周路の清掃作業を進めていきます。と言うのは、外周路は、交通公園を取り囲む草地から草や土、砂の侵入が最も激しいので、安全な走行が難しい箇所が数多くあるからです。
In the future, we will continue to clean up the outer perimeter of the traffic park while carrying out conservation work in the 1,144 m2 area that has been cleaned up. This is because the perimeter paths are the most heavily infested with grass, dirt and sand from the grassy areas surrounding the traffic park, making it difficult in many areas to drive safely.
For individuals or small groups of users, the area that has been cleaned up should be sufficient, but if the police or other authorities were to hold a safe driving course and many people were to drive, it is envisaged that a separate perimeter road from the main road in the centre would be needed by next spring. We would like to meet that use.
Furthermore, we are planning to approach the police, post offices, Yakult delivery offices and the Board of Education to organise a ‘Spring Traffic Safety Driving Week’, a ‘safe driving course for new employees’ and a bicycle course for elementary and junior high school students next spring.

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