

Hot Sweets

2014-02-16 23:27:50 | google +

This is Zenzai, one of Japanese hot sweets.
Zenzai soup is made from Azuki(small red bean), sugar, water and a pinch of salt.
This is sweet food though adding a little salt is important.
Salt makes it more sweet! Is it interesting?
Put baked Mochi(rice cake) in the soup and let's have it with green tea!

"Yaki-imo" is one of traditional hot sweets in Japan.
I like sweet potato called Beniharuka.
First, scrub sweet potatoes and rinse them in salted water for over 30min.
Don't peel them!
Next, wrap them individually with aluminum foil.
And then I bake them in fish roaster for 30 or 40min.
Of course you can oven bake them.
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