3/3の土曜日,PCに向かってblogのコメントに返信していると、英文のメールが届いてました。また,何かのジャンクメールだろうと思って読んでいくと,何やらVWのことが書かれているではないか!んー,台湾からか?一体なんだろうと思って,読んで見ると差出人は台中市在住のLeeさんということだ。自分のことが書かれているレッツプレイVWs21の記事を読んだらしい。てなわけで彼のメールによると,台湾では世界中のVW雑誌が手に入るらしい。中でもレッツがベストだそうですヨ!B滝さんやりましたね!!!彼は69westyに乗ってて、一緒に添付されて来た画像を見るとなかなかのgood conditionです。自分が知る限りでは秋田の「ちゅう」さんの69westyにせまるようないい個体のように思えます。
いくつかメールをかわし,彼のblogを恐る恐る除いて見ると,どうやらVWキャンパーのクラブを台湾で運営していると言う。名称は、"VW Campman Club of Taiwan”言うらしい。さしずめ、我らがCMCの台湾版というところです。ということで“とっても似たクラブが日本にもあるのですよ!”というノリで少し宣伝しておきました。もちろん自分は一員であることを伝え,会長のWEBのアドレスを教えておきましたよ。会長,ひょっとしたら漢字ばかりメールが来るかも知れません(いや、来るなら英文メールでしょうけど・・・)。この台湾のクラブもCMCと同じでvintage Colemanを使ってキャンプしている様子がブログで紹介されています。笑っちゃいますね。
これがどうやら,クラブのマークらしいです(どうもWEB用のバナーですね)。何よりも驚いたのは,CMCと同じよな形態のクラブが台湾にあって,同じようなキャンプスタイルでキャンプしていることでした。日本も今年は驚愕の暖冬ですが、2月の記事で桜が咲いてる台湾。新年早々のキャンプでも軽装なのには驚きです。Leeさんは69westyにちゃんと純正のDrive Away tentを張ってたりして本当、日本のVWフリークと同じなんです。キャンプのテーブルの上に並んだ料理が中華っぽいのが面白いですね。ってことで台湾版CMCの紹介でした。CMCメンバーで中国語出来る人いないかな?いればアクセスしてコメントしてあげて!!!
Thank for coming to my blog.
Just now, ghia62, the pres of CMC replied by email.
His email said "Amazing!!! I have never known such a VW club in Taiwan at all, too. I am very interested in the background between aircooled VWs and Taiwan."
If you want to contact with him, please visit the his web(CMC official web) and email him.
Thanks a million!
Play VWs in Japan is beatitude,in Taiwan isnt.
You have FLAT4...,in Taiwan VWs or vintage-vehicle are at a discount.
As a matter of fact,due to government adopted of strategy against collecting vintage-vehicle.
Government assumed that all are scrap not a treasury of useful information,give benedictional camping-Life.So who know? We know,isnt?
I will try to ask for advice with ghia62,visited the CMC official web always before. affluence!!!
Take care all of Japan VWs-fans
In Japan, Yanase Co.Ltd had imported a lot of VWs from Germany since 1950's. So there are relatively many VWs in Japan now. Like Taiwan, you know climate of high temperature and high humidity makes some of VW's body damaged. Now it is very difficult for us to find domestic VWs with good condition. We can purchase most of reproduction parts brought by Flat4, but enthuthiasts love original parts or NOS(new old stock) parts. So some people bid in Ebay or purchase such parts in Samba like you.
Japanese government has not yet prohibited the new registration of such a vintage car, but already people can not drive the diesel car in the big city area like Tokyo. I think the goverment may control the new registration in near future because of air pollution.
Last autumn, I imported one 69 convertible from California, USA and now the restoration goes on at VW Special Shop "BUGWORKS"(http://www.kitokitonet.ne.jp/~bugworks/) . I think the registration of this car is probably OK. I will be able to drive this car coming summer. You can look this one when just arrived at Japan from following link.
If you leave your comment about this car, I am very pleaed.
Thanks again.
In Fact,we were very saddened to hear of the death of VWs in Taiwan.
Last year,A engine fire destroyed a bug on the high way,beside befulness of climate.
Any collector could not stand the terrible climate like Taiwan,Tailand may more worse...I saw a case...I can see the road by the side of my foot when you drove into the bus.
The price is going high to find OG or NOS parts...Did you feel that?
There are 5 experts VWs Shops in Taiwan,one in Taipei,3 in Taichung,other one is in Tainan.
The same as smalltimer is due to Bad-enthuthiasts.
Fortunately VWs have a few damages in her life...if we are not overcritical.
Deeply appreciated your joy.
But if we make a show car, OG and NOS parts are definitely necessary. So many people have been looking for OG parts.
You have the drive away original tent, it is correct for late westy. You also know the original tent "big top" for 65-67 westy. This tent is very rare and it is very difficult to encounter comlplete set. 4 years ago, I
imported this complete set(OG&NOS), and the price is about $2000. If puchasing such condition in Japan, maybe 3000USD.
Crazy Price.
But I love original style.