に似て ゆかし
It's like viola
Here is you
Beside the slope
スキマ草シリ~ズ。「スキマの植物図鑑」読了以降、スキマ草にやたら関心が集まってしまい…。チョット歩くだけで、すぐに見つかるからイージーだし。コチラなんかも、段差解消ステップの脇ッチョにうまくスペースを確保してて、もさもさとした葉群から花一輪がこんにちは。可憐。ここなら踏まれることもないだろーし。そして更によく見ると、その段差解消ステップと段差の始まりの間から伸びる一本の草。野蒜?? しかし、スキマ草ばかりに関心を向けている場合なのか?!
It's a series of Sukima-soh. After I red "The picture of Sukima-soh" book, my interesting has been concentrated into Sukima-soh. It's easy to find them when I walk outside. Here is a dissolution uneven step ( can I say that? ) , beside that, a bunch of kind of viola with one flower. Lovely. There is also one thin green leaf between the step and the land. Do I pay attentions to them too much? I think that I have got something to do more concentrating...
に似て ゆかし
It's like viola
Here is you
Beside the slope
スキマ草シリ~ズ。「スキマの植物図鑑」読了以降、スキマ草にやたら関心が集まってしまい…。チョット歩くだけで、すぐに見つかるからイージーだし。コチラなんかも、段差解消ステップの脇ッチョにうまくスペースを確保してて、もさもさとした葉群から花一輪がこんにちは。可憐。ここなら踏まれることもないだろーし。そして更によく見ると、その段差解消ステップと段差の始まりの間から伸びる一本の草。野蒜?? しかし、スキマ草ばかりに関心を向けている場合なのか?!
It's a series of Sukima-soh. After I red "The picture of Sukima-soh" book, my interesting has been concentrated into Sukima-soh. It's easy to find them when I walk outside. Here is a dissolution uneven step ( can I say that? ) , beside that, a bunch of kind of viola with one flower. Lovely. There is also one thin green leaf between the step and the land. Do I pay attentions to them too much? I think that I have got something to do more concentrating...