旅 Trip - フィンランド go to Finland / Helsinki / go to Museums

2014年12月14日 | 日記
見えて 周りが

We can see blue sky
Then, we can see something
Around here


I'm going to go to city centre to visit at the museums today.
I found a new bud even here is still cold.


We can see that landscape for waking to the station. If there is light, we can see around something. It's not bright, it's good to me.


It's a public bathroom at the station. We need some coins to use it.

メトロなど乗り物に乗る時に、それ用のカード(スイカやパスモみたいのがコチラにもあります)をタッチする機械です。ここで運賃を払います。有人の改札口は無いです。運がイイ?と切符を確認するヒトが回って来ないでタダで乗れる? かもですが確信犯には80ユーロの罰金が課せられます! 緑の線がクロスしている真ん中に矢印型の出っ張りがありますがそこにカードをしっかり当てて基本「1」を押します。(他の番号は何でしょう?)

I use a kind of pass card which can put money in it, money can be put again when it goes away. There is no ticket gate for underground, you touch the device with your card then press No.1 button. If you don't, then if a train officer comes to you to check if you buy or pay for a train ticket, you will have 80 euro fine. Touch your card then press No.1 button, or buy a ticket!


There are two green lighting lines around foot on an escalator.

ホームにある、いつ電車が来るか? を知らせる案内板には、「後何分で電車が来る」という風に掲示されます。コレに寄ると、「3分後」です。

It's the announcement board for when a train coming, it's now after 3 mins.


It's the platform of the station near the apartment.
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旅 Trip - フィンランド go to Finland / Helsinki / Sunday

2014年12月14日 | 日記

In this morning
We can see blue sky
A little it

I'm not good to sunlight so I prefer to cloudy, I'm ok with no sun, but here, I came last Tuesday, since then, I haven't seen blue sky nor sun, I just saw small sunlight yesterday before sunset, it must have been strong winds in the sky, the clouds fried away so fast, it hid sunlight. I didn't think, I miss sunlight, now I do. Because no chance to see sunlight. It's too dark here. And, just over 15:00, sun is gone. In Japanese, sunset time is around before 17:00, I feel too early for sunset here. Time schedule for a day and the movement of sun, my brain still doesn't accept.
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