
It's a fine day
There are filled with falling leaves
It's nice and cozy
春眠暁を覚えずならぬ冬眠暁を覚えず…? やたら眠くて仕方の無い日、枯葉のベッドで気持ち良さそーに昼寝をしていた猫のことを思い出しました。ジブンのジカンをジブンで決められるっていいなぁ。勝手にそーなんだろーなぁ~と思い込んで、勝手に羨ましがる。そんなんだから小さなジブンが眠気に勝てなくて当たり前なのだ。でもまあ、そんな日もあるさってことで…。「無理をしないで怠けない」(相田みつを氏)
So sleepy, because it's spring... But it's winter ( think so ) now. I'm so sleepy today, I don't know why. A few days ago, I saw a cat that was sleeping on the falling leaves' bed...it looked nice and cozy. I thought the cat decided his ( her? ) own schedule by hisself, he was free. I envied him. Because we have to follow the time schedules of our society systems... Don't we? So, we are not free. But is the cat really free? No one knows it's true. Oh, well, anyway, sometimes, it happens, it's not so good day... Just today. We have a poet, Mitsuo Aida said, "don't too much, but don't be lazy."

It's a fine day
There are filled with falling leaves
It's nice and cozy
春眠暁を覚えずならぬ冬眠暁を覚えず…? やたら眠くて仕方の無い日、枯葉のベッドで気持ち良さそーに昼寝をしていた猫のことを思い出しました。ジブンのジカンをジブンで決められるっていいなぁ。勝手にそーなんだろーなぁ~と思い込んで、勝手に羨ましがる。そんなんだから小さなジブンが眠気に勝てなくて当たり前なのだ。でもまあ、そんな日もあるさってことで…。「無理をしないで怠けない」(相田みつを氏)
So sleepy, because it's spring... But it's winter ( think so ) now. I'm so sleepy today, I don't know why. A few days ago, I saw a cat that was sleeping on the falling leaves' bed...it looked nice and cozy. I thought the cat decided his ( her? ) own schedule by hisself, he was free. I envied him. Because we have to follow the time schedules of our society systems... Don't we? So, we are not free. But is the cat really free? No one knows it's true. Oh, well, anyway, sometimes, it happens, it's not so good day... Just today. We have a poet, Mitsuo Aida said, "don't too much, but don't be lazy."