オサンポ take a walk - ポチ袋 petit envelope

2016年07月03日 | 日記

A pochi-bukuro
(petit envelope)
A Penguin is on the paper
It tells us about summer

というワケで、そういう絵柄のポチ袋を買ってしまったワケです。高級ですよ。「手摺り」だそうです。「和紙」とは特に断わってはいないようですが手触りは「和紙」。3枚 ¥400(+tax)。
ちなみに右隣の金魚のポチ袋はダイソーので、10枚 ¥100(+tax)。こちらは「和紙」と銘を打っていても「手摺り」じゃないのでこのお値段。

"A penguin on the ice", why would we image summer from that? Summer→hot→wanna cool things→ice→south pole→penguin... This word association game would stay in our brains?
Anyway, I bought this penguin pochi bukuro(petit envelope). It's precious. It's hand-printing, I think that the paper is Washi(Japanese paper). Three in one pack for ¥400(+tax).
There's goldfish on the petit envelope next to the penguin, it comes from DAISO (¥100 shop), also made of Washi, Ten in one pack for ¥100(+tax). It's not hand-printing. Reasonable.
I will take those "cool" with me whenever I go out, I will survive from this crazy summer...
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