オサンポ walk - スキマ草 : 通りすがり2 passing by2

2016年07月19日 | 日記

It's been a bit long time
To see you growing up
But after, you soon disappeared

今年の7/4のブログに、載せた「スキマ草」に一昨日また会って、お? 成長してますね、と思った翌日に、お別れしました。

I upped this Sukima-soh on my blog on 4th July 2016. I saw it again two days ago, it grew up a bit, but the next day, it disappeared, I had to say good-bye.
Just one day, everything has been changed. It seems a small&tiny incident but I think that it tells me a big thing, a kind of truth. ...because of this hot humid crazy summer...?

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