オサンポ walk - 君のなは2 I'd like to know your name

2017年06月01日 | 日記

Fall down, then berry
Growing, growing

「君のなは」の花が咲き終わって、気づくと随分とでかい…でかい…実? じゃなくてタネ? でしょうか。が出来ていました。何かに似ているんだけど…紫色の玉ねぎみたいな?草っぽい色の筋が入っていてカラフルで、玉ねぎ型の上部から王冠みたく尖ったものが飛び出ていて何だか賑やかなデザインですね。あ! 柘榴の雰囲気もちょっとありますね。それでなんか何となく食べられそうな…? と思ったのかも。

Those flowers are now falling down, I noticed that they are now having big... berry or seeds(inside?)? I thought it looked like... a onion that's colour is violet and it's some zebra lines that's colour is light green. On the top of the onion(?), there is like a crown that has thin long something like sticks. Oh, they also seem like a balausta, that's why, I thought it could eat...?

*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.
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