The white flower
Blooming with hydrangea
Blooming, blooming
何年か前にこの「葡萄」型の白い花を見つけ、いやこりゃなんともフサ(?)がでかい! でかいけど近寄ってよく見てみると、小さな花(額?)がいっぱい集まって出来ていたのね、とその造形に感心したことを思い出ます。葉っぱの形が紫陽花のとは違っていて、天狗の団扇タイプのようです。なんと言う名の花なのか…。(ネットでチョイっと検索しても見つけられず…)
I found this white flower that's shape is like "grape" a few years ago. The "grape" is really big, I thought, but when I got to be close to it, I discovered the "grape" had many little flowers(calyx?) ! I was impressed about that. The shape of leaves is like Tengu's fan. What is the flower name...? (I couldn't find any on the internet...)
*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.
The white flower
Blooming with hydrangea
Blooming, blooming
何年か前にこの「葡萄」型の白い花を見つけ、いやこりゃなんともフサ(?)がでかい! でかいけど近寄ってよく見てみると、小さな花(額?)がいっぱい集まって出来ていたのね、とその造形に感心したことを思い出ます。葉っぱの形が紫陽花のとは違っていて、天狗の団扇タイプのようです。なんと言う名の花なのか…。(ネットでチョイっと検索しても見つけられず…)
I found this white flower that's shape is like "grape" a few years ago. The "grape" is really big, I thought, but when I got to be close to it, I discovered the "grape" had many little flowers(calyx?) ! I was impressed about that. The shape of leaves is like Tengu's fan. What is the flower name...? (I couldn't find any on the internet...)
*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.