Houttuynia cordata
Has many names in Japanese
The one that I didn't know
十薬(じゅうやく)と言う名前もある、なんてことを本日新聞で知りました。ビックリひゃっくり。なんて無知! それだけが言いたくて、イラストまで描いてしまいました。
You know that, things that have names each one, some or many of them, have two or three names, too. Houttuynia cordata, of course, it has Japanese name, not only one, but two. I didn't know one of them until today. Shocked. I'd just like to tell you about that, that's why(?), I drew that flower.
*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
Houttuynia cordata
Has many names in Japanese
The one that I didn't know
十薬(じゅうやく)と言う名前もある、なんてことを本日新聞で知りました。ビックリひゃっくり。なんて無知! それだけが言いたくて、イラストまで描いてしまいました。
You know that, things that have names each one, some or many of them, have two or three names, too. Houttuynia cordata, of course, it has Japanese name, not only one, but two. I didn't know one of them until today. Shocked. I'd just like to tell you about that, that's why(?), I drew that flower.
*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.