
The root of Sakura tree
Are you getting out
Of the asphalt ground
奥にいる切り株の、根っこ? とか想像したんですが、どうなのでしょう? だとして、切られて切り株になった状態から根っこ伸びます? それとも穿っている途中で本体切られてここで止まってしまった、とか。それとも他の木の? でも近くにあるもう一本の木も切られてしまっています。うむ...? こういう小さなミステリー、気になります。
You can see a protuberance on the asphalt ground at the front side. I guess, it might be a edge of root? that belongs to the stub at the backside. If so, root can grow up after main body is cut? Or, in this case, the root was already here, just stopped growing after cutting? Or, the root belongs to another tree? There is another one but it was also cut by (humans). Mmmmm...? I like to see this kind of mystery that belongs to natures.
*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.

The root of Sakura tree
Are you getting out
Of the asphalt ground
奥にいる切り株の、根っこ? とか想像したんですが、どうなのでしょう? だとして、切られて切り株になった状態から根っこ伸びます? それとも穿っている途中で本体切られてここで止まってしまった、とか。それとも他の木の? でも近くにあるもう一本の木も切られてしまっています。うむ...? こういう小さなミステリー、気になります。
You can see a protuberance on the asphalt ground at the front side. I guess, it might be a edge of root? that belongs to the stub at the backside. If so, root can grow up after main body is cut? Or, in this case, the root was already here, just stopped growing after cutting? Or, the root belongs to another tree? There is another one but it was also cut by (humans). Mmmmm...? I like to see this kind of mystery that belongs to natures.
*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.