
The Pushkin
Monet’s “Luncheon on the Grass,”
From Moscow
「草上の昼食」というモネの絵が一番の見どころでしょうか。大きいです。モネの絵は何と言っても“睡蓮”の絵のイメージが強いじゃないですか。ヒトを描いた絵もあるのね? とそこからだったので、素直な驚きを持って見られました。
当然ですが印刷で見てた絵とは大違い。何と言えばいいのでしょう? 色に立体感がある? そして素人目には、筆使いが荒っぽく思えるのに、少し離れて眺めるとちゃんと”それ“は“それ”に見える…。不思議だ〜。モネ26歳の若き日の作品とか。ヒゲのおじいちゃんの写真しか知らないから…若い時ってどんな感じだったんでしょうね?
Monet’s “Luncheon on the Grass,” you must see it. It's quite big. I just know his "Monet Water Lilies", I was surprised he drew humans(people), as I haven't known about Monet very much.
I saw the painting, printed ones, they're of course, much different from the real one. How can I describe my impressions on the painting... colours are like 3D ( make sense? ). For my eyes, his brushwork seem rough(?), but people are people, things are things, when I stepped back, I could recognise about that. Feeling strange... When Monet was 26 years old, he drew it. I only know, he's got long bear in the photo, when he was ... old man. 26 year old? How was he like?
*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.

The Pushkin
Monet’s “Luncheon on the Grass,”
From Moscow
「草上の昼食」というモネの絵が一番の見どころでしょうか。大きいです。モネの絵は何と言っても“睡蓮”の絵のイメージが強いじゃないですか。ヒトを描いた絵もあるのね? とそこからだったので、素直な驚きを持って見られました。
当然ですが印刷で見てた絵とは大違い。何と言えばいいのでしょう? 色に立体感がある? そして素人目には、筆使いが荒っぽく思えるのに、少し離れて眺めるとちゃんと”それ“は“それ”に見える…。不思議だ〜。モネ26歳の若き日の作品とか。ヒゲのおじいちゃんの写真しか知らないから…若い時ってどんな感じだったんでしょうね?
Monet’s “Luncheon on the Grass,” you must see it. It's quite big. I just know his "Monet Water Lilies", I was surprised he drew humans(people), as I haven't known about Monet very much.
I saw the painting, printed ones, they're of course, much different from the real one. How can I describe my impressions on the painting... colours are like 3D ( make sense? ). For my eyes, his brushwork seem rough(?), but people are people, things are things, when I stepped back, I could recognise about that. Feeling strange... When Monet was 26 years old, he drew it. I only know, he's got long bear in the photo, when he was ... old man. 26 year old? How was he like?
*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.