美術館 art/museum - 続「クリスチャン・ボルタンスキー Christian Boltanski」国立新美術館 The National Art Centre, Tokyo

2019年08月09日 | 日記

He is one of the famous
established French artists


作品を見て、多分こういうことかなって想像したことが当たっていたり、外れていたり。なんだかようわからんけど? と思ってでもしばらく見ていると…だんだん気持ちが穏やかになっていったり…など、五感を、最初の方にあった映像作品(はは…)以外は、やさしく刺激された感じでした。
現代美術?? って毛嫌いせず、そこに行かなければ知らないままだったかもしれないモノたち…に出会えて良かったです。
(平日に行ったので空いているかと思っていましたが、混雑ほどではないですが、思ったよりヒトがいてほお〜っと思いました。ボルたん、みんな知ってるんだ? 知らなかったのは誰かさんだけ…)


The photo above, his work that was made for this exhibition is set on "Photography is permitted in the area".

I had no idea about contemporary art. For me, it was difficult to find how to understand. But after visiting his exhibition, I've got some clues for that. It's enough, if I can feel something from their works. I wouldn't need to understand everything.
When I saw the work, I guessed that it was about... sometimes it was correct but sometimes it was not. I didn't understand this work but when I was seeing it for a while, my feelings were getting to calm down.
His works gently gave me some inspirations (without his video works that are shown at the beginning area). It was good for me to visit and see his works at the museum. If I wouldn't have been there, I had never met them.
I went there a weekday. There were many people more than I expected. It was not so crowded but many people were there. They knew him, only me, didn't know him...

These photos are also set on "Photography is permitted in the area".
The last one is a newspaper(?) that we are given at the entrance.

*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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