The white lilies
Have become summer grass
Under the tree
この百合たちは、誰かニンゲンにここに植えられて? ヤマユリではなさそうですが。百合も「ナニ」ユリと言って種類が多いみたいで、こちらは「どの」ユリなのか…。君の名は?
They might have been planted by some human? She(he) doesn't seem to be Lilium auratum. They've got a big group of lily, many other "what" lily. What kind of lily are you? What is your name?
*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.
The white lilies
Have become summer grass
Under the tree
この百合たちは、誰かニンゲンにここに植えられて? ヤマユリではなさそうですが。百合も「ナニ」ユリと言って種類が多いみたいで、こちらは「どの」ユリなのか…。君の名は?
They might have been planted by some human? She(he) doesn't seem to be Lilium auratum. They've got a big group of lily, many other "what" lily. What kind of lily are you? What is your name?
*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.