
An exuvia of cicada
Has been holding on a telegraph pole
It's summer
以前にも見たことがあります。見るたびに不思議に思います。電柱の表面は平らに見えますよね? そこに前脚の先っちょ(ツメ?)を引っ掛けて脱皮する、ってとっても器用に思えます。
それにしても、今回、電柱は草むらから少し離れています。どうやってここにたどり着いたんでしょう? 住処にしていたと思われる、木の根っこからも結構離れていると思うのですが。まあ、自分の脚でえっちらおっちらと歩んできたと想像しますが、歩道を渡るときに踏まれなくて良かったです。でもどうして、ここを選んだのか…? この蝉に、訊けるものなら訊いてみたいです。
Even it's evening, it's still hot & humid, isn't it? I was tiredly walking around, I found it (in the photo).
I saw like it before. I was wondering how they hold on the pole with their paws(?)? Then, they was succeeded to shed their skins. They were such a good survivor.
This time, some facts make me surprise. The pole is a bit far away from the field. How did he(she) reach at the pole? Also, the root of tree that he would have lived in, far away from the pole. He must have walked here by himself, of course. I am happy with that, he wasn't stepped on by someone, while he was passing on the footpath. But why did he chose the pole...? I wish I could ask him about that.
I am very impressed by their abilities for surviving that come out of their tiny bodies, every summer!
*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.

An exuvia of cicada
Has been holding on a telegraph pole
It's summer
以前にも見たことがあります。見るたびに不思議に思います。電柱の表面は平らに見えますよね? そこに前脚の先っちょ(ツメ?)を引っ掛けて脱皮する、ってとっても器用に思えます。
それにしても、今回、電柱は草むらから少し離れています。どうやってここにたどり着いたんでしょう? 住処にしていたと思われる、木の根っこからも結構離れていると思うのですが。まあ、自分の脚でえっちらおっちらと歩んできたと想像しますが、歩道を渡るときに踏まれなくて良かったです。でもどうして、ここを選んだのか…? この蝉に、訊けるものなら訊いてみたいです。
Even it's evening, it's still hot & humid, isn't it? I was tiredly walking around, I found it (in the photo).
I saw like it before. I was wondering how they hold on the pole with their paws(?)? Then, they was succeeded to shed their skins. They were such a good survivor.
This time, some facts make me surprise. The pole is a bit far away from the field. How did he(she) reach at the pole? Also, the root of tree that he would have lived in, far away from the pole. He must have walked here by himself, of course. I am happy with that, he wasn't stepped on by someone, while he was passing on the footpath. But why did he chose the pole...? I wish I could ask him about that.
I am very impressed by their abilities for surviving that come out of their tiny bodies, every summer!
*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.