There is a nice wind in May
I enjoy picking some flowers at the wayside
Then put them into the bottle at home
ステイホームがまだ続いています...。今の季節は道端や花壇等の草花たちの種類が、自生種園芸種(&流れモノ?)共に豊富ですね。好きなんですけどなかなか名前などが覚えられないジレンマを抱えつつ、チョビチョビといただいて(道端から)帰る日々を過ごしています。右手の黄色い小花は、去年も見たなあと思い出しました。真ん中辺りのピンクの小花も見覚えあります。この花は摘むと早々と萎んでしまうようです。左手の、米粒みたいな小さい(花でない?)のがマトリックスみたいに空間に広がっている草花は今年初めて見たように思います。キミはナニモノ? 園芸種??
We’ve been staying at home..... In these days, we can see various kinds of flowers & plants anywhere. I love them but it’s not easy for me to remember their names. Nowadays, I enjoy picking some of them up then put them in the bottle at home. I’ve seen the yellow little flowers at the right hand side and the pink one at the centre last year. It must be the first time for me to meet the left one, many tiny like rices that look like being flying in the air(like “Matrix”. Are you one of garden species?
*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.