日乗 diary - タマゴが割れた日 a day that I broke an egg

2020年05月10日 | 日記
I dropped an egg
It was broken 
It would be a sacrifice itself for me


What I wrote on note.com is...
Yesterday’s morning, when I picked an egg up in the refrigerator, the egg fallen on the floor. I wasted the precious one. I was going to give up to eat it but I scooped it (but about the half of it, around the surface) then baked it and ate. I didn’t waste the all the it. I felt “waste”. Like this happening, I always think about sacrificing.
The egg must have been a sacrifice itself for me, something bad(?) would have happened on me in the near future. I believe a bit spiritual things, that ideas make me have this answer??

 *I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.

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