オサンポ walk - 植物plant: ひまわりさん a sunflower

2019年08月11日 | 日記

Avoiding heated and humid daytime
I went to see a sunflower
In the evening


Even it's evening, it's still heated, humid and hot. The leaves of this flower, were drying grass. Because of the heated days? I can understand it...

*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - 虫bug:抜けガラ an exuvia of cicada

2019年08月10日 | 日記

An exuvia of cicada
Has been holding on a telegraph pole
It's summer

以前にも見たことがあります。見るたびに不思議に思います。電柱の表面は平らに見えますよね? そこに前脚の先っちょ(ツメ?)を引っ掛けて脱皮する、ってとっても器用に思えます。
それにしても、今回、電柱は草むらから少し離れています。どうやってここにたどり着いたんでしょう? 住処にしていたと思われる、木の根っこからも結構離れていると思うのですが。まあ、自分の脚でえっちらおっちらと歩んできたと想像しますが、歩道を渡るときに踏まれなくて良かったです。でもどうして、ここを選んだのか…? この蝉に、訊けるものなら訊いてみたいです。

Even it's evening, it's still hot & humid, isn't it? I was tiredly walking around, I found it (in the photo).
I saw like it before. I was wondering how they hold on the pole with their paws(?)? Then, they was succeeded to shed their skins. They were such a good survivor.
This time, some facts make me surprise. The pole is a bit far away from the field. How did he(she) reach at the pole? Also, the root of tree that he would have lived in, far away from the pole. He must have walked here by himself, of course. I am happy with that, he wasn't stepped on by someone, while he was passing on the footpath. But why did he chose the pole...? I wish I could ask him about that.
I am very impressed by their abilities for surviving that come out of their tiny bodies, every summer!

*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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美術館 art/museum - 続「クリスチャン・ボルタンスキー Christian Boltanski」国立新美術館 The National Art Centre, Tokyo

2019年08月09日 | 日記

He is one of the famous
established French artists


作品を見て、多分こういうことかなって想像したことが当たっていたり、外れていたり。なんだかようわからんけど? と思ってでもしばらく見ていると…だんだん気持ちが穏やかになっていったり…など、五感を、最初の方にあった映像作品(はは…)以外は、やさしく刺激された感じでした。
現代美術?? って毛嫌いせず、そこに行かなければ知らないままだったかもしれないモノたち…に出会えて良かったです。
(平日に行ったので空いているかと思っていましたが、混雑ほどではないですが、思ったよりヒトがいてほお〜っと思いました。ボルたん、みんな知ってるんだ? 知らなかったのは誰かさんだけ…)


The photo above, his work that was made for this exhibition is set on "Photography is permitted in the area".

I had no idea about contemporary art. For me, it was difficult to find how to understand. But after visiting his exhibition, I've got some clues for that. It's enough, if I can feel something from their works. I wouldn't need to understand everything.
When I saw the work, I guessed that it was about... sometimes it was correct but sometimes it was not. I didn't understand this work but when I was seeing it for a while, my feelings were getting to calm down.
His works gently gave me some inspirations (without his video works that are shown at the beginning area). It was good for me to visit and see his works at the museum. If I wouldn't have been there, I had never met them.
I went there a weekday. There were many people more than I expected. It was not so crowded but many people were there. They knew him, only me, didn't know him...

These photos are also set on "Photography is permitted in the area".
The last one is a newspaper(?) that we are given at the entrance.

*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - 夏summer: 夏の夕方 in the summer evening

2019年08月08日 | 日記

The evening sun is read
Let's call it a day
Cicadas are singing to tell us about


It's been extreme Hot, Heated and Humid days! We have to protect ourselves from that. While there is life, there is hope.

*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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美術館 art/museum -「クリスチャン・ボルタンスキー Christian Boltanski」国立新美術館 The National Art Centre, Tokyo

2019年08月07日 | 日記
− 待望の

June 12 (Wed.) - September 2 (Mon.), 2019
Closed on Tuesdays
At The National Art Centre, Tokyo


I had no idea at all about him, Christian Boltanski, until when I had read his articles on Asahi shinbun(=newspaper). He is one of famous French artists, has worked for 50 years. He exhibited his works in Japan in the past, many times.
I haven't known about him... oh dear. How many & much have I missed many things in my life??

*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - 夏summer: 酷暑こくしょコクショ heat wave

2019年08月06日 | 日記

About heat wave
It means, it's Hot&Humid from morning
Many singing cicadas also feels hot


The shade is darker.
When this July started, it wasn't so hot. I felt good with it. I expected that this summer wouldn't have been so hot..... but I was wrong. I just dreamt not-so-hot summer...

*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 西日浴びる猫 a cat has got the evening sun

2019年08月05日 | 日記

A cat is passing
The cat is making a shadow
In the summer evening


The cat was walking from the left hand side, then she(he?) looked at me a moment then walking into the right side. I didn't catch her face with my camera. I couldn't smoothly use the camera!

*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - スキマ草 : カベカベ I'm living on the wall

2019年08月04日 | 日記

A sukima-soh
Living on the wall
Even it's summer

カメラを引くとこんな感じです。どうやって水分を確保しているんでしょうか…。根をひたすら伸ばす? スキマ(に生える)草、恐るべし。

The second photo is, it's like...when we see him(her)(=sukima-soh) from a bit far away. He's been trying to grow his roots? I'm wondering how he gets water. Super!

*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - 植物plant: 萎むナニ顔 shrank a bindweed or morning glory?

2019年08月03日 | 日記

In the summer evening
Shrank petals
Are you bindweed or morning glory

と思ったのですが、葉の形が違いますね? ナニ花さんでしょうか? もうホントに、植物の名前、多すぎですから…。

I thought that they might be bindweed or morning glory, but I found their shape of leaves are quite different from both flowers'. What is your name...? I'm annoyed by their many, various types and names... never remember them....

*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - 虫bug:カナブン or コガネムシ? drone beetle or gold beetle?

2019年08月02日 | 日記

At the summer night
I was wondering if he(she?)
Is drone or gold beetle?


Whenever I find them, they seem to get lost on the steps , I wouldn't like to step them on and someone will step..., I try to catch them, then release to the bush outside. This time, he was struggling to run away from my hand. I was surprised with all his might.

*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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