


2019年12月18日 11時13分45秒 | お知らせ







Today, we want to tell the world.

 We are the group of Meiji dairies controversy and supporters. we have been fighting against Meiji Co. and their parent company Meiji holdings for product safety, wage discrimination for workers and correction of human rights violations. Please help us fighting against human rights violations such as wage discrimination and power harassment in Japan.

 Our colleagues have been working for Meiji since 1960s.  They have been requesting Meiji to establish the system to check the safety of their products and also to improve their working conditions by conducting the labour union activities which value the delivery of safe products to consumers.

However, Meiji prioritize profitability and wants to baffle the labour union activities which become obstacles to make profits.  They continue violation of human rights such as work discrimination and wage discrimination.

 What we would like to tell you is that scandals which threaten the safety of food, such as product accidents and dishonesties, have been continuously happening at Meiji.  “Do whatever to make profit” is their peculiar corporate culture and they are hiding it from society.

 Let me tell you an example.  In 2011, just after Fukushima’s nuclear power plant accident, radioactive caesium was discovered in Meiji’s milk powder.  It was originally a citizen’s group which alerted Meiji of its contamination.  However, Meiji concealed such information from the society for a week until media started to investigate the incident. Meiji quickly admitted the contamination and announced to recall 400.000 cans of the formula.  For one week, while Meiji had kept quiet about the fact of contamination, the contaminated milk was mostly consumed by babies.  Media reported widespread consumer distrust in Meiji’s milk powder business, and as a result, Meiji had decided to pull out of China’s baby milk market. 

 Now, we have formed an association for insisting on food safety against Meiji and taking Non-buying action until the labour dispute for human rights violation will be solved. This Non-buying, Non-consuming movement is widely spreading in Japan. 

 We would like to tell people in the world.  Meiji is targeting to grow internationally, and they are promoting milk business in Tianjin and Suzhou to have a market expansion in China. But now what Meiji is demanded from us is to observe The Ten Principals of the United Nations Global Compact, such as compliance of human rights.

 The labour dispute of Meiji has been under way over 30 years. Central Labour Relations Commission had acknowledged the fact of discrimination and human rights violations at Meiji and instructed the path of duty to them for a settlement. Furthermore, Tokyo District Court also advised Meiji to compromise. However, Meiji has been refusing to comply with these advices and the settlement of the labour dispute.

 We request Meiji to protect the product safety, human rights and dignity of its employees. We will keep fighting until Meiji improves their attitude. We ask your understanding and support to our fight ongoing in Japan.






















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