文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Kou Bunyu who is a Taiwanese is the true book to be permitted to confer Nobel Prize on.

2013年06月14日 23時26分37秒 | 日記
“The Japanese cannot understand a Chinese and a Korean by all means”of Kou Bunyu who is a Taiwanese is the true book to be permitted to confer Nobel Prize on.
from p157.

To do the becoming in the text of the black is Akutagawa.

○ Korea which continues to conceal the past which was rescued by Japan
The construction of the modern nationhood like the present was decided and could not have made Korean economy, too, to be an apple pear.
In the first place, with Japan and the Republic of Korea consolidate; Korean Peninsula was reborn to the modern nationhood.
This thing is conversant with my book “the Japanese made Korea “( Tokuma library ) .

It received 15,000,000 - 20,000,000 yen making-up ( accounting for about 15 - 20 percent of Government-General of Korea's annual average annual expenditure general budget ) every year from Japan at the full amount in those days and an infrastructure building and agriculture reform and industrialization in Korean Peninsula were done.
In Korean Peninsula, this doubled a population compared with before consolidate.
However, all infrastructures in the Japanese times had been destroyed by the Korean War (1950-53).
It is by the high growth in the 1960s, flagrant “the miracle in Han Gang “that the Korean throws out a chest, saying the revamping of wasted Korean economy at the speed which it should be surprised at.
In this economic recovery, anyone is praising, saying the accomplishment by the Korean with the independent power.
However, it is in Japan that it undoubtedly supported this “the miracle in Han Gang ".
Japan-ROK Basic Relations Treaty was linked among 1965, Japan and Korea and huge financial support was done from Japan to Korea.

300,000,000 dollars are in the free, 200,000,000 not free dollars, besides, the sum is so-called 800,000,000 dollars (being a I dollar = 360 yen then) in amount with the private loan of 300,000,000 dollars.

Because Japan and Korea don't do a war, they don't become a form, the war reparation.
Moreover, it is in Japan that it modernized Korean Peninsula.

Even if it destroys it by the bloodshed of the countrymen, Japan doesn't have to help economy, too.
However, Japan supported the revival of the Korean economy.

The national budget in Korea in those days was about 350,000,000 dollars and as for the support sum of Japan, to be equivalent to the duple equal to or more than was huge.
However, the financial support from such Japan was for a long time surrendered to by the Korean people.
It is in 2005 that the part was exhibited.

That all claim rights was renounced by the Japan-ROK Basic Relations Treaty in addition to it, too, became the place where the Korean people know gradually.

The omit the last part

Because as a result, this 10, Asia has been very unstably completed

2013年06月14日 22時32分37秒 | 日記
In Xi Jinping, did it invite to the U.S. and did Obama do a China-U.S. talk why in such form?
If there is a person who can give a right answer about this thing, the brain structure of the person is authorized to be equal to the writer.
but for the writer to authorize the 21st century when the finest but being the one which is suitable for the human being in the 21st century
(Because it issues to this thing shortly therefore irrespective of the relative length of the sentences, please subscribe.)
So, when Kou Bunyu who continues to write the true truth is worth about the Nobel Prize about the writer, the writer thinks.
By being necessary, too, it is a simple fact, too, but in the times of now, for some reason, it makes this simple fact a taboo.
Because as a result, this 10, Asia has been very unstably completed
When Kou Bunyu who continues to write all facts at this time is worth about the Nobel Prize, the writer thinks.

Gautama Buddha giving off countless light from among of the mouth and each tooth

2013年06月14日 21時01分08秒 | 日記
As for the bodhisattva great number which was compared with the light with Gautama Buddha giving off countless light from among of the mouth and each tooth and lighting up the world with 10 states when seeing the chapter 1 "Vairocana-Buddha chapter" of the Avatamska Sutra, it saw The World of Lotus Flower in Avatamska sutra.
(Sigeo Kamata)
From http://todaibussei.or.jp/ebacknumber/02_01_067.pdf

2013/6/12, at Kyoto Botanical Garden(C)Kenji Akutagawa

The world view of the Avatamska Sutra to plan is vast and boundless

2013年06月14日 19時59分46秒 | 日記
"Today last year" 2012/6/14
"The timetable of Galaxy train"

All ones contain nothing originally.
All ones are therefore never destroyed, too.
If perceiving this thing, the Buddha always appears.

The world view of the Avatamska Sutra to plan is vast and boundless and time wise, too, exceeds the limitation spatial-ly, too.(Sigeo Kamata)

From http://todaibussei.or.jp/ebacknumber/02_01_067.pdf

2013/6/5, at Kyoto Botanical Garden(C)Kenji Akutagawa

The sound in the 21st century, the music in the 21st century are well-informed about the truth

2013年06月14日 10時13分00秒 | 日記
"Today last year" 2012/6/14
"the timetable of Galaxy train"

The sound in the 21st century, the music in the 21st century are well-informed about the truth ( Akutagawa Kenji ).
The people who exceed 78,000,000 cared to do the one which was introduced at the midnight.
The people who exceed 23,000,000 care to do this version.
It adjusted these two only and it exceeds 100,000,000.
By making music in the 21st century, a sound in the 21st century pulling-out, it isn't possible to tell the world.
Especially, the commercial broadcasting TV station should know that it is not already such as the time which is giving "act of ostensible kindness done in one's own interest" of 12 years old of mental ages.
As for some part of NHK which has begun to try to imitate it, too, there should be grave reflection.

Fun.: We Are Young ft. Janelle Monáe (ACOUSTIC)

2012/6/10、At "the world's cultural and natural heritage Kozan-ji"(C)Kenji Akutagawa

self-aggrandizement or act of ostensible kindness done in one's own interest

2013年06月14日 09時47分37秒 | 日記
The essence of the speculators in the world is to be self-aggrandizement.
The Asahi had a hand in them.
Or, it took part fully in the corporation to prevent the recovery of the influence, the industrial power of Japan to want to prevent a weak yen in Japan absolutely and the country to want prevent.
It took part fully in the influence to want to reduce and the country which wants to do Japan in the dwarf.
It, too, is as the anticipation of 100 % of them.
No longer, it is in the newspaper in Japan.
It, too, is neatly.
Why did it accomplish conduct like such a kindergartner?
It is because they, too, are the miserable existence which doesn't have so-called National interest, filling the element of self-aggrandizement.
The such existence takes from the country and tells the most valuable economy.
To make lost 20, and to try to obstruct now and also come back in Japan and to be, too, are consequential.
Because they are anyhow the high pay taking which is the best of Japan and there are not huge rock, firing in the employment absolutely
The deflation is welcomed.
It isn't possible to permit doing all rising by bubble.
It is such a brain.

"the timetable of Galaxy train"

2013年06月14日 09時23分01秒 | 日記
"Today last year" 2012/6/14
"the timetable of Galaxy train"

The experience to see a Buddha doesn't mean a difficult thing.
It is to make a heart pure.
Then, how is a boiling which becomes a pure heart thoroughly good if there is it?
It says that it is to make an ego empty.
By the Avatamska Sutra about it
All ones are consist of one temporarily only with fate.
Therefore, as for the true character of the one, the fact that there is nothing should be able to be understood.
Then, you can see a Buddha.
( The Tang sutra, 須弥頂上偈讃品)

...Hereinafter, it continues.
From http://todaibussei.or.jp/ebacknumber/02_01_067.pdf