文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The fine example of the reading column in the Asahi was this.

2013年06月17日 23時44分42秒 | 日記
The fine example of the reading column in the Asahi was this.

The preamble abbreviation

Therefore, the individual wants to attempt to raise the book which Terayama's person who was near or the sworn friend in each of the times wrote about him.
First “Living with Shuji Terayama “(Tanaka Michi)
Tanaka is a hit song by Terayama verse It is the composer of “like the child who doesn't have a mother sometimes” and of the partner who supported a troupe “gallery “as the secretary however, it is.
While surprised at the too, too, vivid description of this manual which was written, breaking the long silence, it is dragged.
There is much, too, criticism of the naming to the person concerned and it thinks that there are a person whom the desperate unreserved hurt and an angry person, too.
The hesitation is not to be both good and bad, too, well, too, too much.
There will be a conviction of the love in the root.
It heaped on the plate that it is possible to clap a citrus in the mouth just as it is to save time which peels skin.
It went to the dentist in me or earlier and it waited for the order at the waiting room.
It summons Terayama who is writing a manuscript at the cafe at the time, "this following", on the phone.

Sometimes, I sometimes undertook the traffic control of the women, too.
In short, Shuji Terayama is the fact to have been " a king " for this me.

Based on the conviction to be permitted to describe above all, too, as violence about the truth like-ly with two pieces of love in the power of the episode which only the near person can know, the author is telling time with Shuji Terayama.
Consequently, this manual becomes one strong shedding light probably to the substance part of the latent genius of Terayama very person who was told with to distinguish between the truth and fiction as hoped being difficult.
It is not to have been made by trying to do by the other critical biography author.

The omit the last part

Yesterday, it is when coming to the Isetan Co., Ltd. department store in Kyoto.

2013年06月17日 20時58分51秒 | 日記
Yesterday, it is when coming to the Isetan Co., Ltd. department store in Kyoto.
The music which is good for the passage which heads for the lavatory was flowing with the good sound.
It was the song of the recent singer.
It wasn't possible to associate with the title.
While thinking whether or not it didn't appear if beating, saying “the recent singer " in YouTube, and so on, it opened and if seeing, there was this song.
What will it be and dear music?
It didn't listen for a long time really.

Bob Dylan - Girl From the North Country

The fine example of the reading column yesterday is this.

2013年06月17日 19時24分54秒 | 日記
The fine example of the reading column yesterday is this.
It was in the reading column of the Nikkei.
To do the becoming in the text of the black is Akutagawa.

"The happy postwar history" Written by Kikuchi Fumihiko
( 2800 yen transview )
Kikuchi Fumihiko Born in 52
The consulting company management

The critic University of Tokyo professor Shun'ya Yoshimi

“The happiness” of the key word is “the tender future “when the people do to the hand.
After the war, in Japan, the trust to this “future " was born in economic growth's substituting for the lack of the present situation to the possibility of the future.
10 years later, that “all " was believed to become abundant still, too, was important.
It collapsed in the 90s and trust to the future was changed to the risk to the future.
The phenomenon which can be seen contrary to it, too, makes the postwar loss of “the happiness “occur seemingly.
After 2000, “thinking that it will work for the company in now in the lifetime “or the new employee who answers “that the dream which wants to be able to be fulfilled through the work is fragrant to it” continues to increase.
It says that this is not regression to Japanese management and that the author is the self-protection of the person whom “regular member’s” resembling accustomed if anything.
The life-time employment and the seniority criterion which was opened formerly by a lot of persons are narrowed by the privilege of the part and the young are desperate when they persist in the rare-ized circumstances, seeing “happiness " and will do there.

This several years of 10, the percentage of the person who can realize the life which was made “standard " continued to decline before.
Ready, it is the status which isn't readily gotten.
It controls an entrance examination, it controls job hunting, it participates in the colleague, it gets a husband and it raises a child.
Only the person that all of this passed through it in “the unreasonable demand " gets "
happiness ".
Such society is never “happy " society.

The omission

*When proving the greatness of "The Turntable of Civilization" which Akutagawa wrote by achieving a mission, Akutagawa is convinced of this book and the critique, too.


2013年06月17日 18時55分48秒 | 日記

















" 南無 rock-and-rollless 21chapters sutra" Was no one surprised if being Akutagawa's reader?

2013年06月17日 18時06分47秒 | 日記
As for the reader, that Akutagawa's blog is read by the bureaucrats at Kasumigaseki, the politicians, and in the all over Japan professors of national and public universities and college, and in the flagrant private university, the nucleus of the countless big group of enterprises which represents Japan of it is as it knows.

Unrestrained, freely, it began to speak, being absurd and its laughing each other.

The human being at the major advertising agency which represents Japan these days (who will be a director probably) was seeing Akutagawa's blog frequently.

These days, Toyota encountered McCarthyism by Joseph Raymond McCarthy in the 21st century suddenly.

The reader should know one, first, only pointed out the doubtfulness of this thing to one Akutagawa only by all over Japan, too.

It is Akutagawa that it represented as representing Japan like Toyota and that it must not make the president of the big businesses who towed Japan a criminal in the pillory in such a place.

Surely, it should know that it was one only.

In other words, all of most of the mass communication in Japan received that arraignment truly.

It is because it knew that the Toyota car was reaching the quality which is the best in the world that it thought that Akutagawa was doubtful about this instantly.

The mass media in Japan didn't meet.

It was proving whether or not this thing, too, was the one where yes the mass media in Japan becomes.

Akutagawa was moved.
Akutagawa defended one, Toyota only at 120,000,000.
As for the nucleus of Toyota, it should have known the Akutagawa.
As for Akutagawa, to have appeared on the art world in Japan suddenly as the completely anonymous human being is as it knows.

But the human being at the major advertising agency stole Akutagawa's idea.
Akutagawa thinks, saying Toyota knew, adopted and made that television commercial.
It felt that the wish of the speechless appreciating by me was there.

I was not satisfied with the major advertising agency.
It will be consequential only about the idea because it was silent and it was stolen.

It saw the critique of the book of the artist who is called Hideo Furukawa by the reading column in Asahi yesterday and it was surprised.
But I didn't know this author at all.
It is the title.
" 南無 rock-and-rollless 21chapters sutra" Was no one surprised if being Akutagawa's reader?
Saying whether or not it is not quotation itself of Akutagawa's idea?

Only Akutagawa says.
When Akutagawa's word reaches a nucleus in Japan, a nucleus in the world in this way
The people of the reader bruit Akutagawa to the full to the people around.

The news of" the world's cultural and natural heritage Hieizan" publishing.

2013年06月17日 10時10分19秒 | 日記
Yesterday, it published the world's cultural and natural heritage Hieizan which was visited on June 4th.
It was in the place to think and it visited but to have entered, to have known that this day was Saicho's anniversary of death and to have been surprised are needless to say.
The reader should know.
Of the time to have visited a minor Zen temple in Mii-dera where there is his home for the writer to remember Fenollosa last year.
It is that there was a happening which has wordiness only with “Fenollosa’s miracle
It is in being and the appearance of one butterfly as if Fenollosa is being just like transferred.
The fact then that was with the writer for a long time
It occurred at the tomb, too.

It is because it wanted to take 浄土院to be the place where Saicho was dead the photograph that it went to Hieizan in 6/4.
Therefore, it was more surprised.
Last year, when visiting first, it didn't enter the reverse in this place.
This year, it is not until it says that it tried to see all, too.
One priest who wore a golden surplice at this time appeared and was praying.
Of course, it the photograph is taking the scene, too.
The writer isn't exaggerated with Saicho even if it says that the thought to move is the deepest one in the Japanese except the priests who are learning here.
When the writer thinks of Saicho, for some reason, tears overflow whenever.
It felt close to the fact that the honour of the whizzkid was high, too, from the time when he is infancy.
It will be because it thinks of the life to have made Kuukai before and behind back and forth and for above all, too, to have lived.
It thought that the iris which bloomed at the garden was anything but ordinary almost.
Then, it was to be when taking all, and rendering service, trying to return and being.
a bird was flown.
In the immediateness of the writer
It was to do the time being which is long.
The writer felt “this is Fenollosa's miracle ".
The photograph, too, is included.
As for going to Hieizan, for the writer who lives in Oosaka, too, to be nice has (5,000 yen are taken) a lot of expenses but is about writer's coming many times, too, as it knows.
It had never taken a wildfowl so far in Hieizan, too.
Of the side at the belfry in the west tower however, on this day, it encountered to the wildfowls.
Because the writer was good at the whistle, too, he saw even if it was about to twitter.
It guided for a wildfowl to be flown at the return bus stop and to invite a writer.
It has taken a photograph in the long time in this case, too.

Please subscribe to"The Turntable of Civilization".vol1 andthe world's cultural and natural heritage Hieizan,and so on.

Anyone should consent to the thing if it is possible to see this photograph collection.

2013年06月17日 09時34分32秒 | 日記
As for writer's very loving the Kyoto Botanical Garden, the reader is as it knows.
It is last year that it discovered this place, too.
Last year, 50 times, it came to 1 year, too.
This year, it visits at the frequency which exceeds a pace last year lightly.
As it introduced that there was a critique of “What a plant knows “in the reading column in the week before last
It read that and the writer thought that it does “as expected ", too.
At the same time, this became opportunity and moreover, the frequency of the visit rose.
A writer is convinced.
When the plant and the life in this place know a writer
Anyone should consent to the thing if it is possible to see this photograph collection.

Please subscribe to"The Turntable of Civilization".vol1 and the Kyoto Botanical Garden,and so on.


2013年06月17日 08時59分28秒 | 日記



6月15日のアクセス数 閲覧数:7,791PV    訪問者数:581IP

順位: 800位 / 1,728,769ブログ中 (前日比  ↑)



一方アメーバは 閲覧数:853 訪問者数:601








1トップページ188 PV

2さようなら。   有無。  南無清水観音。52 PV

3注目ファンド「OD05オムニバス」167社の大...40 PV

4理研発VB米国で治験 免疫抑制剤 服用短く...37 PV

5彼(彼女)の名前は、アリウム・ギガンテウ...35 PV

6さようなら、アリウム・ギガンテウムさん。33 PV

7昨日の日経2面の特集記事「テレビなぜ負け...32 PV

8それに比して、数日前の日経新聞が、中国が...31 PV

9そのような民主主義である限り…。29 PV

10本質的である事、真実である事にこそ、国の...26 PV

11南無 芥川賢治。   南無 母上殿。25 PV

12そのようなUさんに、芥川の逸品を贈る。24 PV

13前々章を書きながら、以下の曲を探して、流...24 PV

14中国が人類史上最大の巨大人口を抱えた国で...24 PV

15大スターだった、アリウム・ギガンテウムに...24 PV

16その政治、経済、学問、芸術、これらありと...23 PV

17「時々刻々」と云う事について。③23 PV

18その事を思うにつけ、紀伊國屋、梅田本店と...23 PV

19地球の呼吸、或いは、吐息。22 PV

20南無 芥川さん。  有無、 南無 観世音...21 PV


