文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world


2019年07月14日 18時05分18秒 | 全般


辻元清美の両親の国籍は韓国なんでしょうか? 国籍が韓国である噂は多かったので、 帰化の噂の真相を調べてみますと、








それが広岡さんであり、森さんであり、渡邉誠毅さんだ… 森さんも渡邉氏も、それで現場から上がっていった。それに本社の編集局といっても、当時は非常に人も少なかった。











The ordinary prime minister's candidate here gives an answer to pander to the Asahi Newspaper

2019年07月14日 18時01分10秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

It asked Abe, president in the party leader forum.

I wonder if he was writing and did not remember the Korean turbulence.

At that time, while pressing the MacArthur Constitution which stole Japan blind, when war broke out in Korea, Yellow you fought on behalf of Caucasian, Dulles came and went to Shigeru Yoshida.

Yoshida turned away, and he wonders if you forced the unique constitution, 35 thousand US soldiers died.

In the ensuing Vietnam War, 50,000 people were killed.

Japanese leaders have done so well.

Because the intelligence of the United States is in front of you, let you ask what he thought of that development.

Oh, I wrote something rude, but this Special Editor actually broke the masochistic view of history that Japan is terrible, in fact, it is a historical view of the Tokyo Tribunal that the United States pressed with the Constitution It is a great man who made a chance.

That is about November 30, 2012, when Shinzo Abe returned to the president of the Liberal Democratic Party.

On that day, there was a party discussion society organized by the Japan Press Association, Hoshi asked Shinzo Abe, who was being informally designated as the next prime minister.

One of them is based on the Nanjing massacre and the comfort women forcible take-off that the Asahi Shimbun created, and one is whether to go to the Yasukuni Shrine that worshiped war criminals.

Another is a comfort women problem.

The ordinary prime minister's candidate here gives an answer to pander to the Asahi Newspaper so that it is a good boy.

This draft continues.

At that time, while pressing the MacArthur Constitution which stole Japan blind,

2019年07月14日 18時00分40秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

It asked Abe, president in the party leader forum.

I wonder if he was writing and did not remember the Korean turbulence.

At that time, while pressing the MacArthur Constitution which stole Japan blind, when war broke out in Korea, Yellow you fought on behalf of Caucasian, Dulles came and went to Shigeru Yoshida.

Yoshida turned away, and he wonders if you forced the unique constitution, 35 thousand US soldiers died.

In the ensuing Vietnam War, 50,000 people were killed.

Japanese leaders have done so well.

Because the intelligence of the United States is in front of you, let you ask what he thought of that development.

Oh, I wrote something rude, but this Special Editor actually broke the masochistic view of history that Japan is terrible, in fact, it is a historical view of the Tokyo Tribunal that the United States pressed with the Constitution It is a great man who made a chance.

That is about November 30, 2012, when Shinzo Abe returned to the president of the Liberal Democratic Party.

On that day, there was a party discussion society organized by the Japan Press Association, Hoshi asked Shinzo Abe, who was being informally designated as the next prime minister.

One of them is based on the Nanjing massacre and the comfort women forcible take-off that the Asahi Shimbun created, and one is whether to go to the Yasukuni Shrine that worshiped war criminals.

Another is a comfort women problem.

The ordinary prime minister's candidate here gives an answer to pander to the Asahi Newspaper so that it is a good boy.

This draft continues.

I wonder if he was writing and did not remember the Korean turbulence.

2019年07月14日 17時59分57秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

It asked Abe, president in the party leader forum.

I wonder if he was writing and did not remember the Korean turbulence.

At that time, while pressing the MacArthur Constitution which stole Japan blind, when war broke out in Korea, Yellow you fought on behalf of Caucasian, Dulles came and went to Shigeru Yoshida.

Yoshida turned away, and he wonders if you forced the unique constitution, 35 thousand US soldiers died.

In the ensuing Vietnam War, 50,000 people were killed.

Japanese leaders have done so well.

Because the intelligence of the United States is in front of you, let you ask what he thought of that development.

Oh, I wrote something rude, but this Special Editor actually broke the masochistic view of history that Japan is terrible, in fact, it is a historical view of the Tokyo Tribunal that the United States pressed with the Constitution It is a great man who made a chance.

That is about November 30, 2012, when Shinzo Abe returned to the president of the Liberal Democratic Party.

On that day, there was a party discussion society organized by the Japan Press Association, Hoshi asked Shinzo Abe, who was being informally designated as the next prime minister.

One of them is based on the Nanjing massacre and the comfort women forcible take-off that the Asahi Shimbun created, and one is whether to go to the Yasukuni Shrine that worshiped war criminals.

Another is a comfort women problem.

The ordinary prime minister's candidate here gives an answer to pander to the Asahi Newspaper so that it is a good boy.

This draft continues.

Despite the Koreans, 3,000 Japanese wives were killed by it,

2019年07月14日 17時58分52秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter. 

Asahi Social Division 'paradise on the ground' coverage

The person himself thought that it was also news, but the reader feels that it is 'fact.'

However, he says. It is the convenience of the reader. The mistaking reader is terrible.

At the same time, Iwadare Hiroshi was in the social department.

He wrote an article called 'North Korea is a paradise on the ground' with his colleagues.

“Tempo of economic construction in North Korea is tremendous" "The apartment is built one after another, and the factory operates 24 hours a day", "Citizens live a stable life both mentally and material under Kim Il Sung" as it was.

This ground paradise campaign lasted for more than 20 years.

Even the Koreans in Japan who are strongly suspicious think that it is true if the long-term campaign is done.

That's why 100,000 people went back to hell.

The Asahi Shimbun acknowledged the error after thirty years when nearly 100,000 people were almost killed.

Kim Jong-il admitted the existence of many abductee victims such as Megumi, some of them returned home, after July 8, 2004, secretly proved that there is a hell, quietly to the inside page ‘North Korea's real face’ was posted.

Iwadiro admitted that he wrote like heaven with imagination as hell, 'There was little information' or 'I could not get enough coverage.'

Usually, reporters will not write unless they can interview them.

To imagine writing is called a fabrication.

Despite the Koreans, 3,000 Japanese wives were killed by it, but there is no word of apology neither Iwadare nor Asahi newspaper.

It seems that it is the intention to have made an end completely in this scrap excuse.

This draft continues.

Usually, reporters will not write unless they can interview them.

2019年07月14日 17時58分16秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter. 

Asahi Social Division 'paradise on the ground' coverage

The person himself thought that it was also news, but the reader feels that it is 'fact.'

However, he says. It is the convenience of the reader. The mistaking reader is terrible.

At the same time, Iwadare Hiroshi was in the social department.

He wrote an article called 'North Korea is a paradise on the ground' with his colleagues.

“Tempo of economic construction in North Korea is tremendous" "The apartment is built one after another, and the factory operates 24 hours a day", "Citizens live a stable life both mentally and material under Kim Il Sung" as it was.

This ground paradise campaign lasted for more than 20 years.

Even the Koreans in Japan who are strongly suspicious think that it is true if the long-term campaign is done.

That's why 100,000 people went back to hell.

The Asahi Shimbun acknowledged the error after thirty years when nearly 100,000 people were almost killed.

Kim Jong-il admitted the existence of many abductee victims such as Megumi, some of them returned home, after July 8, 2004, secretly proved that there is a hell, quietly to the inside page ‘North Korea's real face’ was posted.

Iwadiro admitted that he wrote like heaven with imagination as hell, 'There was little information' or 'I could not get enough coverage.'

Usually, reporters will not write unless they can interview them.

To imagine writing is called a fabrication.

Despite the Koreans, 3,000 Japanese wives were killed by it, but there is no word of apology neither Iwadare nor Asahi newspaper.

It seems that it is the intention to have made an end completely in this scrap excuse.

This draft continues.

Iwadiro admitted that he wrote like heaven with imagination as hell, ‘There was little information

2019年07月14日 17時57分18秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter. 

Asahi Social Division 'paradise on the ground' coverage

The person himself thought that it was also news, but the reader feels that it is 'fact.'

However, he says. It is the convenience of the reader. The mistaking reader is terrible.

At the same time, Iwadare Hiroshi was in the social department.

He wrote an article called 'North Korea is a paradise on the ground' with his colleagues.

“Tempo of economic construction in North Korea is tremendous" "The apartment is built one after another, and the factory operates 24 hours a day", "Citizens live a stable life both mentally and material under Kim Il Sung" as it was.

This ground paradise campaign lasted for more than 20 years.

Even the Koreans in Japan who are strongly suspicious think that it is true if the long-term campaign is done.

That's why 100,000 people went back to hell.

The Asahi Shimbun acknowledged the error after thirty years when nearly 100,000 people were almost killed.

Kim Jong-il admitted the existence of many abductee victims such as Megumi, some of them returned home, after July 8, 2004, secretly proved that there is a hell, quietly to the inside page ‘North Korea's real face’ was posted.

Iwadiro admitted that he wrote like heaven with imagination as hell, 'There was little information' or 'I could not get enough coverage.'

Usually, reporters will not write unless they can interview them.

To imagine writing is called a fabrication.

Despite the Koreans, 3,000 Japanese wives were killed by it, but there is no word of apology neither Iwadare nor Asahi newspaper.

It seems that it is the intention to have made an end completely in this scrap excuse.

This draft continues.

The Asahi acknowledged the error after thirty years when nearly 100,000 people were almost killed

2019年07月14日 17時56分48秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter. 

Asahi Social Division 'paradise on the ground' coverage

The person himself thought that it was also news, but the reader feels that it is 'fact.'

However, he says. It is the convenience of the reader. The mistaking reader is terrible.

At the same time, Iwadare Hiroshi was in the social department.

He wrote an article called 'North Korea is a paradise on the ground' with his colleagues.

“Tempo of economic construction in North Korea is tremendous" "The apartment is built one after another, and the factory operates 24 hours a day", "Citizens live a stable life both mentally and material under Kim Il Sung" as it was.

This ground paradise campaign lasted for more than 20 years.

Even the Koreans in Japan who are strongly suspicious think that it is true if the long-term campaign is done.

That's why 100,000 people went back to hell.

The Asahi Shimbun acknowledged the error after thirty years when nearly 100,000 people were almost killed.

Kim Jong-il admitted the existence of many abductee victims such as Megumi, some of them returned home, after July 8, 2004, secretly proved that there is a hell, quietly to the inside page ‘North Korea's real face’ was posted.

Iwadiro admitted that he wrote like heaven with imagination as hell, 'There was little information' or 'I could not get enough coverage.'

Usually, reporters will not write unless they can interview them.

To imagine writing is called a fabrication.

Despite the Koreans, 3,000 Japanese wives were killed by it, but there is no word of apology neither Iwadare nor Asahi newspaper.

It seems that it is the intention to have made an end completely in this scrap excuse.

This draft continues.

Even the Koreans in Japan who are strongly suspicious think that

2019年07月14日 17時56分22秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter. 

Asahi Social Division 'paradise on the ground' coverage

The person himself thought that it was also news, but the reader feels that it is 'fact.'

However, he says. It is the convenience of the reader. The mistaking reader is terrible.

At the same time, Iwadare Hiroshi was in the social department.

He wrote an article called 'North Korea is a paradise on the ground' with his colleagues.

“Tempo of economic construction in North Korea is tremendous" "The apartment is built one after another, and the factory operates 24 hours a day", "Citizens live a stable life both mentally and material under Kim Il Sung" as it was.

This ground paradise campaign lasted for more than 20 years.

Even the Koreans in Japan who are strongly suspicious think that it is true if the long-term campaign is done.

That's why 100,000 people went back to hell.

The Asahi Shimbun acknowledged the error after thirty years when nearly 100,000 people were almost killed.

Kim Jong-il admitted the existence of many abductee victims such as Megumi, some of them returned home, after July 8, 2004, secretly proved that there is a hell, quietly to the inside page ‘North Korea's real face’ was posted.

Iwadiro admitted that he wrote like heaven with imagination as hell, 'There was little information' or 'I could not get enough coverage.'

Usually, reporters will not write unless they can interview them.

To imagine writing is called a fabrication.

Despite the Koreans, 3,000 Japanese wives were killed by it, but there is no word of apology neither Iwadare nor Asahi newspaper.

It seems that it is the intention to have made an end completely in this scrap excuse.

This draft continues.

This ground paradise campaign lasted for more than 20 years.

2019年07月14日 17時55分48秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter. 

Asahi Social Division 'paradise on the ground' coverage

The person himself thought that it was also news, but the reader feels that it is 'fact.'

However, he says. It is the convenience of the reader. The mistaking reader is terrible.

At the same time, Iwadare Hiroshi was in the social department.

He wrote an article called 'North Korea is a paradise on the ground' with his colleagues.

“Tempo of economic construction in North Korea is tremendous" "The apartment is built one after another, and the factory operates 24 hours a day", "Citizens live a stable life both mentally and material under Kim Il Sung" as it was.

This ground paradise campaign lasted for more than 20 years.

Even the Koreans in Japan who are strongly suspicious think that it is true if the long-term campaign is done.

That's why 100,000 people went back to hell.

The Asahi Shimbun acknowledged the error after thirty years when nearly 100,000 people were almost killed.

Kim Jong-il admitted the existence of many abductee victims such as Megumi, some of them returned home, after July 8, 2004, secretly proved that there is a hell, quietly to the inside page ‘North Korea's real face’ was posted.

Iwadiro admitted that he wrote like heaven with imagination as hell, 'There was little information' or 'I could not get enough coverage.'

Usually, reporters will not write unless they can interview them.

To imagine writing is called a fabrication.

Despite the Koreans, 3,000 Japanese wives were killed by it, but there is no word of apology neither Iwadare nor Asahi newspaper.

It seems that it is the intention to have made an end completely in this scrap excuse.

This draft continues.

He wrote an article called ‘North Korea is a paradise on the ground’ with his colleagues.

2019年07月14日 17時55分00秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter. 

Asahi Social Division 'paradise on the ground' coverage

The person himself thought that it was also news, but the reader feels that it is 'fact.'

However, he says. It is the convenience of the reader. The mistaking reader is terrible.

At the same time, Iwadare Hiroshi was in the social department.

He wrote an article called 'North Korea is a paradise on the ground' with his colleagues.

“Tempo of economic construction in North Korea is tremendous" "The apartment is built one after another, and the factory operates 24 hours a day", "Citizens live a stable life both mentally and material under Kim Il Sung" as it was.

This ground paradise campaign lasted for more than 20 years.

Even the Koreans in Japan who are strongly suspicious think that it is true if the long-term campaign is done.

That's why 100,000 people went back to hell.

The Asahi Shimbun acknowledged the error after thirty years when nearly 100,000 people were almost killed.

Kim Jong-il admitted the existence of many abductee victims such as Megumi, some of them returned home, after July 8, 2004, secretly proved that there is a hell, quietly to the inside page ‘North Korea's real face’ was posted.

Iwadiro admitted that he wrote like heaven with imagination as hell, 'There was little information' or 'I could not get enough coverage.'

Usually, reporters will not write unless they can interview them.

To imagine writing is called a fabrication.

Despite the Koreans, 3,000 Japanese wives were killed by it, but there is no word of apology neither Iwadare nor Asahi newspaper.

It seems that it is the intention to have made an end completely in this scrap excuse.

This draft continues.

However, he says. It is the convenience of the reader. The mistaking reader is terrible

2019年07月14日 17時53分08秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter. 

Asahi Social Division 'paradise on the ground' coverage

The person himself thought that it was also news, but the reader feels that it is 'fact.'

However, he says. It is the convenience of the reader. The mistaking reader is terrible.

At the same time, Iwadare Hiroshi was in the social department.

He wrote an article called 'North Korea is a paradise on the ground' with his colleagues.

“Tempo of economic construction in North Korea is tremendous" "The apartment is built one after another, and the factory operates 24 hours a day", "Citizens live a stable life both mentally and material under Kim Il Sung" as it was.

This ground paradise campaign lasted for more than 20 years.

Even the Koreans in Japan who are strongly suspicious think that it is true if the long-term campaign is done.

That's why 100,000 people went back to hell.

The Asahi Shimbun acknowledged the error after thirty years when nearly 100,000 people were almost killed.

Kim Jong-il admitted the existence of many abductee victims such as Megumi, some of them returned home, after July 8, 2004, secretly proved that there is a hell, quietly to the inside page ‘North Korea's real face’ was posted.

Iwadiro admitted that he wrote like heaven with imagination as hell, 'There was little information' or 'I could not get enough coverage.'

Usually, reporters will not write unless they can interview them.

To imagine writing is called a fabrication.

Despite the Koreans, 3,000 Japanese wives were killed by it, but there is no word of apology neither Iwadare nor Asahi newspaper.

It seems that it is the intention to have made an end completely in this scrap excuse.

This draft continues.

The person himself thought that it was also news, but the reader feels that it is 'fact.'

2019年07月14日 17時52分17秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter. 

Asahi Social Division 'paradise on the ground' coverage

The person himself thought that it was also news, but the reader feels that it is 'fact.'

However, he says. It is the convenience of the reader. The mistaking reader is terrible.

At the same time, Iwadare Hiroshi was in the social department.

He wrote an article called 'North Korea is a paradise on the ground' with his colleagues.

“Tempo of economic construction in North Korea is tremendous" "The apartment is built one after another, and the factory operates 24 hours a day", "Citizens live a stable life both mentally and material under Kim Il Sung" as it was.

This ground paradise campaign lasted for more than 20 years.

Even the Koreans in Japan who are strongly suspicious think that it is true if the long-term campaign is done.

That's why 100,000 people went back to hell.

The Asahi Shimbun acknowledged the error after thirty years when nearly 100,000 people were almost killed.

Kim Jong-il admitted the existence of many abductee victims such as Megumi, some of them returned home, after July 8, 2004, secretly proved that there is a hell, quietly to the inside page ‘North Korea's real face’ was posted.

Iwadiro admitted that he wrote like heaven with imagination as hell, 'There was little information' or 'I could not get enough coverage.'

Usually, reporters will not write unless they can interview them.

To imagine writing is called a fabrication.

Despite the Koreans, 3,000 Japanese wives were killed by it, but there is no word of apology neither Iwadare nor Asahi newspaper.

It seems that it is the intention to have made an end completely in this scrap excuse.

This draft continues.

Asahi Social Division ‘paradise on the ground’ coverage

2019年07月14日 17時51分12秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter. 

Asahi Social Division 'paradise on the ground' coverage

The person himself thought that it was also news, but the reader feels that it is 'fact.'

However, he says. It is the convenience of the reader. The mistaking reader is terrible.

At the same time, Iwadare Hiroshi was in the social department.

He wrote an article called 'North Korea is a paradise on the ground' with his colleagues.

“Tempo of economic construction in North Korea is tremendous" "The apartment is built one after another, and the factory operates 24 hours a day", "Citizens live a stable life both mentally and material under Kim Il Sung" as it was.

This ground paradise campaign lasted for more than 20 years.

Even the Koreans in Japan who are strongly suspicious think that it is true if the long-term campaign is done.

That's why 100,000 people went back to hell.

The Asahi Shimbun acknowledged the error after thirty years when nearly 100,000 people were almost killed.

Kim Jong-il admitted the existence of many abductee victims such as Megumi, some of them returned home, after July 8, 2004, secretly proved that there is a hell, quietly to the inside page ‘North Korea's real face’ was posted.

Iwadiro admitted that he wrote like heaven with imagination as hell, 'There was little information' or 'I could not get enough coverage.'

Usually, reporters will not write unless they can interview them.

To imagine writing is called a fabrication.

Despite the Koreans, 3,000 Japanese wives were killed by it, but there is no word of apology neither Iwadare nor Asahi newspaper.

It seems that it is the intention to have made an end completely in this scrap excuse.

This draft continues.


2019年07月14日 17時48分38秒 | 日記
