文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Shiba Ryotaro said, 'Japanese people are the same as Koreans, ' but it was a complete lie.

2019年07月11日 22時33分49秒 | 全般

As mentioned above, I subscribe to Weekly Shincho every week to read the serialization columns of Masayuki Takayama and Yoshiko Sakurai.
Takayama Masayuki has also completely proclaimed that he is the one and only journalist in the world after the war in this week's issue.
All those who read it should have thought he was great.
Ms. Sakurai Yoshiko also deserves a national honor award.
With the late Mr. Shoichi Watabe, she has been fighting alone since the Asahi Shimbun dominated Japan.
She has corrected the anomalies of the Asahi Shimbun and many reports on anti-Japanese thought, and she has continued to be critical of their following the anti-Japanese propaganda of China and the Koreans.
First, I will deliver Masayuki Takayama's admirable thesis to all people worldwide.
* ~ * is me.
The smell of the Asahi Newspaper
Takayama Masayuki
Even if it is an evil wife, the husband is somehow devitalizing, and it dies like chasing after the wife.
However, even if the husband is dead, most wives are full of animation and never chase their husbands.
The average life span of Japanese is 80 for men and 87 for women.
It shows that the wife has been in peace for seven years after the annoying husband has died.
Why does a man die young more than a woman?
That is so because it is a man; that is, it has a Y chromosome.
It's sad, but that's the rule.
Below is a story I learned in an interview with Kumiko Takeuchi and Mary Batten. 
At the time of fertilized eggs, everyone was a woman.
The proof is the nipple in the chest of a man.
It is neither milk nor an erogenous zone.
It is a useless gift, but it proves he was a woman before becoming a man.
Then when will a man become a man?
Six weeks after fertilization and cell division began, the seminal vesicles start functioning by the sex determinants on the Y chromosome and erupt a large amount of the male hormone testosterone.
It makes testosterone pickles from the brain to every corner of the body like a shower and says, 'You are a man.'
Male genitals also develop with it.
However, congenital homosexual male genitalia is one size larger than normal males.
It is not yet known why God made such a waste.
A person is born in mind and body as a man; the brain always encourages being a man and acting more masculine. Eyebrows and body hair grow, and muscles also become muscle-bound.
McArthur's first wife scoffed at him as 'Generals in the daytime but private at night,' but the man is asked to do his best to be restless day or night.
The Y-chromosome, which supports the efforts, prevents canceration of cells, prevents arteriosclerosis, and removes amyloid plaques attached to the brain.
Thanks to the Y chromosome, a man can continue to work hard without getting ill, marry a beautiful wife, and have a child.
However, after the reproductive stage, the Y chromosome gradually loses its function.
The hardening of the arteries begins.
Plaques build up in the brain, blur begins, and the cancer cells emerge.
It also accumulated fatigue, which kept trying hard.
We refer to staying healthy until old age and dying painlessly as the ideal way of life, which comes to life and falls to death before becoming household waste.
The decline of the Y chromosome is just a natural provision to realize it.
As a man, he keeps trying and doing his best, but the Japanese man compared the fleeting way of life that would squeeze out after the job like a cherry blossom.
Motoori Norinaga, who has lived enough to reach the 60th year, said, 'If you ask the Japanese spirit of Japan, wild cherry flowers catch the rays of the morning sun.'
Saigyo Hoshi also said, 'I hope to die under the cherry blossoms in spring, around the time of full moon in April.'
The loneliness of a man comes out well.
Although it is such a Y-chromosome, it has been found that the nucleotide sequence of the gene differs depending on the people.
According to the Y-chromosome sequence chart announced by a graduate student at the University of Tokyo's Faculty of Science the other day, the current Japanese and Jomon people are the same.
In other words, the Japanese have remained Japanese during the 10,000 years of the Sannai Maruyama ruins.
There is little in common with the Jomon factor compared to Chinese and Koreans.
It will be a great discovery.
Shiba Ryotaro said, 'Japanese people are the same as Koreans, ' but it was a complete lie.
Egami Namio also said, 'Equestrian people came and made the Yamato court,' but this was a complete lie.
In Japanese history, Yayoi culture is taught according to foreigners, but there were no such foreigners.
For ethnic identity conventionally: 'we have verified based on the female mitochondrial, it is a trick that may deceive a child. The Y chromosome is the deciding factor.' Hiroaki Nagahama also wrote in 'The Birth of Japan.'
Even so, Japanese people are great.
Not only did we know the loneliness of the Y chromosome early and therefore love the cherry blossoms, but as a means to protect the pure blood of the race, we have made it as a male line connecting the imperial line with the Y chromosome.

* the other day, I learned about that in the interview with Kumiko Takeuchi, who became an excellent scholar appropriate for Kyoto University graduates. I had the same feeling as Masayuki Takayama ...Even so, Japanese people are great. *

Now, the Communist Party and the Asahi Shimbun recommend the female emperor.
They think that is the best way to pollute Japanese people.
Does ignorance and malice smell in the Asahi?

2024/4/27 in Kochi

Shiba Ryotaro said, 'Japanese people are the same as Koreans' but it was a complete lie.

2019年07月11日 22時33分19秒 | 全般

As I mentioned above, I subscribe to Weekly Shincho every week to read the serialization columns of Masayuki Takayama and Yoshiko Sakurai.
Takayama Masayuki has provided completely that he is the one and only journalist in the world after the war, in this week's issue, too.
All those who read it should have thought he was great.
Ms. Sakurai Yoshiko is also a person who deserves a national honor award.
Together with the late Mr. Shoichi Watabe, she has been fighting alone until now, since the days when the Asahi Shimbun dominated Japan.
She has corrected the anomalies of the Asahi Shimbun, as well as many reports on anti-Japanese thought, and she has continued to be critical to the fact that they continued to follow the anti-Japanese propaganda of China and the Koreans.
First, I will deliver the admirable thesis by Masayuki Takayama to all the people and people all over the world.
* ~ * Is me.
The smell in the morning sun
Takayama Masayuki
Even if it is an evil wife, the husband somehow devitalizing, and it dies like chasing after the wife.
However, even if the husband is dead, most wives are full of animation and never follow chasing her husband.
The average life span of Japanese is 80 for men and 87 for women.
It shows that the wife has been in peace for seven years after the annoying husband has died.
Why does a man die young more than a woman?
That is so because it is a man, that is, it has a Y chromosome.
It's sad, but that's the rule.
Below is a story I learned in an interview with Kumiko Takeuchi and Mary Batten, but at the time of fertilized eggs, everyone was a woman.
The proof is the nipple in the chest of a man.
It is neither milk nor an erogenous zone.
It is a useless gift, but it is proof that he was a woman before he became a man.
Then when will a man become a man?
Six weeks after fertilization and cell division began, the seminal vesicles start to function by the sex determinants on the Y chromosome and erupt a large amount of the male hormone testosterone.
It makes testosterone pickles from the brain to every corner of the body like a shower and says, 'You are a man.'
Male genitals also develop with it.
However, congenital homosexual male genitalia is one size larger than normal males.
It does not yet know why God did such a waste.
A person who was born as mind and body as a man is always encouraged from the brain that you are a man, act more masculine,
eyebrows and body hair grows, and muscles also get muscle bound.
McArthur scoffed his first wife as 'Generals in the daytime but private at night,' but the man is asked to do his best to restless of day or night.
The Y-chromosome, which supports the efforts, prevents canceration of cells, prevents arteriosclerosis, and also removes amyloid plaques attached to the brain.
Thanks to the Y-chromosome, a man continues to work hard without getting ill, and he can marry a beautiful wife and also produces a child.
However, after the reproductive stage, the Y chromosome gradually loses its function.
The hardening of the arteries begins.
Plaques build up in the brain and blur begins, and the cancer cells also come out.
The fatigue which kept trying hard also accumulates.
Staying healthy until old age, then dying painlessly refers to the ideal way of life that comes to life and falls to death before becoming household waste.
The decline of the Y chromosome seems to be just a natural provision to realize it.
As a man keep trying, doing the best, but the Japanese man compared the fleeting way of life that would squeeze out after the job was like a cherry blossom.
Motoori Norinaga, who has lived enough to reach the 60th year, said, 'If you ask the Japanese spirit of Japan, wild cherry flowers catching the rays of the morning sun.'
Saigyo Hoshi also said, 'I hope to die under the cherry blossoms in spring, around the time of full moon in April,.'
The loneliness of a man comes out well.
Although it is such a Y-chromosome, it has been found that the nucleotide sequence of the gene differs depending on the people.
According to the Y-chromosome sequence chart announced by a graduate student at the University of Tokyo's Faculty of Science the other day, the current Japanese and Jomon people are the same.
In other words, during the 10,000 years of the Sannai Maruyama ruins, the Japanese have remained Japanese.
There is little in common with the Jomon factor compared to that of Chinese and Koreans.
It will be a great discovery.
Shiba Ryotaro said, 'Japanese people are the same as Koreans' but it was a complete lie.
Egami Namio also said, 'equestrian people came and made the Yamato court,' but this was a complete lie.
In Japanese history, Yayoi culture is taught according to foreigners, but there were no such foreigners.

For ethnic identity conventionally: 'we have verified based on the female mitochondrial, it is a trick that may deceive a child. The Y chromosome is the deciding factor.', Hiroaki Nagahama also wrote in 'The Birth of Japan.'
Even so, Japanese people are great.
Not only did we know the loneliness of the Y chromosome early and therefore love the cherry blossoms, but as a means to protect the pure blood of the race, we have made it as a male line connecting the imperial line with the Y chromosome.
* On the other day, I learned about that in the interview with Kumiko Takeuchi, who became an excellent scholar appropriate for Kyoto University graduates, and I had the same feeling as Masayuki Takayama ...Even so, Japanese people are great. *
Now, the Communist Party and the Asahi Shimbun recommend the female emperor.
They think that is the best way to pollute Japanese people.
Does ignorance and malice smell in the Asahi?

Does ignorance and malice smell in the Asahi?

2019年07月11日 22時32分45秒 | 全般

As mentioned above, I subscribe to Weekly Shincho every week to read the serialization columns of Mr. Masayuki Takayama and Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai.
In this week's issue, Takayama Masayuki also proved he was the world's only journalist after the war.
All those who read it should have thought he was great.
Ms. Sakurai Yoshiko also deserves a national honor award.
With the late Mr. Shoichi Watabe, she has been fighting alone since the Asahi Shimbun dominated Japan.
She has corrected the anomalies of the Asahi Shimbun and many reports on anti-Japanese thought. 
She has continued to be critical of their following the anti-Japanese propaganda of China and the Koreans.
First, I will deliver Masayuki Takayama's admirable thesis to everyone worldwide.

The smell in the Asahi
Takayama Masayuki
Even if it is an evil wife, the husband is somehow devitalizing, and it dies like chasing after the wife.
However, even if the husband is dead, most wives are full of animation and never chase their husbands.
The average life span of Japanese is 80 for men and 87 for women.
It shows that the wife has been in peace for seven years after the annoying husband has died.
Why does a man die young more than a woman?
That is so because it is a man; that is, it has a Y chromosome.
It's sad, but that's the rule.
Below is a story I learned in an interview with Kumiko Takeuchi and Mary Batten. 
At the time of fertilized eggs, everyone was a woman.
The proof is the nipple in the chest of a man.
It is neither milk nor an erogenous zone.
It is a useless gift, but it proves he was a woman before becoming a man.
Then when will a man become a man?
Six weeks after fertilization and cell division began, the seminal vesicles start functioning by the sex determinants on the Y chromosome and erupt a large amount of the male hormone testosterone.
It makes testosterone pickles from the brain to every corner of the body like a shower and says, 'You are a man.'
Male genitals also develop with it.
However, congenital homosexual male genitalia is one size larger than normal males.
We still don't know why God made such a waste.
A person born within mind and body as a man is always encouraged by the brain to be a man and act more masculine; eyebrows and body hair grow, and muscles also get musclebound.
MacArthur was mocked by his first wife, saying, "You're a general by day, but you're a private by night,'' but men are expected to work hard day and night.
The Y-chromosome, which supports the efforts, prevents canceration of cells, prevents arteriosclerosis, and removes amyloid plaques attached to the brain.
Thanks to the Y chromosome, a man continues to work hard without getting ill and can marry a beautiful wife and produce a child.
However, after the reproductive stage, the Y chromosome gradually loses its function.
The hardening of the arteries begins.
Plaques accumulate in the brain, dementia sets in, and cancer cells begin to grow.
Fatigue from continuous effort as a man also begins to accumulate.
Staying healthy until old age and dying painlessly refers to the ideal way of life, which comes to life and falls to death before becoming household waste.
The decline of the Y chromosome seems to be just a natural provision to realize it.
Japanese men have likened the ephemeral way of life in which a man continues to work hard and do his best but is quickly scattered to cherry blossoms when his role is finished.
Motoori Norinaga, who has lived long enough to reach his 60th birthday, wrote, "What is the Japanese spirit? If someone asks me, I will say it's like wild cherry blossoms shining in the morning light." 
Saigyo Hoshi also said, 'I hope to die under the cherry blossoms in spring, around the time of full moon in April.'
The loneliness of a man comes out well.
Although it is such a Y-chromosome, it has been found that the nucleotide sequence of the gene differs depending on the people.
According to the Y-chromosome sequence chart announced by a graduate student at the University of Tokyo's Faculty of Science the other day, the current Japanese and Jomon people are the same.
In other words, the Japanese have remained Japanese during the 10,000 years of the Sannai Maruyama ruins.
Comparing this Jomon factor with that of the Chinese and Koreans, there was little in common.
It will be a great discovery.
Shiba Ryotaro said, 'Japanese people are the same as Koreans, ' but it was a complete lie.
Egami Namio also said, 'Equestrian people came and made the Yamato court,' but this was a complete lie.
In Japanese history, Yayoi culture is taught according to foreigners, but there were no such foreigners.
For ethnic identity conventionally: 'we have verified based on the female mitochondrial, it is a trick that may deceive a child. The Y chromosome is the deciding factor.' Hiroaki Nagahama also wrote in 'The Birth of Japan.'
Even so, Japanese people are great.
Not only did we know the loneliness of the Y chromosome early and therefore love the cherry blossoms, but as a means to protect the pure blood of the race, we have made it as a male line connecting the imperial line with the Y chromosome.
Now, the Communist Party and the Asahi Shimbun recommend the female emperor.
They think that is the best way to pollute Japanese people.
Does ignorance and malice smell in the Asahi?


2024/5/22 in Kyoto


2019年07月11日 22時08分26秒 | 全般


辻元清美の両親の国籍は韓国なんでしょうか? 国籍が韓国である噂は多かったので、 帰化の噂の真相を調べてみますと、




There is little in common with the Jomon factor compared to that of Chinese and Koreans.


Egami Namio also said, "equestrian people came and made the Yamato court," a complete lie


Le facteur Jomon a peu en commun avec celui des Chinois et des Coréens.


Shiba Ryotaro said, "Japanese people are the same as Koreans." but it was a complete lie.




C'è poco in comune con il fattore Jomon rispetto a quello di cinesi e coreani.





In this company, it is an only useless vulgar bastard and vulgar woman, and it brought to light.

2019年07月11日 22時01分52秒 | 全般

Reading the Ms.Sakurai Yoshiko series column below, I was genuinely overwhelmed with shame that I had subscribed to the Asahi Shimbun until August, five years ago.
The following aspects of the Asahi Shimbun that Ms. Sakurai teaches:
In this company, it is an only useless vulgar bastard and vulgar woman, and it brought to light.
At the same time, people who subscribe to this newspaper are still to stand in the way of Japan.
Not only did they continue to forgive the violence of China and the Korean peninsula,
It's not an exaggeration to say that they are a traitor who continues to sell Japan to them,
People who came along with abysmal evil and plausible lie.
Stop the progress of the turntable of civilization,
It is the people who have created the dangerous and unstable world of today.
If you don't want to be blamed by Yama in hell,
Instantly stop subscription to the Asahi Shimbun,
A subscription for the four monthly magazines, which is a must-read book,
You should switch to a Sankei Shimbun subscription.
To know the truth as a human who lives in the 21st century,
Only there is a way.
The newspaper page of the Asahi Shimbun will sufficiently understand by the following headings alone.
Asahi's criticism of Abe intensifying before the election
Sorry. (Because my heart decays by only translating, too, it omits the whole text.)
Compare the prime minister with a dog
Unreasonable criticism of the government
Asahi's unreasonable criticism of the government is to stop the victory of the Abe LDP, as it leads to a revision of the Constitution, and it may be that it is only a product of Asahi's biased ideology.


2019年07月11日 20時47分51秒 | 全般


辻元清美の両親の国籍は韓国なんでしょうか? 国籍が韓国である噂は多かったので、 帰化の噂の真相を調べてみますと、




There is little in common with the Jomon factor compared to that of Chinese and Koreans.




Egami Namio also said, "equestrian people came and made the Yamato court," a complete lie


Shiba Ryotaro said, "Japanese people are the same as Koreans." but it was a complete lie.






Le facteur Jomon a peu en commun avec celui des Chinois et des Coréens.


それにしても日本人は凄い。 早々にY染色体の哀しさを知り、それゆえに桜を愛でるだけでなく、民族の純血を守る手段として皇統をY染色体でつなぐ男系としてきた

C'è poco in comune con il fattore Jomon rispetto a quello di cinesi e coreani.

2019年07月11日 19時00分45秒 | 全般

Come ho detto sopra, mi iscrivo a Weekly Shincho ogni settimana per leggere le colonne di serializzazione di Masayuki Takayama e Yoshiko Sakurai.
Takayama Masayuki ha fornito completamente di essere l'unico giornalista del mondo dopo la guerra, anche nel numero di questa settimana.
Tutti quelli che l'hanno letto dovrebbero aver pensato che fosse fantastico.
La signora Sakurai Yoshiko è anche una persona che merita un premio d'onore nazionale.
Insieme al defunto Mr. Shoichi Watabe, ha combattuto da sola in questo momento, dai tempi in cui l'Asahi Shimbun dominava il Giappone.
Ha corretto le anomalie di Asahi Shimbun, così come molti rapporti sul pensiero antigiapponese, e ha continuato a essere critica al fatto che hanno continuato a seguire la propaganda anti-giapponese della Cina e dei coreani.
In primo luogo, consegnerò la mirabile tesi di Masayuki Takayama a tutte le persone e alle persone di tutto il mondo.
* ~ * Sono io.

L'odore del sole del mattino
Takayama Masayuki
Anche se è una moglie malvagia, il marito in qualche modo devitalizza e muore come se stesse inseguendo la moglie.
Tuttavia, anche se il marito è morto, la maggior parte delle mogli sono piene di animazione e non seguono mai la caccia al marito.
La durata media della vita del giapponese è di 80 per gli uomini e di 87 per le donne.
Dimostra che mia moglie è stata in pace per sette anni dopo la morte del fastidioso marito.
Perché un uomo muore giovane più di una donna?
È così perché è un uomo, cioè ha un cromosoma Y.
È triste, ma questa è la regola.
Di seguito una storia che ho appreso in un'intervista con Kumiko Takeuchi e Mary Batten, ma al momento delle uova fecondate, tutti erano una donna.
La prova è il capezzolo nel petto di un uomo.
Non è né latte né zona erogena.
È un dono inutile, ma è la prova che era una donna prima di diventare un uomo.
Allora quando un uomo diventerà un uomo?
Sei settimane dopo la fecondazione e la divisione cellulare ha inizio, le vescicole seminali iniziano a funzionare in base ai determinanti del sesso sul cromosoma Y ed erodono una grande quantità del testosterone maschile.
Crea sottaceti testosterone dal cervello in ogni angolo del corpo come una doccia e dice: "Sei un uomo".
Genitali maschili si sviluppano anche con esso.
Tuttavia, i genitali maschili omosessuali congeniti hanno una taglia in più rispetto ai maschi normali.
Non sa ancora perché Dio abbia fatto un simile spreco.
Una persona che è nata come mente e corpo come uomo è sempre incoraggiata dal cervello che tu sei un uomo, agisci più maschile,
sopracciglia e peli del corpo crescono e anche i muscoli si legano.
McArthur sbeffeggiava la sua prima moglie come "Generalmente di giorno ma privata di notte", ma all'uomo viene chiesto di fare del suo meglio per essere irrequieto giorno e notte.
Il cromosoma Y, che supporta gli sforzi, previene la cancerogenesi delle cellule, previene l'arteriosclerosi e rimuove anche le placche amiloidi attaccate al cervello.
Grazie al cromosoma Y, un uomo continua a lavorare sodo senza ammalarsi, e può sposare una bella moglie e anche produrre un figlio.
Tuttavia, dopo lo stadio riproduttivo, il cromosoma Y perde gradualmente la sua funzione.
Inizia l'indurimento delle arterie.
Le placche si accumulano nel cervello e la sfocatura inizia e anche le cellule tumorali escono.
Si accumula anche la fatica che ha continuato a provare.
Rimanere in salute fino alla vecchiaia, quindi morire senza dolore si riferisce al modo ideale di vivere che prende vita e cade a morte prima di diventare rifiuti domestici.
Il declino del cromosoma Y sembra essere solo una misura naturale per realizzarlo.
Come un uomo continua a provare, facendo il meglio, ma l'uomo giapponese ha paragonato il fugace stile di vita che si sarebbe spremuto dopo che il lavoro era come un fiore di ciliegio.
Motoori Norinaga, che ha vissuto abbastanza per raggiungere il 60 ° anno, ha dichiarato: "Se chiedi allo spirito giapponese del Giappone, i fiori di ciliegio selvatico catturano i raggi del sole del mattino".
Anche Saigyo Hoshi disse: "Spero di morire sotto i fiori di ciliegio in primavera, intorno al periodo della luna piena ad aprile".
La solitudine di un uomo esce bene.
Sebbene sia un tale cromosoma Y, è stato trovato che la sequenza nucleotidica del gene differisce a seconda delle persone.
Secondo la tabella delle sequenze cromosomiche Y annunciata da uno studente laureato presso la Facoltà di Scienze dell'Università di Tokyo l'altro giorno, gli attuali giapponesi e Jomon sono gli stessi.
In altre parole, durante i 10.000 anni delle rovine di Sannai Maruyama, i giapponesi sono rimasti giapponesi.
C'è poco in comune con il fattore Jomon rispetto a quello di cinesi e coreani.
Sarà una grande scoperta.
Shiba Ryotaro ha detto: "I giapponesi sono gli stessi dei coreani".
Egami Namio ha anche detto che "gli equestri sono venuti e hanno fatto la corte Yamato", ma quelli erano una bugia completa.
Nella storia giapponese, la cultura Yayoi viene insegnata secondo gli stranieri, ma non c'erano tali stranieri.

Per l'identità etnica convenzionalmente: "abbiamo verificato sulla base del mitocondrio femminile, è un trucco che può ingannare un bambino. Il cromosoma Y è il fattore decisivo. ', Hiroaki Nagahama ha anche scritto in' The Birth of Japan. '
Anche così, i giapponesi sono fantastici.
Non solo conoscevamo presto la solitudine del cromosoma Y e quindi amiamo i fiori di ciliegio, ma come mezzo per proteggere il sangue puro della razza, lo abbiamo fatto come una linea maschile che collega la linea imperiale con il cromosoma Y.
* L'altro giorno l'ho saputo nell'intervista con Kumiko Takeuchi, che è diventata un'ottima studiosa adatta ai diplomati dell'Università di Kyoto, e ho avuto la stessa sensazione di Masayuki Takayama ... Anche così, i giapponesi sono fantastici. *
Ora, il Partito Comunista e Asahi Shimbun raccomandano l'imperatore femminile.
Pensano che sia il modo migliore per inquinare i giapponesi.
L'ignoranza e la malizia hanno un odore nell'Ashi?

Mit dem Jomon-Faktor haben Chinesen und Koreaner wenig gemein.

2019年07月11日 18時59分11秒 | 全般

Wie oben erwähnt, abonniere ich wöchentlich Shincho, um die Serialisierungsspalten von Masayuki Takayama und Yoshiko Sakurai zu lesen.
Takayama Masayuki hat nach dem Krieg auch in dieser Wochenausgabe vollständig dafür gesorgt, dass er der einzige Journalist der Welt ist.
Alle, die es gelesen haben, sollten gedacht haben, dass er großartig ist.
Frau Sakurai Yoshiko ist auch eine Person, die einen nationalen Ehrenpreis verdient.
Zusammen mit dem verstorbenen Mr. Shoichi Watabe kämpft sie seit den Tagen, als die Asahi Shimbun Japan beherrschten, alleine.
Sie hat die Anomalien der Asahi Shimbun sowie viele Berichte über antijapanische Gedanken korrigiert und weiterhin kritisch dafür vorgegangen, dass sie der antijapanischen Propaganda Chinas und der Koreaner weiterhin folgten.
Zuerst werde ich die bewundernswerte These von Masayuki Takayama allen Menschen und Menschen auf der ganzen Welt überbringen.
* ~ * Bin ich.

Der Geruch in der Morgensonne
Takayama Masayuki
Auch wenn es eine böse Frau ist, der Ehemann irgendwie devitalisiert, und es stirbt wie das Jagen nach der Frau.
Aber selbst wenn der Ehemann tot ist, sind die meisten Frauen voller Belebung und folgen niemals der Verfolgung ihres Ehemanns.
Die durchschnittliche Lebensdauer von Japanisch beträgt 80 für Männer und 87 für Frauen.
Es zeigt, dass meine Frau seit sieben Jahren in Frieden ist, nachdem der nervige Ehemann gestorben ist.
Warum stirbt ein Mann eher jung als eine Frau?
Das ist so, weil es ein Mann ist, das heißt, es hat ein Y-Chromosom.
Es ist traurig, aber das ist die Regel.
Unten ist eine Geschichte, die ich in einem Interview mit Kumiko Takeuchi und Mary Batten erfahren habe, aber zur Zeit der befruchteten Eier war jeder eine Frau.
Der Beweis ist die Brustwarze eines Mannes.
Es ist weder Milch noch eine erogene Zone.
Es ist ein nutzloses Geschenk, aber es ist ein Beweis dafür, dass er eine Frau war, bevor er ein Mann wurde.
Wann wird dann ein Mann ein Mann?
Sechs Wochen nach Beginn der Befruchtung und Zellteilung beginnen die Samenbläschen durch die Geschlechtsdeterminanten auf dem Y-Chromosom zu funktionieren und brechen eine große Menge des männlichen Hormons Testosteron aus.
Es bringt Testosteron wie eine Dusche aus dem Gehirn in jede Ecke des Körpers und sagt: "Du bist ein Mann."
Damit entwickeln sich auch männliche Genitalien.
Angeborene homosexuelle männliche Genitalien sind jedoch eine Nummer größer als normale männliche.
Es ist noch nicht bekannt, warum Gott eine solche Verschwendung getan hat.
Eine Person, die als Geist und Körper wie ein Mann geboren wurde, wird immer vom Gehirn ermutigt, dass Sie ein Mann sind, männlicher handeln,
Augenbrauen und Körperbehaarung wachsen und Muskeln werden auch muskelgebunden.
McArthur verspottete seine erste Frau als "Generäle tagsüber, aber nachts privat", aber der Mann wird gebeten, sein Bestes zu geben, um Tag und Nacht unruhig zu sein.
Das Y-Chromosom, das die Bemühungen unterstützt, beugt der Krebsentstehung von Zellen vor, beugt Arteriosklerose vor und entfernt auch Amyloid-Plaques, die am Gehirn haften.
Dank des Y-Chromosoms arbeitet ein Mann weiterhin hart, ohne krank zu werden, und er kann eine schöne Frau heiraten und auch ein Kind zeugen.
Nach dem Fortpflanzungsstadium verliert das Y-Chromosom jedoch allmählich seine Funktion.
Die Verhärtung der Arterien beginnt.
Plaques sammeln sich im Gehirn und Unschärfe beginnt, und die Krebszellen kommen auch heraus.
Die Müdigkeit, die sich immer wieder anstrengt, nimmt ebenfalls zu.
Bis ins hohe Alter gesund zu bleiben und dann schmerzlos zu sterben, bezeichnet die ideale Lebensweise, die zum Leben erwacht und zu Tode fällt, bevor sie in den Hausmüll übergeht.
Der Rückgang des Y-Chromosoms scheint nur eine natürliche Maßnahme zu sein, um dies zu realisieren.
Als Mann versuchen Sie immer wieder, das Beste zu geben, aber der Japaner verglich die flüchtige Lebensweise, die sich nach der Arbeit herausdrücken würde, mit einer Kirschblüte.
Motoori Norinaga, der das 60. Lebensjahr vollendet hat, sagte: "Wenn Sie den japanischen Geist Japans befragen, fangen wilde Kirschblüten die Strahlen der Morgensonne ein."
Saigyo Hoshi sagte auch: "Ich hoffe, dass ich im Frühjahr, etwa zur Vollmondzeit im April, unter den Kirschblüten sterbe."
Die Einsamkeit eines Mannes kommt gut heraus.
Obwohl es sich um ein solches Y-Chromosom handelt, wurde festgestellt, dass die Nukleotidsequenz des Gens je nach Mensch unterschiedlich ist.
Nach dem Y-Chromosomen-Sequenzdiagramm, das kürzlich von einem Doktoranden an der Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften der Universität Tokio angekündigt wurde, sind die gegenwärtigen Japaner und Jomon gleich.
Mit anderen Worten, während der 10.000 Jahre der Ruinen von Sannai Maruyama sind die Japaner Japaner geblieben.
Mit dem Jomon-Faktor haben Chinesen und Koreaner wenig gemein.
Es wird eine großartige Entdeckung sein.
Shiba Ryotaro sagte: "Japaner sind die gleichen wie Koreaner."
Egami Namio sagte auch: "Reiter kamen und machten das Gericht Yamato", aber das waren eine völlige Lüge.
In der japanischen Geschichte wird die Yayoi-Kultur nach Ausländern gelehrt, aber es gab keine solchen Ausländer.

Für die ethnische Identität auf konventionelle Weise gilt: 'Wir haben anhand der weiblichen Mitochondrien festgestellt, dass dies ein Trick ist, der ein Kind täuschen kann. Das Y-Chromosom ist der entscheidende Faktor. “, Schrieb Hiroaki Nagahama auch in„ The Birth of Japan “.
Trotzdem sind Japaner großartig.
Wir haben nicht nur die Einsamkeit des Y-Chromosoms früh erkannt und lieben deshalb die Kirschblüten, sondern haben es als eine männliche Linie, die die imperiale Linie mit dem Y-Chromosom verbindet, geschaffen, um das reine Blut der Rasse zu schützen.
* Am anderen Tag erfuhr ich davon im Interview mit Kumiko Takeuchi, der zu einem exzellenten Gelehrten für Absolventen der Universität Kyoto wurde, und ich hatte das gleiche Gefühl wie Masayuki Takayama ... Trotzdem sind die Japaner großartig. *
Nun empfehlen die Kommunistische Partei und die Asahi Shimbun die Kaiserin.
Sie denken, dass dies der beste Weg ist, die Japaner zu verschmutzen.
Riecht Unwissenheit und Bosheit im Asahi?

중국인과 한국인에 비해 조몬 요소와 공통점이 거의 없습니다.

2019年07月11日 18時57分11秒 | 全般

위에서 언급 한 것처럼 주간 신초에 매주 구독하여 다카야마 마사유키와 사쿠라이 요시코의 연재 기사를 읽습니다.
다카야마 마사유키 (Takayama Masayuki)는 이번 주 쟁점에서 그가 전쟁 후 세계 유일의 유일한 언론인이라는 것을 완전히 제공했다.
그것을 읽은 모든 사람들은 그가 위대하다고 생각 했어야합니다.
Sakurai Yoshiko는 국가의 명예 상을받을 자격이있는 사람이기도합니다.
와 타베 쇼이치 (脇田 祥一) 씨와 함께 아사히 신문이 일본을 장악 한 이래로 그녀는 지금 혼자 싸우고있다.
그녀는 아사히 신문의 변칙과 반일 사상에 관한 많은보고를 고쳤으며 중국과 중국의 반일주의 선전을 계속 지켰다는 사실에 비판적이었다.
첫째, 다카야마 마사유키 (Masayuki Takayama)의 훌륭한 논문을 전 세계의 모든 사람들과 사람들에게 전할 것입니다.
* ~ * 나야.

아침 해의 냄새
타카야마 마사유키
사악한 아내 일지라도, 남편은 어떻게 든 활력을 잃고 아내를 쫓는 것처럼 죽습니다.
그러나 남편이 사망하더라도 대부분의 아내는 생기 넘치고 남편을 쫓아 다니지 않습니다.
일본어의 평균 수명은 남성의 경우 80이고 여성의 경우 평균 87입니다.
그것은 아내가 성가신 남편이 죽은 후 7 년 동안 평화롭게 살았 음을 보여줍니다.
왜 남자가 여자보다 젊은 나이에 죽을까요?
그것은 사람이기 때문에 그렇습니다. 즉 Y 염색체를 가지고 있습니다.
그것은 슬프지만, 그것이 규칙입니다.
아래는 타케우치 쿠미코와 메리 배튼과의 인터뷰에서 배웠던 이야기이지만, 수정란 시절에는 모두가 여자였습니다.
증거는 남자의 가슴에있는 젖꼭지입니다.
그것은 우유 나 성감 성 영역이 아닙니다.
그것은 쓸모없는 선물이지만, 남자가되기 전에 그가 여자 였음을 증명합니다.
그러면 언제 사람이 남자가 될 것입니까?
수정과 세포 분열이 시작된 지 6 주가 지나면 정액 소포가 Y 염색체의 성 결정 인자에 의해 기능을 시작하여 많은 양의 남성 호르몬 테스토스테론이 분비된다.
그것은 뇌에서부터 테스토스테론 피클을 몸의 구석 구석까지 샤워하고 "너는 남자 야."라고 말합니다.
남성 성기도 함께 발전합니다.
그러나, 선천적 인 동성애 남성 생식기는 정상적인 남성보다 한 사이즈 크다.
하나님 께서 왜 그런 낭비를 하셨는지는 아직 알지 못합니다.
마음과 육체로 태어난 사람은 언제나 두뇌에서 격려받습니다.
눈썹과 몸의 머리카락이 자라며, 근육도 근육에 달라 붙는다.
McArthur는 그의 첫 번째 부인을 "낮에는 장군이지만 밤에는 사적인 집행 인"이라고 비난했다. 그러나 그 남자는 밤낮을 가리지 않고 최선을 다할 것을 요구 받는다.
노력을 지원하는 Y 염색체는 세포의 암화를 막고 동맥 경화를 예방하며 뇌에 부착 된 아밀로이드 플라크를 제거합니다.
Y- 염색체 덕분에, 남자는 병이 나지 않고 계속 열심히 일하고, 아름다운 아내와 결혼하고 아이를 낳을 수 있습니다.
그러나 생식기 이후에는 Y 염색체가 점차 기능을 상실하게됩니다.
동맥 경화가 시작됩니다.
플라크가 뇌에 축적되어 흐려지기 시작하고 암세포가 나옵니다.
열심히 노력한 피로도 누적됩니다.
노년까지 건강을 유지하고 고통스럽게 죽어가는 것은 이상적인 삶의 방식을 말합니다. 삶의 방식은 가사 쓰레기가되기 전에 죽음에 이릅니다.
Y 염색체의 감소는 그것을 실현하기위한 자연스러운 수단 인 것처럼 보입니다.
한 남자가 최선을 다해 노력하면서, 일본인은 일이 벚꽃과 같았을 때 짜낼 수있는 덧없는 삶의 방식을 비교했다.
60 주년을 맞이하여 살았던 모리 오리 노리나가 (일본인 정신을 묻는다면, 아침 햇살을 쬐는 야생 벚꽃).
사이 기 호시 (斎 吉 星)도 4 월의 보름달 쯤에 봄의 벚꽃에서 죽기를 희망한다고 말했다.
한 남자의 외로움이 잘 나온다.
이러한 Y 염색체 임에도 불구하고 유전자의 염기 서열은 사람에 따라 다르다는 것이 판명되었다.
요 전날 도쿄 대학 대학원 대학원생이 발표 한 Y 염색체 염기 서열 차트에 따르면 현재 일본인과 조몬 인은 동일합니다.
다시 말해, Sannai Maruyama 폐허 10,000 년 동안 일본인은 일본인이었습니다.
중국인과 한국인에 비해 조몬 요소와 공통점이 거의 없습니다.
그것은 위대한 발견 일 것입니다.
시바 료 타로 (Shiba Ryotaro)는 "일본인은 한국인과 동일하다"고 말했다.
에가미 나미오는 "승마 사람들이 와서 야마토 코트를 만들었지 만"그들은 완전한 거짓말이었다고 말했다.
일본 역사에서 야요이 문화는 외국인에 따라 가르쳐 지지만 그런 외국인은 없다.

전통적으로 종족적 정체성의 경우 : '우리는 여성 미토콘드리아를 근거로 확인 했으므로 아이를기만하는 트릭입니다. Y 염색체가 결정 요인입니다. '라고 히로아키 나가 하마 (Hiroaki Nagahama)는 "The Birth of Japan"에 글을 썼다.
그렇더라도 일본인은 위대합니다.
우리는 Y 염색체의 외로움을 일찌감치 알았을뿐 아니라 벚꽃을 사랑할뿐만 아니라, 인종의 순수한 피를 보호하기위한 수단으로 황실과 Y 염색체를 연결하는 수컷 선으로 만들었습니다.
* 요 전날 교토 대학 졸업생에게 적합한 훌륭한 학자가 된 타케우치 쿠미코와의 인터뷰에서 다카야마 마사유키와 같은 느낌이 들었다. 그렇다고해도 일본인은 위대하다. *
이제 공산당과 아사히 신문은 여성 황제를 추천한다.
그들은 그것이 일본 국민을 오염시키는 가장 좋은 방법이라고 생각합니다.
아사히에서 무지와 악의가 있습니까?


2019年07月11日 18時56分00秒 | 全般

正如我上面提到的,我每周订阅Weekly Shincho阅读Masayuki Takayama和Yoshiko Sakurai的序列化专栏。
Sakurai Yoshiko女士也是一个值得获得国家荣誉奖的人。
从已故的Shoichi Watabe先生开始,自从朝日新闻统治日本以来,她一直独自战斗。
首先,我将把Masayuki Takayama的令人钦佩的论文交给全世界的所有人和人。

已经活到第60年的Motoori Norinaga说:“如果你问日本的日本精神,野樱桃花会捕捉早晨的阳光。”
Saigyo Hoshi还说,“我希望春天的樱花在四月满月的时候死去。”
Shiba Ryotaro说:“日本人和韩国人一样。”
Egami Namio也说,“马术人员来到大和宫廷”,但那些是完全的谎言。

对于传统上的民族认同:'我们已经根据女性线粒体进行了验证,这是一种可能欺骗孩子的伎俩。 Y染色体是决定因素。',Hiroaki Nagahama也在“日本的诞生”中写道。

Le facteur Jomon a peu en commun avec celui des Chinois et des Coréens.

2019年07月11日 18時53分43秒 | 全般

Comme je l'ai mentionné ci-dessus, je m'abonne à Weekly Shincho toutes les semaines pour lire les chroniques de sérialisation de Masayuki Takayama et de Yoshiko Sakurai.
Takayama Masayuki a parfaitement précisé qu'il était le seul et unique journaliste au monde après la guerre, également dans le numéro de cette semaine.
Tous ceux qui l'ont lu auraient dû penser qu'il était génial.
Mme Sakurai Yoshiko est également une personne qui mérite un prix d’honneur national.
Avec le regretté M. Shoichi Watabe, elle se bat seule depuis le temps où l'Asahi Shimbun dominait le Japon.
Elle a corrigé les anomalies d'Asahi Shimbun, ainsi que de nombreux reportages sur la pensée anti-japonaise, et a continué à jouer un rôle crucial dans le fait qu'elle continuait de suivre les idées
Premièrement, je présenterai la thèse admirable de Masayuki Takayama à tous les peuples et à tous les peuples du monde.
* ~ * C'est moi.

L'odeur du soleil du matin

Takayama Masayuki
Même s’il s’agit d’une femme diabolique, le mari est en quelque sorte en train de dévitaliser et il meurt comme si l’on poursuivait sa femme.
Cependant, même si le mari est décédé, la plupart des épouses sont pleines d’animation et ne la poursuivent jamais.
La durée de vie moyenne des Japonais est de 80 ans pour les hommes et de 87 ans pour les femmes.
Cela montre que ma femme est en paix depuis sept ans après le décès de son mari agaçant.
Pourquoi un homme meurt-il plus jeune qu'une femme?
C’est vrai parce que c’est un homme, c’est-à-dire qu’il a un chromosome Y.
C'est triste, mais c'est la règle.
Ci-dessous, une histoire que j'ai apprise dans une interview avec Kumiko Takeuchi et Mary Batten, mais à l'époque des œufs fécondés, tout le monde était une femme.
La preuve est le mamelon dans la poitrine d'un homme.
Ce n'est ni du lait ni une zone érogène.
C'est un cadeau inutile, mais c'est la preuve qu'il était une femme avant de devenir un homme.
Alors, quand un homme deviendra-t-il un homme?
Six semaines après la fécondation et le début de la division cellulaire, les vésicules séminales commencent à fonctionner en fonction des déterminants du sexe situés sur le chromosome Y et provoquent une éruption cutanée d'une grande quantité de testostérone, une hormone masculine.
Il transforme les cornichons de testostérone du cerveau dans tous les coins du corps en une douche et dit: "Vous êtes un homme".
Les organes génitaux masculins se développent également avec elle.
Cependant, les organes génitaux masculins homosexuels congénitaux ont une taille supérieure à celle des hommes normaux.
Il ne sait pas encore pourquoi Dieu a fait un tel gaspillage.
Une personne qui est née en tant qu'esprit et corps en tant qu'homme est toujours encouragée par le cerveau, vous dites que vous êtes un homme, agissez plus masculinement,
les sourcils et les poils se développent, et les muscles deviennent également liés musculaires.
McArthur s'est moqué de sa première femme en tant que "général le jour mais privé la nuit", mais on demande à l'homme de faire de son mieux pour rester agité le jour ou la nuit.
Le chromosome Y, qui soutient les efforts, prévient la cancérisation des cellules, prévient l'artériosclérose et supprime également les plaques amyloïdes attachées au cerveau.
Grâce au chromosome Y, un homme continue de travailler d'arrache-pied sans tomber malade, il peut épouser une belle femme et donner naissance à un enfant.
Cependant, après la phase de reproduction, le chromosome Y perd progressivement sa fonction.
Le durcissement des artères commence.
Les plaques s'accumulent dans le cerveau et le flou commence, et les cellules cancéreuses apparaissent également.
La fatigue qui continuait à faire des efforts s'accumule également.
Rester en bonne santé jusqu'à un âge avancé, puis mourir sans douleur est le mode de vie idéal qui s'anime et se meurt avant de devenir un déchet ménager.
Le déclin du chromosome Y semble être simplement une disposition naturelle pour le réaliser.
En tant qu'homme, continue d'essayer, de faire de son mieux, mais le Japonais a comparé le mode de vie éphémère qui disparaîtrait après le travail, ressemblait à une fleur de cerisier.
Motoori Norinaga, qui a suffisamment vécu jusqu'à l'âge de 60 ans, a déclaré: "Si vous demandez à l'esprit japonais du Japon, des fleurs de cerisier sauvages captureront les rayons du soleil du matin."
Saigyo Hoshi a également déclaré: "J'espère mourir sous les fleurs de cerisier au printemps, aux alentours de la pleine lune en avril".
La solitude d'un homme ressort bien.
Bien qu'il s'agisse d'un tel chromosome Y, il a été découvert que la séquence de nucléotides du gène diffère selon les individus.
Selon le diagramme de séquence du chromosome Y annoncé l'autre jour par un étudiant diplômé de la faculté des sciences de l'Université de Tokyo, les Japonais et les Jomon actuels sont identiques.
En d'autres termes, pendant les 10.000 ans des ruines de Sannai Maruyama, les Japonais sont restés japonais.
Le facteur Jomon a peu en commun avec celui des Chinois et des Coréens.
Ce sera une belle découverte.
Shiba Ryotaro a déclaré: "Les Japonais sont les mêmes que les Coréens."
Egami Namio a également déclaré: "des cavaliers sont venus et ont fait la cour de Yamato", mais ceux-ci étaient un mensonge complet.
Dans l'histoire japonaise, la culture Yayoi est enseignée selon les étrangers, mais il n'y en avait pas.

Pour l'identité ethnique de manière conventionnelle: «nous avons vérifié sur la base de la femme mitochondriale, c'est une astuce qui peut tromper un enfant. Le chromosome Y est le facteur décisif. ', Hiroaki Nagahama a également écrit dans «La naissance du Japon».
Malgré tout, les Japonais sont géniaux.
Non seulement connaissions-vous la solitude du chromosome Y tôt et aimions-nous donc les fleurs de cerisier, mais comme moyen de protéger le sang pur de la race, nous l'avons conçue comme une ligne mâle reliant la ligne impériale au chromosome Y.
* L’autre jour, j’ai appris cela lors de l’entretien avec Kumiko Takeuchi, qui est devenu un excellent érudit approprié pour les diplômés de l’Université de Kyoto, et j’ai eu le même sentiment que Masayuki Takayama ... Malgré tout, les Japonais sont géniaux. *
Maintenant, le Parti communiste et les Asahi Shimbun recommandent la femme empereur.
Ils pensent que c'est le meilleur moyen de polluer les Japonais.
Est-ce que l'ignorance et la malice sentent les Asahi?


2019年07月11日 18時07分50秒 | 全般


辻元清美の両親の国籍は韓国なんでしょうか? 国籍が韓国である噂は多かったので、 帰化の噂の真相を調べてみますと、
















それにしても日本人は凄い。 早々にY染色体の哀しさを知り、それゆえに桜を愛でるだけでなく、民族の純血を守る手段として皇統をY染色体でつなぐ男系としてきた




2019年07月11日 16時24分06秒 | 全般


それにしても日本人は凄い。 早々にY染色体の哀しさを知り、それゆえに桜を愛でるだけでなく、民族の純血を守る手段として皇統をY染色体でつなぐ男系としてきた

2019年07月11日 16時22分07秒 | 全般



2019年07月11日 16時16分48秒 | 全般
