文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Hulle sien hierdie situasie oor die hoof, is nie bevoeg om oor waarheid, geregtigheid

2023年04月12日 15時31分52秒 | 全般

Swede is natuurlik 'n land waar kinders nie Kawasaki-siekte kry wat deur Chinese stofstorms veroorsaak word nie.
Dit is 'n hoofstuk wat ek op 28 September 2021 gestuur het.
Die ander dag het Greta Thunberg berig dat sommige Duitse jeugdiges aan 'n omgewingsbewusmakingsdag in Duitsland deelgeneem het.
Die Japannese TV-media het dit berig asof dit 'n 100% korrekte optrede was, sonder enige kritiek.

Die jong meisie is 'n marionet van China, wat in Swede woon, 'n land ver weg van China, waar sy nog nooit China se lugbesoedelingskaart gesien het nie, en ook nie elke jaar deur China-stofstorms getref word nie.
Swede is natuurlik 'n land waar kinders nie Kawasaki-siekte kry wat veroorsaak word deur China-stofstorms nie.

Selfs nou weet hulle nie eers dat China 'n land is wat meer as 30% van die wêreld se koolstofdioksied produseer nie, waarmee hulle 'n probleem het. (Of hulle dit besef of nie, ek weet nie.)
Met ander woorde, 'n meisie wat self 'n klomp skynheiligheid is, hou 'n gebeurtenis van onkunde en skynheiligheid in Duitsland, waarskynlik die mees skynheilige land in die wêreld.
Toe die vroeë Beatles op hul Duitse ekspedisie was, was Hamburg die belangrikste prostitusiesone in die naoorlogse wêreld.
Dat Duitsland nou deur China en Suid-Korea, die enigste twee anti-Japannese nasies in die wêreld, gebruik word om hul onderskeie regimes te handhaaf; Suid-Korea se anti-Japannese onderwys, wat sedert die einde van die oorlog tot vandag voortduur, en China se Nazisme in die naam van anti-Japannese onderwys, wat die publiek se aandag van die Tiananmen-plein-voorval begin aftrek het.
Met ander woorde, China en Suid-Korea is lande wat voortgegaan het om hul mense op te voed om ander volke te verneder en hul meerderwaardigheid aan te blaas om dieselfde redes en op dieselfde manier as Hitler en die Nazi's, en voortgaan om Naziste te massa produseer selfs in die 21ste eeu.
Duitsland, wat sy anti-Japannese propaganda gevoed het.
Vir watter doel?
Om die misdade van die Nazi's weg te steek en Japan te laat lyk soos 'n land wat dieselfde misdade as die Nazi's gepleeg het, is Duitsland en die Duitse volk ongelooflik skynheilig, met ongeveer die helfte van die bevolking wat saam met hulle 'n anti-Japannese ingesteldheid het.
'n Land wat graag die Nanking-slagting, die verhaal van John Rabe, 'n voormalige Nazi, en 'n leuenaar, elke jaar aan die einde van die jaar op TV uitsaai.
Die internasionale gemeenskap en die Verenigde Nasies, wat steeds hierdie situasie miskyk, is nie bevoeg om oor waarheid, geregtigheid, menseregte, ens.

Die Japannese TV-media, wat alles oor "'n bybedoeling" en "pseudo-moralisme" gaan, het die gebeurtenis sonder enige kritiek berig.
Wanneer die moontlikheid om die eerste vroulike premier in die geskiedenis te hê op sy hoogtepunt is, is die media blatant obstruktief in sy dekking om te verhoed dat sy premier word na aanleiding van China se wense.
Dit is 'n duidelike bewys dat hul vorige verslae oor die vrou slegs as materiaal gebruik is om die Japannese regering te kritiseer en aan te val.
As die TV-media gesond was, sou hulle kommentaar gelewer het: "As hulle nie China toe gaan om dit te doen nie, sal dit niks beteken nie."


2023/4/11, in Osaka


2023年04月12日 15時28分02秒 | 全般

前幾天,Greta Thunberg 報導說,一些德國青年參加了德國的環境意識日活動。


即使是現在,他們也不知道中國是一個二氧化碳排放量佔世界30%以上的國家,他們對此有意見。 (他們是否意識到,我不知道。)
德國現在被世界上僅有的兩個反日國家中國和韓國用來維護各自的政權; 韓國從戰後一直持續到今天的反日教育,以及中國以反日教育為名的納粹主義,開始轉移公眾對天安門事件的注意力。
換句話說,中國和韓國是繼續教育自己的人民以與希特勒和納粹相同的理由和方式侮辱其他民族並煽動他們的優越感,甚至在 21 世紀繼續大量生產納粹分子的國家。 世紀。





2023年04月12日 15時25分39秒 | 全般

前几天,Greta Thunberg 报道说,一些德国青年参加了德国的环境意识日活动。


即使是现在,他们也不知道中国是一个二氧化碳排放量占世界30%以上的国家,他们对此有意见。 (他们是否意识到,我不知道。)
德国现在被世界上仅有的两个反日国家中国和韩国用来维护各自的政权; 韩国从战后一直持续到今天的反日教育,以及中国以反日教育为名的纳粹主义,开始转移公众对天安门事件的注意力。
换句话说,中国和韩国是继续教育自己的人民以与希特勒和纳粹相同的理由和方式侮辱其他民族并煽动他们的优越感,甚至在 21 世纪继续大量生产纳粹分子的国家。 世纪。




그들은 이 상황을 간과하고, 진실, 정의, 인권,

2023年04月12日 15時23分46秒 | 全般

물론 스웨덴은 중국의 황사로 인한 가와사키병에 아이들이 걸리지 않는 나라다.
2021년 9월 28일에 보내드린 장입니다.
얼마 전 Greta Thunberg는 일부 독일 청소년들이 독일에서 열린 환경 인식의 날에 참여했다고 보도했습니다.
일본 TV매체는 아무런 비판 없이 100% 옳은 행동인 것처럼 보도했다.

어린 소녀는 중국의 꼭두각시로 중국에서 멀리 떨어진 나라인 스웨덴에 살고 있습니다. 그녀는 중국의 대기 오염 차트를 본 적이 없으며 매년 중국의 먼지 폭풍에 자주 노출되지 않습니다.
물론 스웨덴은 중국 황사로 인한 가와사키병에 아이들이 걸리지 않는 나라다.

지금도 그들은 중국이 세계 이산화탄소의 30% 이상을 배출하는 나라라는 사실조차 모르고 있다. (그들이 깨닫고 있는지 아닌지는 모르겠습니다.)
즉, 스스로 위선의 덩어리로 보이는 소녀가 세계에서 가장 위선적인 나라라 일컬어지는 독일에서 무지와 위선의 사건을 벌이고 있는 것이다.
초기 비틀즈가 독일 원정을 떠났을 때 함부르크는 전후 세계에서 가장 중요한 매춘 지역이었습니다.
독일은 현재 세계 유일의 반일 국가인 중국과 한국이 각자의 정권을 유지하기 위해 이용하고 있다는 것; 한국의 항일교육은 종전 이후 지금까지 이어지고 있고, 중국의 나치즘은 항일교육이라는 이름으로 천안문 사태로부터 대중의 시선을 돌리기 시작했다.
즉, 중국과 한국은 히틀러나 나치와 같은 이유와 방식으로 남을 모욕하고 우월성을 선동하도록 자국민을 계속 교육하고 21세기에도 계속해서 나치주의자들을 양산해 온 나라들이다. 세기.
반일 선전을 해온 독일.
무슨 목적을 위해?
나치의 죄를 은폐하고 일본을 나치와 같은 죄를 지은 나라로 보이게 하기 위해 독일과 독일 국민의 절반 가량이 반일 감정을 갖고 있을 정도로 위선적이다.
전 나치주의자이자 거짓말쟁이였던 존 라베의 이야기인 난징 대학살을 매년 연말 TV에 방영하게 되어 기뻐하는 나라.
이런 상황을 계속 방관하는 국제사회와 유엔은 진실과 정의, 인권 등을 논할 자격이 없다.

은밀한 속셈과 사이비도덕주의를 표방하는 일본 TV매체는 일말의 비판 없이 이 사건을 보도했다.
역사상 최초의 여성 총리 탄생 가능성이 절정에 달한 지금, 언론은 노골적으로 그녀가 중국의 뜻에 따라 총리가 되는 것을 막기 위해 취재를 방해하고 있다.
여성에 대한 이전 보도가 일본 정부를 비판하고 공격하는 자료로만 사용되었다는 것은 분명한 증거입니다.
TV매체가 제정신이었다면 "중국에 가지 않으면 아무 의미가 없다"고 평했을 것이다.


2023년 4월 11일 오사카에서

Eles ignoram essa situação, não estão qualificados para falar sobre verdade, justiça

2023年04月12日 15時15分04秒 | 全般

Claro, a Suécia é um país onde as crianças não contraem a doença de Kawasaki causada pelas tempestades de poeira chinesas.
É um capítulo que enviei em 28 de setembro de 2021.
Outro dia, Greta Thunberg relatou que alguns jovens alemães participaram de um dia de conscientização ambiental na Alemanha.
A mídia da TV japonesa noticiou como se fosse uma ação 100% correta, sem qualquer crítica.

A jovem é uma marionete da China, morando na Suécia, um país distante da China, onde nunca viu o gráfico de poluição do ar da China, nem é frequentemente atingida por tempestades de poeira na China todos os anos.
Claro, a Suécia é um país onde as crianças não contraem a doença de Kawasaki causada por tempestades de poeira na China.

Mesmo agora, eles nem sabem que a China é um país que produz mais de 30% do dióxido de carbono do mundo, com o qual eles têm um problema. (Se eles percebem ou não, eu não sei.)
Em outras palavras, uma garota que parece ser um monte de hipocrisia está realizando um evento de ignorância e hipocrisia na Alemanha, sem dúvida o país mais hipócrita do mundo.
Quando os primeiros Beatles estavam em sua expedição alemã, Hamburgo era a zona de prostituição mais importante do mundo pós-guerra.
Que a Alemanha agora está sendo usada pela China e pela Coréia do Sul, as duas únicas nações anti-japonesas do mundo, para manter seus respectivos regimes; A educação antijaponesa da Coréia do Sul, que continua desde o fim da guerra até hoje, e o nazismo da China em nome da educação antijaponesa, que começou a distrair o público do incidente da Praça da Paz Celestial.
Em outras palavras, a China e a Coréia do Sul são países que continuaram a educar seu povo para humilhar outros povos e incitar sua superioridade pelas mesmas razões e da mesma maneira que Hitler e os nazistas, e continuam a produzir nazistas em massa mesmo no século XXI. século.
Alemanha, que vem alimentando sua propaganda antijaponesa.
Para qual propósito?
Para esconder os crimes dos nazistas e fazer o Japão parecer um país que cometeu os mesmos crimes que os nazistas, a Alemanha e o povo alemão são incrivelmente hipócritas, com cerca de metade da população tendo uma mentalidade antijaponesa junto com eles.
Um país que tem o prazer de televisionar o Massacre de Nanquim, a história de John Rabe, um ex-nazista e mentiroso, na TV todos os anos no final do ano.
A comunidade internacional e as Nações Unidas, que continuam a ignorar esta situação, não estão aptas a falar de verdade, justiça, direitos humanos, etc.

A mídia televisiva japonesa, que trata de "um motivo oculto" e "pseudomoralismo", noticiou o evento sem qualquer crítica.
Quando a possibilidade de ter a primeira primeira-ministra da história está no auge, a mídia é flagrantemente obstrutiva em sua cobertura para impedi-la de se tornar primeira-ministra seguindo os desejos da China.
É uma prova clara de que seus relatórios anteriores sobre a mulher foram usados apenas como material para criticar e atacar o governo japonês.
Se a mídia da TV fosse sã, eles teriam comentado: "Se eles não forem à China para fazer isso, isso não significará nada."


2023/04/11, em Osaka

Ils négligent cette situation, ne sont pas qualifiés pour parler de vérité, de justice

2023年04月12日 15時10分29秒 | 全般

Bien sûr, la Suède est un pays où les enfants ne contractent pas la maladie de Kawasaki causée par les tempêtes de poussière chinoises.
C'est un chapitre que j'ai envoyé le 28 septembre 2021.
L'autre jour, Greta Thunberg a rapporté que des jeunes allemands avaient participé à une journée de sensibilisation à l'environnement en Allemagne.
Les médias télévisés japonais l'ont rapporté comme s'il s'agissait d'une action 100% correcte, sans aucune critique.

La jeune fille est une marionnette de la Chine, vivant en Suède, un pays éloigné de la Chine, où elle n'a jamais vu le tableau de la pollution de l'air en Chine, et elle n'est pas non plus fréquemment touchée par les tempêtes de poussière chinoises chaque année.
Bien sûr, la Suède est un pays où les enfants ne contractent pas la maladie de Kawasaki causée par les tempêtes de poussière en Chine.

Même maintenant, ils ne savent même pas que la Chine est un pays qui produit plus de 30 % du dioxyde de carbone mondial, ce qui leur pose un problème. (Qu'ils s'en rendent compte ou non, je ne sais pas.)
En d'autres termes, une fille qui semble elle-même être un morceau d'hypocrisie organise un événement d'ignorance et d'hypocrisie en Allemagne, sans doute le pays le plus hypocrite du monde.
Lorsque les premiers Beatles participaient à leur expédition allemande, Hambourg était la zone de prostitution la plus importante du monde d'après-guerre.
Que l'Allemagne est maintenant utilisée par la Chine et la Corée du Sud, les deux seules nations anti-japonaises au monde, pour maintenir leurs régimes respectifs ; L'éducation anti-japonaise de la Corée du Sud, qui s'est poursuivie depuis la fin de la guerre jusqu'à aujourd'hui, et le nazisme chinois au nom de l'éducation anti-japonaise, qui a commencé à détourner l'attention du public de l'incident de la place Tiananmen.
En d'autres termes, la Chine et la Corée du Sud sont des pays qui ont continué à éduquer leur peuple pour humilier les autres peuples et inciter à leur supériorité pour les mêmes raisons et de la même manière qu'Hitler et les nazis, et qui continuent à produire en masse des nazis même au 21ème siècle. siècle.
L'Allemagne, qui alimente sa propagande anti-japonaise.
Dans quel but?
Pour cacher les crimes des nazis et faire passer le Japon pour un pays qui a commis les mêmes crimes que les nazis, l'Allemagne et le peuple allemand sont incroyablement hypocrites, avec environ la moitié de la population ayant un état d'esprit anti-japonais avec eux.
Un pays qui se contente de téléviser le massacre de Nankin, l'histoire de John Rabe, un ancien nazi et un menteur, à la télévision chaque année à la fin de l'année.
La communauté internationale et les Nations unies, qui continuent d'ignorer cette situation, ne sont pas qualifiées pour parler de vérité, de justice, de droits de l'homme, etc.

Les médias télévisés japonais, qui ne parlent que d'"arrière-pensée" et de "pseudo-moralisme", ont rapporté l'événement sans aucune critique.
Lorsque la possibilité d'avoir la première femme Premier ministre de l'histoire est à son apogée, les médias font preuve d'une obstruction flagrante dans leur couverture pour l'empêcher de devenir Premier ministre selon les souhaits de la Chine.
C'est la preuve évidente que leurs précédents rapports sur la femme n'ont été utilisés que comme matériel pour critiquer et attaquer le gouvernement japonais.
Si les médias télévisés étaient sains d'esprit, ils auraient commenté : « S'ils ne vont pas en Chine pour le faire, cela ne signifiera rien.


2023/4/11, à Osaka

Sie übersehen diese Situation, sind nicht qualifiziert, über Wahrheit, Gerechtigkeit

2023年04月12日 15時06分11秒 | 全般

Natürlich ist Schweden ein Land, in dem Kinder nicht an der durch chinesische Staubstürme verursachten Kawasaki-Krankheit erkranken.
Es ist ein Kapitel, das ich am 28. September 2021 gesendet habe.
Neulich berichtete Greta Thunberg, dass einige deutsche Jugendliche an einem Umweltbewusstseinstag in Deutschland teilgenommen hätten.
Die japanischen Fernsehmedien berichteten ohne jede Kritik, als wäre es eine 100% richtige Aktion.

Das junge Mädchen ist eine Marionette Chinas und lebt in Schweden, einem Land weit weg von China, wo sie nie Chinas Luftverschmutzungskarte gesehen hat und auch nicht jedes Jahr häufig von chinesischen Staubstürmen heimgesucht wird.
Natürlich ist Schweden ein Land, in dem Kinder nicht an der durch Staubstürme in China verursachten Kawasaki-Krankheit erkranken.

Selbst jetzt wissen sie noch nicht einmal, dass China ein Land ist, das über 30 % des weltweiten Kohlendioxids produziert, womit sie ein Problem haben. (Ob sie es merken oder nicht, ich weiß es nicht.)
Mit anderen Worten, ein Mädchen, das selbst ein Haufen Heuchelei zu sein scheint, veranstaltet in Deutschland, dem wohl heuchlerischsten Land der Welt, eine Veranstaltung der Ignoranz und Heuchelei.
Als die frühen Beatles auf ihrer Deutschlandexpedition waren, war Hamburg die bedeutendste Prostitutionszone der Nachkriegswelt.
Dass Deutschland jetzt von China und Südkorea, den beiden einzigen antijapanischen Nationen der Welt, benutzt wird, um ihre jeweiligen Regime aufrechtzuerhalten; Südkoreas antijapanische Erziehung, die seit dem Ende des Krieges bis heute andauert, und Chinas Nazismus im Namen der antijapanischen Erziehung, die begannen, die Öffentlichkeit von dem Vorfall auf dem Platz des Himmlischen Friedens abzulenken.
Mit anderen Worten, China und Südkorea sind Länder, die ihr Volk weiterhin dazu erzogen haben, andere Völker zu demütigen und ihre Überlegenheit aus den gleichen Gründen und auf die gleiche Weise wie Hitler und die Nazis anzustacheln, und die selbst im 21 Jahrhundert.
Deutschland, das seine antijapanische Propaganda nährt.
Für welchen Zweck?
Um die Verbrechen der Nazis zu verbergen und Japan wie ein Land aussehen zu lassen, das die gleichen Verbrechen wie die Nazis begangen hat, sind Deutschland und das deutsche Volk unglaublich heuchlerisch, wobei etwa die Hälfte der Bevölkerung eine antijapanische Einstellung mit ihnen hat.
Ein Land, das gerne das Nanking-Massaker, die Geschichte von John Rabe, einem ehemaligen Nazi und Lügner, jedes Jahr am Ende des Jahres im Fernsehen überträgt.
Die internationale Gemeinschaft und die Vereinten Nationen, die diese Situation weiterhin übersehen, sind nicht qualifiziert, über Wahrheit, Gerechtigkeit, Menschenrechte usw. zu sprechen.

Die japanischen TV-Medien, in denen es nur um "Hintergedanken" und "Pseudo-Moralismus" geht, berichteten kritiklos über den Vorfall.
Wenn die Möglichkeit, die erste weibliche Premierministerin der Geschichte zu haben, ihren Höhepunkt erreicht hat, sind die Medien in ihrer Berichterstattung offenkundig obstruktiv, um sie daran zu hindern, Premierministerin zu werden, die Chinas Wünschen folgt.
Es ist ein klarer Beweis dafür, dass ihre früheren Berichte über die Frau nur als Material verwendet wurden, um die japanische Regierung zu kritisieren und anzugreifen.
Wenn die Fernsehmedien bei Verstand wären, hätten sie kommentiert: "Wenn sie nicht nach China gehen, um es zu tun, wird es nichts bedeuten."


11.4.2023, in Ōsaka

Pasan por alto esta situación, no están capacitados para hablar de verdad, justicia

2023年04月12日 15時01分10秒 | 全般

Por supuesto, Suecia es un país donde los niños no contraen la enfermedad de Kawasaki causada por las tormentas de polvo chinas.
Es un capítulo que envié el 28 de septiembre de 2021.
El otro día, Greta Thunberg informó que algunos jóvenes alemanes participaron en un día de conciencia ambiental en Alemania.
Los medios de televisión japoneses lo informaron como si fuera una acción 100% correcta, sin ninguna crítica.

La joven es un títere de China que vive en Suecia, un país lejos de China, donde nunca ha visto la tabla de contaminación del aire de China, ni es golpeada con frecuencia por las tormentas de polvo de China todos los años.
Por supuesto, Suecia es un país donde los niños no contraen la enfermedad de Kawasaki causada por las tormentas de polvo de China.

Incluso ahora, ni siquiera saben que China es un país que produce más del 30% del dióxido de carbono del mundo, con lo que tienen un problema. (Ya sea que se den cuenta o no, no lo sé).
En otras palabras, una niña que parece ser un bulto de hipocresía está organizando un evento de ignorancia e hipocresía en Alemania, posiblemente el país más hipócrita del mundo.
Cuando los primeros Beatles estaban en su expedición alemana, Hamburgo era la zona de prostitución más importante del mundo de la posguerra.
Que Alemania ahora está siendo utilizada por China y Corea del Sur, las dos únicas naciones antijaponesas en el mundo, para mantener sus respectivos regímenes; La educación antijaponesa de Corea del Sur, que ha continuado desde el final de la guerra hasta hoy, y el nazismo de China en nombre de la educación antijaponesa, que comenzó a distraer al público del incidente de la Plaza de Tiananmen.
En otras palabras, China y Corea del Sur son países que han seguido educando a su gente para humillar a otros pueblos e incitar a su superioridad por las mismas razones y de la misma manera que Hitler y los nazis, y continúan produciendo nazis en masa incluso en el siglo XXI. siglo.
Alemania, que ha estado alimentando su propaganda antijaponesa.
¿Con qué propósito?
Para ocultar los crímenes de los nazis y hacer que Japón parezca un país que cometió los mismos crímenes que los nazis, Alemania y el pueblo alemán son increíblemente hipócritas, con aproximadamente la mitad de la población teniendo una mentalidad antijaponesa junto con ellos.
Un país que está feliz de televisar la Masacre de Nanking, la historia de John Rabe, un ex nazi y un mentiroso, en la televisión todos los años a fin de año.
La comunidad internacional y las Naciones Unidas, que siguen pasando por alto esta situación, no están capacitadas para hablar de verdad, justicia, derechos humanos, etc.

Los medios de televisión japoneses, que tratan sobre "un motivo oculto" y "pseudomoralismo", informaron sobre el evento sin ninguna crítica.
Cuando la posibilidad de tener la primera mujer primera ministra en la historia está en su apogeo, los medios de comunicación obstruyen descaradamente su cobertura para evitar que se convierta en primera ministra siguiendo los deseos de China.
Es una prueba clara de que sus informes anteriores sobre la mujer solo se han utilizado como material para criticar y atacar al gobierno japonés.
Si los medios de televisión estuvieran cuerdos, habrían comentado: "Si no van a China a hacerlo, no significará nada".


2023/4/11, en Osaka

Trascurano questa situazione, non sono qualificati per parlare di verità, giustizia, diritti umani,

2023年04月12日 15時00分49秒 | 全般

Naturalmente, la Svezia è un paese in cui i bambini non contraggono la malattia di Kawasaki causata dalle tempeste di polvere cinesi.
È un capitolo che ho inviato il 28 settembre 2021.
L'altro giorno, Greta Thunberg ha riferito che alcuni giovani tedeschi hanno partecipato a una giornata di sensibilizzazione ambientale in Germania.
I media televisivi giapponesi lo hanno riportato come se fosse un'azione corretta al 100%, senza alcuna critica.

La ragazza è un burattino della Cina, vive in Svezia, un paese lontano dalla Cina, dove non ha mai visto la tabella dell'inquinamento atmosferico della Cina, né è spesso colpita dalle tempeste di polvere cinesi ogni anno.
Naturalmente, la Svezia è un paese in cui i bambini non contraggono la malattia di Kawasaki causata dalle tempeste di polvere cinesi.

Anche adesso, non sanno nemmeno che la Cina è un paese che produce oltre il 30% dell'anidride carbonica mondiale, con cui hanno un problema. (Se se ne rendano conto o no, non lo so.)
In altre parole, una ragazza che sembra essere lei stessa un pezzo di ipocrisia sta organizzando un evento di ignoranza e ipocrisia in Germania, probabilmente il paese più ipocrita del mondo.
Quando i primi Beatles erano nella loro spedizione tedesca, Amburgo era la zona di prostituzione più significativa nel mondo del dopoguerra.
Che la Germania sia ora utilizzata da Cina e Corea del Sud, le uniche due nazioni anti-giapponesi al mondo, per mantenere i rispettivi regimi; L'educazione anti-giapponese della Corea del Sud, che è continuata dalla fine della guerra fino ad oggi, e il nazismo cinese in nome dell'educazione anti-giapponese, che ha iniziato a distrarre il pubblico dall'incidente di Piazza Tiananmen.
In altre parole, la Cina e la Corea del Sud sono paesi che hanno continuato a educare il proprio popolo a umiliare altri popoli e a incitarne la superiorità per le stesse ragioni e allo stesso modo di Hitler e dei nazisti, e continuano a produrre in serie nazisti anche nel 21esimo secolo. secolo.
Germania, che ha alimentato la sua propaganda anti-giapponese.
Per quale scopo?
Per nascondere i crimini dei nazisti e per far sembrare il Giappone un paese che ha commesso gli stessi crimini dei nazisti, la Germania e il popolo tedesco sono incredibilmente ipocriti, con circa la metà della popolazione che ha una mentalità anti-giapponese insieme a loro.
Un paese che è felice di trasmettere in televisione ogni anno alla fine dell'anno il massacro di Nanchino, la storia di John Rabe, ex nazista e bugiardo.
La comunità internazionale e le Nazioni Unite, che continuano a trascurare questa situazione, non sono qualificate per parlare di verità, giustizia, diritti umani, ecc.

I media televisivi giapponesi, che parlano di "secondi secondi fini" e "pseudo-moralismo", hanno riportato l'evento senza alcuna critica.
Quando la possibilità di avere la prima donna primo ministro della storia è al culmine, i media sono palesemente ostruttivi nella loro copertura per impedirle di diventare primo ministro seguendo i desideri della Cina.
È la prova evidente che i loro precedenti rapporti sulla donna sono stati usati solo come materiale per criticare e attaccare il governo giapponese.
Se i media televisivi fossero stati sani di mente, avrebbero commentato: "Se non vanno in Cina per farlo, non significherà nulla".


11/04/2023, a Osaka

I have always felt love for France, but this one incident has made me dislike France a lot.

2023年04月12日 14時57分37秒 | 全般

These French people do not have the intelligence to suspect the suspiciousness of this unidentified woman doing this in France and not in Japan!
It is the chapter I sent out on October 31, 2018.
No intelligence to doubt the dubiousness of this unidentified woman doing this in France, not Japan
It is the chapter I sent out on 2018-01-26.
The masochistic view of the history of those who control the NHK news department, or the anti-Japanese ideology synchronized with the anti-Japanese propaganda of China and the Korean peninsula, is extreme.
I was watching an international news report on BS1, which repeated the outrageous story reported by watch9 last night.
I don't know what kind of organization she is an agent of, but she has published a book in France (Paris, I guess) criticizing Japan, claiming to have suffered from molestation in Japan, and so on. NHK has been reporting this story night after night! NHK has been happily reporting such a dubious story, which even a kindergartener could understand.
I saw this woman, Kumi Sasaki, for the first time.
She may be expected in the plastic surgery heaven of South Korea, but anyone could tell that she had undergone a lot of plastic surgery (at least at a glance).
It would be a sane person's sensation to feel the strangeness and suspiciousness of that expression alone.
I could not believe that this woman was purely Japanese.
I have already mentioned that I am the person who loves women the most in the world, and everyone around me knows it.
But I do not feel any love at all for this woman.
It is because everything is suspicious.
I have always felt love for France, but this one incident has made me dislike France a lot.
Is this too much hypocrisy?
Do they not have the intelligence to suspect the suspiciousness of this unidentified woman doing such a thing in France, not in Japan?
With such lousy intelligence, how dare they criticize Japan, which has achieved the highest level of intelligence and freedom along with the U.S.?
Nothing could be more indicative of the terrible sense of racism of the French people and their low intelligence.
I am truly disgusted with the French.
I truly, genuinely despise the French.
If you have time to talk about Japanese molesters and other such nonsense in Europe, you should do something about the reality that you are still in a class society.
The essence of your soccer game is to "eliminate the poison of class society."
You have many classism and racism problems to solve while discussing molestation in Japan.
French people, you really should be ashamed of yourselves.
I have always felt love for you people, but after this incident, that love disappeared in an instant.
Just like you,
Who can love people like you, who are so stupid, intolerant, and have racism and classism at their core?

2023/4/11, in Osaka

They overlook this situation, are not qualified to talk about truth, justice, human rights,

2023年04月12日 12時35分06秒 | 全般

Of course, Sweden is a country where children do not get Kawasaki disease caused by Chinese dust storms.
It is a chapter I sent on September 28, 2021.
The other day, Greta Thunberg reported that some German youths participated in an environmental awareness day in Germany. 
The Japanese TV media reported it as if it was a 100% correct action, without any criticism.

The young girl is a puppet of China, living in Sweden, a country far away from China, where she has never seen China's air pollution chart, nor is she frequently hit by China dust storms every year.
Of course, Sweden is a country where children do not get Kawasaki disease caused by China dust storms.

Even now, they don't even know that China is a country that produces over 30% of the world's carbon dioxide, which they have a problem with. (Whether they realize it or not, I don't know.)
In other words, a girl who seems to be a lump of hypocrisy herself is holding an event of ignorance and hypocrisy in Germany, arguably the most hypocritical country in the world.
When the early Beatles were on their German expedition, Hamburg was the most significant prostitution zone in the postwar world.
That Germany is now being used by China and South Korea, the only two anti-Japanese nations in the world, to maintain their respective regimes; South Korea's anti-Japanese education, which has continued since the end of the war until today, and China's Nazism in the name of anti-Japanese education, which started to distract the public from the Tiananmen Square incident.
In other words, China and South Korea are countries that have continued to educate their people to humiliate other peoples and incite their superiority for the same reasons and in the same manner as Hitler and the Nazis, and continue to mass produce Nazists even in the 21st century.
Germany, which has been feeding its anti-Japanese propaganda.
For what purpose?
To hide the crimes of the Nazis and to make Japan look like a country that committed the same crimes as the Nazis, Germany and the German people are incredibly hypocritical, with about half of the population having an anti-Japanese mindset along with them.
A country that is happy to televise the Nanking Massacre, the story of John Rabe, a former Nazi, and a liar, on TV every year at the end of the year.
The international community and the United Nations, which continue to overlook this situation, are not qualified to talk about truth, justice, human rights, etc.

The Japanese TV media, which is all about "an ulterior motive" and "pseudo-moralism," reported the event without any criticism.
When the possibility of having the first female prime minister in history is at its peak, the media is blatantly obstructive in its coverage to prevent her from becoming prime minister following China's wishes.
It is clear proof that their previous reports on the woman have only been used as material to criticize and attack the Japanese government.
If the TV media were sane, they would have commented, "If they don't go to China to do it, it won't mean anything."

2023/4/11, in Osaka

Top 10 real-time searches 2023/4/12, 10:48

2023年04月12日 10時48分28秒 | 全般




R5.04/12 【ゲスト:加藤 康子】百田尚樹・有本香のニュース生放送 あさ8時! 第95回 with my shot on 4/11


It was a popular page yesterday 2023/3/5.


公式ハッシュタグランクイン記事一覧 2023/4/11


It was a popular page yesterday, 2023/4/12.






It was a popular page yesterday on ameba, 2023/4/12.


Mystery of Big-name, the University of Tokyo Professor's "About-face."


文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilizationの人気記事 2023/4/11


2023/4/11, in Osaka

It was a top 50 searcher for the past week, 2023/4/12.

2023年04月12日 09時20分56秒 | 全般






It was a popular page yesterday 2023/3/5.


Mystery of Big-name, the University of Tokyo Professor's "About-face."




Interpretation of Article 9 by "war profiteers."


#杉尾秀哉 ってただのバカかと思ったら嘘つきだね#杉尾秀哉 相変わらずバカ丸出し議員。こいつに投票する有権者もバカ。#立憲民主党 の #杉尾秀哉 は国会で偽造発言したのか?


Why have Japanese Constitutional theory become Galápagos syndrome?










Xi Jinping is vigilantly trying to make the third run away with it.




I know no other politician who has done so much to do Japan all ill turn.


Pourquoi la théorie constitutionnelle japonaise est-elle devenue le syndrome des Galápagos ?






I know no other politician who has done so much to do Japan all ill turn. 




TBSが反日的報道をする理由を知っていますか? 元TBS社員の独り言 「うちの局がこんなになってしまった経緯をお話しましょう」


It was a popular page yesterday, 2023/4/7, with my shots on 4/4 in Kyoto.


反日の辺野古基地反対や、慰安婦団体に毎年数百億円が吸われてしまう これを止めるかどうかで未来が変わる


文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilizationの人気記事 2023/4/4




Re-send. It was a popular page yesterday, 2023/4/8.


It was a top 50 searcher for the past week, 2023/4/10.


Por que a teoria constitucional japonesa se tornou a síndrome de Galápagos?


再発信する。 我ながら、とてもいい写真だと思ったからである。


Google and Microsoft. You can't let this kind of crime go unchecked forever.


It was a popular page yesterday, 2023/4/8, with my shots on 4/4 in Kyoto.


But the information that China's United Front Work Department is moving is worrisome.


It was a top 50 searcher for the past week, 2023/4/10, with my shots on 4/10, in Osaka, 5.


Japan is trying to follow the failure of the UK's immigration policy started 40 years ago.




公式ハッシュタグランクイン記事一覧 2023/4/8


Jag känner ingen annan politiker som har gjort så mycket för att göra Japan helt sjuk.




It was a top 50 searcher for the past week, 2023/4/10, with my shots on 4/10, in Osaka, 1.


It was a top 50 searcher for the past week, 2023/4/10, with my shots on 4/10, in Osaka, 3.






Top 10 real-time searches 2023/4/9, 21:47


Warum ist die japanische Verfassungstheorie zum Galápagos-Syndrom geworden?




It was a popular page yesterday, 2023/4/8.


China began using the historical issue out of policy necessity and still uses it today.




It was a top 50 searcher for the past week, 2023/4/10, with my shots on 4/4, in Kyoto.


R5.04/07 【ゲスト:石平】百田尚樹・有本香



It was a popular page yesterday, 2023/4/12.

2023年04月12日 09時06分51秒 | 全般






It was a top 50 searcher for the past week, 2023/4/10, with my shots on 4/10, in Osaka, 5.


It was a top 50 searcher for the past week, 2023/4/10, with my shots on 4/10, in Osaka, 1.


It was a top 50 searcher for the past week, 2023/4/10, with my shots on 4/10, in Osaka, 3.


It was a top 50 searcher for the past week, 2023/4/10, with my shots on 4/4, in Kyoto.


Mystery of Big-name, the University of Tokyo Professor's "About-face."


R5.04/11 百田尚樹・有本香のニュース生放送 あさ8時! 第94回 with my shot


It was a top 50 searcher for the past week, 2023/4/10, with my shots on 4/10, in Osaka, 4.


It was a top 50 searcher for the past week, 2023/4/10, with my shots on 4/10, in Osaka, 2.


It was a popular page yesterday 2023/3/5.


It was a top 50 searcher for the past week, 2023/4/11, with my shots on 4/10, in Osaka.


It was a top 50 searcher for the past week, 2023/4/10, with my shots on 4/10, in Osaka, 6.


It was a top 50 searcher for the past week, 2023/4/11.


Re-send. Why have Japanese Constitutional theory become Galápagos syndrome?


It was a top 50 searcher for the past week, 2023/4/10, with my shots on 4/4, in Kyoto.


It was a popular page yesterday, 2023/4/11.


Interpretation of Article 9 by "war profiteers."


リフレインが叫んでる (2022 mix) with my shots on 2023/4/10 in Osaka


Re-send. Top 10 real-time searches 2023/4/11, 17:31.




It was a top 50 searcher for the past week, 2023/4/10, with my shots on 4/10, in Osaka.


Why have Japanese Constitutional theory become Galápagos syndrome?




It was a popular page yesterday on ameba, 2023/4/11.




Pourquoi la théorie constitutionnelle japonaise est-elle devenue le syndrome des Galápagos ?




Top 10 real-time searches 2023/4/11, 17:31.




It was a top 50 searcher for the past week, 2023/4/10.


Por que a teoria constitucional japonesa se tornou a síndrome de Galápagos?


文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilizationの人気記事 2023/4/11




公式ハッシュタグランクイン記事一覧 2023/4/10








文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilizationの人気記事 2023/4/10


Warum ist die japanische Verfassungstheorie zum Galápagos-Syndrom geworden?


TBSが反日的報道をする理由を知っていますか? 元TBS社員の独り言 「うちの局がこんなになってしまった経緯をお話しましょう」


















反日の辺野古基地反対や、慰安婦団体に毎年数百億円が吸われてしまう これを止めるかどうかで未来が変わる