文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Em primeiro lugar, os estrangeiros devem observar a lei e a ordem japonesas.

2023年04月24日 17時26分30秒 | 全般

O tweet a seguir critica duramente as forças anti-japonesas e estrangeiros delinquentes que tentam bloquear uma emenda perfeitamente natural à Lei de Controle de Imigração e Reconhecimento de Refugiados.
Rin Kuri
Estes são os que usam estrangeiros para guiá-los nos bastidores, Whoa, Partido Social Democrata.

Imediatamente após o reconhecimento da ilegalidade da violência imigratória, o cidadão curdo Deniz pediu a revogação da emenda proposta à lei de imigração.

Não, por que as pessoas que estão tentando entrar (entrar) no (país) de alguém ilegalmente são tão crédulas?

Jounouchi Mina
Não importa para qual país você vá, os cidadãos desse país e os estrangeiros têm direitos e obrigações diferentes.
É errado, em primeiro lugar, para os estrangeiros que vieram depois exigir os mesmos direitos dos nacionais que desenvolveram o país.
Em primeiro lugar, os estrangeiros devem observar a lei e a ordem japonesas.
Você deve retornar ao seu país de origem se criticar as leis japonesas de maneira errada.

Chama-se deportação porque vamos mandá-los de volta mesmo que não queiram voltar.
A lei atual é inadequada porque se a pessoa não quiser voltar, nosso país tem que mantê-la sob custódia para sempre.
Além disso, o nosso país deu ao requerente três oportunidades para corrigir eventuais deficiências no formulário de candidatura (omissões, erros, etc.).
Passe rapidamente e deporte esses estrangeiros delinquentes.



2023年04月24日 17時25分44秒 | 全般


🇯🇵有リソック🇯🇵西大寺の変 遭遇者






Tout d'abord, les étrangers doivent respecter la loi et l'ordre japonais.

2023年04月24日 17時24分41秒 | 全般

Le tweet suivant critique durement les forces anti-japonaises et les étrangers délinquants qui tentent de bloquer un amendement parfaitement naturel à la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration et la reconnaissance des réfugiés.
Rin Kuri
Ce sont eux qui utilisent des étrangers pour les guider dans les coulisses, Whoa, Social Democratic Party.

Immédiatement après la reconnaissance de l'illégalité de la violence liée à l'immigration, le ressortissant kurde Deniz a appelé à l'abrogation de l'amendement proposé à la loi sur l'immigration.

Non, pourquoi les gens qui essaient d'entrer (entrer) dans le (pays) de quelqu'un sont-ils si crédules ?

Jounouchi Mina
Quel que soit le pays dans lequel vous vous rendez, les citoyens de ce pays et les étrangers ont des droits et des obligations différents.
C'est d'abord un tort pour les ressortissants étrangers qui sont venus plus tard réclamer les mêmes droits que les nationaux qui ont développé le pays.
Tout d'abord, les étrangers doivent respecter la loi et l'ordre japonais.
Vous devriez retourner dans votre pays d'origine si vous critiquez mal les lois japonaises.

C'est ce qu'on appelle la déportation parce que nous les renverrons même s'ils ne veulent pas rentrer.
La loi actuelle est inadéquate car si la personne ne veut pas rentrer, notre pays doit la garder en détention pour toujours.
De plus, notre pays a donné trois chances au demandeur de corriger toute lacune dans le formulaire de demande (omissions, erreurs, etc.).
Passez vite et expulsez ces étrangers délinquants.


Zuallererst sollten Ausländer japanische Gesetze und Ordnung beachten.

2023年04月24日 17時22分58秒 | 全般

Der folgende Tweet kritisiert scharf antijapanische Kräfte und straffällige Ausländer, die versuchen, eine ganz natürliche Änderung des Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act zu blockieren.
Rin Kuri
Das sind diejenigen, die Ausländer benutzen, um sie hinter die Kulissen zu führen, Whoa, Sozialdemokratische Partei.

Unmittelbar nachdem die Illegalität von Einwanderungsgewalt anerkannt worden war, forderte der kurdische Staatsangehörige Deniz die Aufhebung der vorgeschlagenen Änderung des Einwanderungsgesetzes.

Nein, warum sind Menschen, die versuchen, illegal in jemandes (Land) einzureisen, so leichtgläubig?

Jounouchi Mina
Egal in welches Land Sie reisen, Bürger dieses Landes und Ausländer haben unterschiedliche Rechte und Pflichten.
Es ist zunächst einmal falsch, dass später zugewanderte Ausländer dieselben Rechte fordern wie die Staatsangehörigen, die das Land entwickelt haben.
Zuallererst sollten Ausländer japanische Gesetze und Ordnung beachten.
Sie sollten in Ihr Heimatland zurückkehren, wenn Sie japanische Gesetze falsch kritisieren.

Das nennt man Abschiebung, weil wir sie zurückschicken, auch wenn sie nicht zurück wollen.
Das derzeitige Gesetz ist unzureichend, denn wenn die Person nicht zurückkehren will, muss unser Land sie für immer in Gewahrsam nehmen.
Darüber hinaus hat unser Land dem Antragsteller drei Möglichkeiten gegeben, etwaige Mängel im Antragsformular (Auslassungen, Fehler usw.) zu korrigieren.
Übergeben Sie es schnell und schieben Sie diese straffälligen Ausländer ab.


En primer lugar, los extranjeros deben respetar la ley y el orden japoneses.

2023年04月24日 17時21分21秒 | 全般

El siguiente tuit critica duramente a las fuerzas antijaponesas y a los extranjeros delincuentes que intentan bloquear una enmienda perfectamente natural a la Ley de Control de Inmigración y Reconocimiento de Refugiados.
rin kuri
Estos son los que usan a los extranjeros para guiarlos tras bambalinas, Whoa, Partido Socialdemócrata.

Inmediatamente después de que se reconoció la ilegalidad de la violencia migratoria, el ciudadano kurdo Deniz pidió la derogación de la enmienda propuesta a la ley de inmigración.

No, ¿por qué las personas que intentan ingresar (ingresar) ilegalmente al (país) de alguien son tan crédulas?

Mina Jounouchi
No importa a qué país vaya, los ciudadanos de ese país y los extranjeros tienen diferentes derechos y obligaciones.
Está mal en primer lugar que los extranjeros que vinieron después exijan los mismos derechos que los nacionales que han desarrollado el país.
En primer lugar, los extranjeros deben respetar la ley y el orden japoneses.
Deberías regresar a tu país de origen si criticas mal las leyes japonesas.

Se llama deportación porque los enviaremos de vuelta aunque no quieran volver.
La ley actual es inadecuada porque si la persona no quiere regresar, nuestro país tiene que mantenerla bajo custodia para siempre.
Además, nuestro país ha dado al solicitante tres oportunidades para corregir cualquier deficiencia en el formulario de solicitud (omisiones, errores, etc.).
Pásalo rápido y deporta a estos extranjeros delincuentes.


Passalo velocemente e deporta questi stranieri delinquenti.

2023年04月24日 17時17分23秒 | 全般

Il seguente tweet critica aspramente le forze anti-giapponesi e gli stranieri delinquenti che cercano di bloccare un emendamento perfettamente naturale all'Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act.
Rin Kuri
Questi sono quelli che usano gli stranieri per guidarli dietro le quinte, Whoa, Partito socialdemocratico.

Basilio 1979
Immediatamente dopo che è stata riconosciuta l'illegalità della violenza sull'immigrazione, il cittadino curdo Deniz ha chiesto l'abrogazione dell'emendamento proposto alla legge sull'immigrazione.

No, perché le persone che stanno cercando di entrare (entrare) illegalmente nel (paese) di qualcuno sono così credulone?

Jonouchi Mina
Indipendentemente dal paese in cui ti rechi, i cittadini di quel paese e gli stranieri hanno diritti e doveri diversi.
È sbagliato in primo luogo che i cittadini stranieri venuti dopo pretendano gli stessi diritti dei cittadini che hanno sviluppato il paese.
Prima di tutto, gli stranieri dovrebbero osservare la legge e l'ordine giapponese.
Dovresti tornare nel tuo paese d'origine se critichi in modo errato le leggi giapponesi.

Si chiama deportazione perché li rimandiamo indietro anche se non vogliono tornare indietro.
La legge attuale è inadeguata perché se la persona non vuole tornare, il nostro Paese deve tenerla in custodia per sempre.
Inoltre, il nostro paese ha dato al richiedente tre possibilità per correggere eventuali carenze nel modulo di domanda (omissioni, errori, ecc.).
Passalo velocemente e deporta questi stranieri delinquenti.



2023年04月24日 17時16分03秒 | 全般

島田洋一(Shimada Yoichi)

島田洋一(Shimada Yoichi)

「サル発言」より問題な「国民への恫喝」 政治部・千葉倫之
【記者発】「サル発言」より問題な「国民への恫喝」 政治部・千葉倫之












Pass it quickly and deport these delinquent foreigners.

2023年04月24日 17時08分51秒 | 全般

The following tweet harshly criticizes anti-Japanese forces and delinquent foreigners trying to block a perfectly natural amendment to the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act.
Rin Kuri
These are the ones using foreigners to guide them behind the scenes, Whoa, Social Democratic Party.

Immediately after the illegality of immigration violence was recognized, Kurdish national Deniz called for the repeal of the proposed amendment to the immigration law.

No, why are people who are trying to enter (enter) someone's (country) illegally so gullible?

Jounouchi Mina
No matter which country you go to, citizens of that country and foreigners have different rights and obligations.
It is wrong in the first place for foreign nationals who came later to demand the same rights as the nationals who have developed the country.
First of all, foreigners should observe Japanese law and order.
You should return to your home country if you criticize Japanese laws wrong.

It's called deportation because we will send them back even if they don't want to go back.
The current law is inadequate because if the person does not want to return, our country has to keep them in custody forever.
Furthermore, our country has given the applicant three chances to correct any deficiencies in the application form (omissions, errors, etc.). 
Pass it quickly and deport these delinquent foreigners.

First of all, foreigners should observe Japanese law and order.

2023年04月24日 17時06分34秒 | 全般

The following tweet harshly criticizes anti-Japanese forces and delinquent foreigners trying to block a perfectly natural amendment to the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act.
Rin Kuri
These are the ones using foreigners to guide them behind the scenes, Whoa, Social Democratic Party.

Immediately after the illegality of immigration violence was recognized, Kurdish national Deniz called for the repeal of the proposed amendment to the immigration law.

No, why are people who are trying to enter (enter) someone's (country) illegally so gullible?

Jounouchi Mina
No matter which country you go to, citizens of that country and foreigners have different rights and obligations.
It is wrong in the first place for foreign nationals who came later to demand the same rights as the nationals who have developed the country.
First of all, foreigners should observe Japanese law and order.
You should return to your home country if you criticize Japanese laws wrong.

It's called deportation because we will send them back even if they don't want to go back.
The current law is inadequate because if the person does not want to return, our country has to keep them in custody forever.
Furthermore, our country has given the applicant three chances to correct any deficiencies in the application form (omissions, errors, etc.). 
Pass it quickly and deport these delinquent foreigners.

No, why are people who are trying to enter (enter) someone's (country) illegally so gullible?

2023年04月24日 17時04分31秒 | 全般

The following tweet harshly criticizes anti-Japanese forces and delinquent foreigners trying to block a perfectly natural amendment to the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act.
Rin Kuri
These are the ones using foreigners to guide them behind the scenes, Whoa, Social Democratic Party.

Immediately after the illegality of immigration violence was recognized, Kurdish national Deniz called for the repeal of the proposed amendment to the immigration law.

No, why are people who are trying to enter (enter) someone's (country) illegally so gullible?

Jounouchi Mina
No matter which country you go to, citizens of that country and foreigners have different rights and obligations.
It is wrong in the first place for foreign nationals who came later to demand the same rights as the nationals who have developed the country.
First of all, foreigners should observe Japanese law and order.
You should return to your home country if you criticize Japanese laws wrong.

It's called deportation because we will send them back even if they don't want to go back.
The current law is inadequate because if the person does not want to return, our country has to keep them in custody forever.
Furthermore, our country has given the applicant three chances to correct any deficiencies in the application form (omissions, errors, etc.). 
Pass it quickly and deport these delinquent foreigners.

These are the ones using foreigners to guide them behind the scenes, Whoa, Social Democratic Party.

2023年04月24日 17時02分24秒 | 全般

The following tweet harshly criticizes anti-Japanese forces and delinquent foreigners trying to block a perfectly natural amendment to the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act.
Rin Kuri
These are the ones using foreigners to guide them behind the scenes, Whoa, Social Democratic Party.

Immediately after the illegality of immigration violence was recognized, Kurdish national Deniz called for the repeal of the proposed amendment to the immigration law.

No, why are people who are trying to enter (enter) someone's (country) illegally so gullible?

Jounouchi Mina
No matter which country you go to, citizens of that country and foreigners have different rights and obligations.
It is wrong in the first place for foreign nationals who came later to demand the same rights as the nationals who have developed the country.
First of all, foreigners should observe Japanese law and order.
You should return to your home country if you criticize Japanese laws wrong.

It's called deportation because we will send them back even if they don't want to go back.
The current law is inadequate because if the person does not want to return, our country has to keep them in custody forever.
Furthermore, our country has given the applicant three chances to correct any deficiencies in the application form (omissions, errors, etc.). 
Pass it quickly and deport these delinquent foreigners.


2023年04月24日 16時45分52秒 | 全般







Não precisamos desses banheiros perigosos. Tokyu é estúpido?

2023年04月24日 16時18分42秒 | 全般

Acabei de descobrir o seguinte nos tweets de Kairagi, Niko Sister e Rui Abiru.
Não precisamos desses banheiros perigosos.
Tokyu é estúpido?

tweets citados
Irmã Niko.
23 de abril.
Medidas de segurança nos polêmicos banheiros sem gênero da Torre Kabukicho

1) Patrulhas por seguranças
(2) Monitoramento constante das áreas comuns dos banheiros por câmeras de segurança
(3) Análise de imagem da câmera
(4) Botão SOS, os seguranças correm para os banheiros quando detectam alguma anormalidade devido a permanência prolongada ou barulho
(5) Limpeza de alta frequência
(6) Fechadura eletrônica à noite

Em outras palavras, é um banheiro projetado para um crime.

Rui Abiru
É uma cena assustadora, mesmo para um homem.

Citar Tweet
O banheiro sem gênero na Torre Kabukicho é muito perigoso.
Fiquei surpreso ao ver apenas homens parados sem usar o banheiro quando entrei depois que um homem de aparência perigosa saiu.
Eles devem selá-lo 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲.
#Kabukicho #Torre Kabukicho #banheiros de gênero

A China, sob a administração de Xi, enlouqueceu completamente.
O seguinte é de um tweet de Sekihei Taro que acabamos de descobrir.
Sekihei Taro
Em Guangdong, na China, um aluno do jardim de infância de apenas cinco anos disse em um vídeo online: "Eu estudo para poder imigrar para um país estrangeiro. Não quero mais morar na China". Quando ele disse isso, as autoridades viram isso como um "discurso imóvel" problemático e começaram a questionar o jardim de infância.
A China, sob a administração de Xi, enlouqueceu completamente.


A estúpida estratégia de EV da UE é um suicídio para a indústria automobilística.
O seguinte é de um tweet de Nobuo Ikeda, que acabei de descobrir.
Nobuo Ikeda.
A China será a única vencedora no mercado global de EV.
Quando se trata de competição por subsídios e política industrial, não há como um país democrático vencer a China.
A estúpida estratégia de EV da UE é um suicídio para a indústria automobilística.
Acho que a UE logo mudará e dirá: "Motores de combustão interna OK depois de 2035".

tweets citados
Yoichi Takita (Nikkei)
23 de abril.
Carros alemães "azarões" no mercado chinês, EVs mudando estrutura de poder (Reuters)
(1) A VW traz "todos" os membros do conselho mais cerca de 100 funcionários para a região.
(2) Os fabricantes alemães dependem da China para "um terço" de suas vendas de automóveis de passageiros, mas o prejuízo seria enorme no caso de uma derrota.
(3) A participação dos fabricantes alemães na China passará de 24,6% em 2007 para "19,1%".

the Philippines is China's inherent territory, the Philippines' sovereignty to China,
The following is from a tweet by Ryusho Kadota, which I just discovered.
Kadota Ryusho
Finally, China has said in a CCTV special on the Scarborough Reef issue that the Philippines is not just Scarborough Reef, but that "as everyone knows, the Philippines is an inherent territory of China and the sovereignty of the Philippines belongs to China." 
Do the Japanese people know that the Ryukyu Islands and the Yamato people have long been called "the Chinese nation"? 
Time is running out.

Cat God
Oh my God, is the CCTV beauty drunk or sleepwalking? Are the Philippines dead?
CCTV host said: we all know that the Philippines is China's inherent territory, the Philippines' sovereignty to China, this is an indisputable fact




— 貓神 (@maoshen04) April 23, 2023







Nous n'avons pas besoin de ces toilettes dangereuses. Est-ce que Tokyu est stupide ?

2023年04月24日 16時15分14秒 | 全般

Je viens de découvrir ce qui suit des tweets de Kairagi, Niko Sister et Rui Abiru.
Nous n'avons pas besoin de ces toilettes dangereuses.
Est-ce que Tokyu est stupide ?

Tweets cités
Nico Sœur.
23 avril.
Mesures de sécurité dans les toilettes non genrées controversées de la tour Kabukicho

1) Patrouilles par des agents de sécurité
(2) Surveillance constante des zones communes des toilettes par des caméras de sécurité
(3) Analyse d'image de caméra
(4) Bouton SOS, les agents de sécurité se précipitent vers les toilettes lorsqu'ils détectent une anomalie due à un séjour prolongé ou à du bruit
(5) Nettoyage à haute fréquence
(6) Serrure électronique la nuit

En d'autres termes, il s'agit de toilettes conçues pour un crime.

Rui Abiru
C'est une scène effrayante, même pour un homme.

Citer le tweet
Les toilettes asexuées de la tour Kabukicho sont trop dangereuses.
J'ai été surpris de ne voir que des hommes debout sans aller aux toilettes quand je suis entré à l'intérieur après qu'un homme à l'air dangereux en soit sorti.
Ils devraient le sceller🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲.
#Kabukicho #Tour Kabukicho #toilettes genre

La Chine, sous l'administration Xi, est devenue complètement folle.
Ce qui suit est extrait d'un tweet de Sekihei Taro que nous venons de découvrir.
Taro Sekihei
Dans le Guangdong, en Chine, un élève de maternelle, âgé de seulement cinq ans, a déclaré dans une vidéo en ligne : « J'étudie pour pouvoir immigrer dans un pays étranger. Je ne veux plus vivre en Chine. Quand il a dit cela, les autorités y ont vu un "discours immobile" problématique et ont commencé à remettre en question le jardin d'enfants.
La Chine, sous l'administration Xi, est devenue complètement folle.


La stratégie stupide de l'UE en matière de véhicules électriques est un suicide pour l'industrie automobile.
Ce qui suit est tiré d'un tweet de Nobuo Ikeda, que je viens de découvrir.
Nobuo Ikeda.
La Chine sera le seul gagnant sur le marché mondial des véhicules électriques.
En matière de concurrence pour les subventions et la politique industrielle, il n'y a aucun moyen pour un pays démocratique de battre la Chine.
La stratégie stupide de l'UE en matière de véhicules électriques est un suicide pour l'industrie automobile.
Je pense que l'UE va bientôt faire volte-face et dire : "Les moteurs à combustion interne sont OK après 2035".

Tweets cités
Yoichi Takita (Nikkei)
23 avril.
Les voitures allemandes "opprimées" sur le marché chinois, les véhicules électriques changeant la structure du pouvoir (Reuters)
(1) VW amène "tous" les membres du conseil d'administration plus une centaine d'employés dans la région.
(2) Les constructeurs allemands dépendent de la Chine pour "un tiers" de leurs ventes de voitures particulières, mais les dégâts seraient énormes en cas de défaite.
(3) La part des constructeurs allemands en Chine passera de 24,6% en 2007 à "19,1%".

the Philippines is China's inherent territory, the Philippines' sovereignty to China,
The following is from a tweet by Ryusho Kadota, which I just discovered.
Kadota Ryusho
Finally, China has said in a CCTV special on the Scarborough Reef issue that the Philippines is not just Scarborough Reef, but that "as everyone knows, the Philippines is an inherent territory of China and the sovereignty of the Philippines belongs to China." 
Do the Japanese people know that the Ryukyu Islands and the Yamato people have long been called "the Chinese nation"? 
Time is running out.

Cat God
Oh my God, is the CCTV beauty drunk or sleepwalking? Are the Philippines dead?
CCTV host said: we all know that the Philippines is China's inherent territory, the Philippines' sovereignty to China, this is an indisputable fact




— 貓神 (@maoshen04) April 23, 2023







Wir brauchen diese gefährlichen Toiletten nicht. Ist Tokyu dumm?

2023年04月24日 16時11分24秒 | 全般

Ich habe gerade Folgendes in den Tweets von Kairagi, Niko Sister und Rui Abiru entdeckt.
Wir brauchen diese gefährlichen Toiletten nicht.
Ist Tokyu dumm?

Zitierte Tweets
Niko Schwester.
23. April.
Sicherheitsmaßnahmen an den umstrittenen geschlechtslosen Toiletten des Kabukicho-Turms

1) Patrouillen durch Sicherheitskräfte
(2) Ständige Überwachung der öffentlichen Bereiche der Toiletten durch Überwachungskameras
(3) Kamerabildanalyse
(4) SOS-Taste, Sicherheitspersonal eilt zu den Toiletten, wenn sie eine Anomalie aufgrund eines längeren Aufenthalts oder Lärms feststellen
(5) Hochfrequenzreinigung
(6) Elektronisches Schloss in der Nacht

Mit anderen Worten, es ist eine Toilette, die für ein Verbrechen bestimmt ist.

Rui Abiru
Das ist eine beängstigende Szene, selbst für einen Mann.

Tweet zitieren
Die geschlechtslose Toilette im Kabukicho Tower ist zu gefährlich.
Ich war überrascht, nur Männer ohne Toilette herumstehen zu sehen, als ich hineinging, nachdem ein gefährlich aussehender Mann herausgekommen war.
Sie sollten es versiegeln🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲.
#Kabukicho #Kabukicho-Turm #Gender-Toiletten

China ist unter der Xi-Administration völlig verrückt geworden.
Das Folgende stammt aus einem Tweet von Sekihei Taro, den wir gerade entdeckt haben.
Sekihei Taro
In Guangdong, China, sagte ein gerade fünfjähriges Kindergartenkind in einem Online-Video: „Ich studiere, damit ich in ein fremdes Land einwandern kann. Ich möchte nicht mehr in China leben.“ Als er dies sagte, sahen die Behörden darin eine problematische „unbewegliche Rede“ und begannen, den Kindergarten zu befragen.
China ist unter der Xi-Administration völlig verrückt geworden.


Die dumme EV-Strategie der EU ist Selbstmord für die Autoindustrie.
Das Folgende stammt aus einem Tweet von Nobuo Ikeda, den ich gerade entdeckt habe.
Nobuo Ikeda.
China wird der einzige Gewinner auf dem globalen EV-Markt sein.
Im Wettbewerb um Subventionen und Industriepolitik kann ein demokratisches Land China nicht schlagen.
Die dumme EV-Strategie der EU ist Selbstmord für die Autoindustrie.
Ich denke, die EU wird bald umkippen und sagen: „Verbrennungsmotoren OK nach 2035“.

Zitierte Tweets
Yoichi Takita (Nikkei)
23. Apr.
Deutsche Autos „Underdog“ auf dem chinesischen Markt, Elektrofahrzeuge verändern Machtstruktur (Reuters)
(1) VW holt „alle“ Vorstände plus rund 100 Mitarbeiter in die Region.
(2) Deutsche Hersteller sind bei „einem Drittel“ ihres Pkw-Absatzes auf China angewiesen, aber der Schaden wäre im Falle einer Niederlage enorm.
(3) Der Anteil deutscher Hersteller in China wird von 24,6 % im Jahr 2007 auf „19,1 %“ steigen.

the Philippines is China's inherent territory, the Philippines' sovereignty to China,
The following is from a tweet by Ryusho Kadota, which I just discovered.
Kadota Ryusho
Finally, China has said in a CCTV special on the Scarborough Reef issue that the Philippines is not just Scarborough Reef, but that "as everyone knows, the Philippines is an inherent territory of China and the sovereignty of the Philippines belongs to China." 
Do the Japanese people know that the Ryukyu Islands and the Yamato people have long been called "the Chinese nation"? 
Time is running out.

Cat God
Oh my God, is the CCTV beauty drunk or sleepwalking? Are the Philippines dead?
CCTV host said: we all know that the Philippines is China's inherent territory, the Philippines' sovereignty to China, this is an indisputable fact




— 貓神 (@maoshen04) April 23, 2023





