All the vast income they make from the Japan Conservative Party goes into their own pockets.
They never apologize, even when they make repeated disparaging comments about other people and Japan.
They never issue receipts for donations.
They are just deceiving the conservatives to make vast amounts of money on YouTube, and they don't have any actual conservative ideology.
November 15th, 2024
The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
All the vast profits from the Japanese Conservative Party go into their own pockets.
They never apologize, even when they make repeated disparaging comments about other people and Japan.
They never issue receipts for donations.
They are just deceiving the conservatives to make huge profits on YouTube, and they don't have any actual conservative ideology.
Hyakuta and Arimoto are political wannabes who don't belong in Japan.
Japan needs the brainpower, track record, energy, and outspokenness of Dr. Akari Iiyama.
Hyakuta and Arimoto can't compete with her in any way!
Iiyama-san's excellent broadcast two days ago has made a certain political party very nervous.
The fact is that it was from October 17th last year.
Dr. Iiyama is amazing!
Mr. Shimada may fail to progress on the abduction issue and cause it to regress.
I want to tell him not to do anything unnecessary.
I felt uncomfortable about those two people, and the reason for this was clear to me.
The scales falling from my eyes enlighten me every day.
Thank you! Dr. Akari Iiyama.
It's true that the request for political party subsidies should be halved because that's the policy they advocate.
The Communist Party doesn't accept subsidies based on its principles. I don't have a single millimeter of sympathy for the Communist Party's ideology, but I think they make a lot more sense than the Conservative Party when it comes to the issue of subsidies.
I thought Hyakuta was pleasant and fun-loving, but he was the opposite.
Iiyama-san has stripped away his disguise.
Iiyama-san's sword is incredibly sharp.
Hyakuta, it was a mistake of a lifetime to make Iiyama-san your enemy. You got what you deserved.
She has brilliantly analyzed the true nature of Mr. Hyakuta's dangerous ideology and is defending true conservative thought.
I could understand how much Ms. Iiyama values healthy conservative thought.
The world's image of Japan is at its worst due to Mr. Hyakuta's problematic comments.
I can't forgive him for that.
I can't understand why tax money is going to a party like this.
Ms. Arimoto is an older man who wants to show off that she's flirting with Hyakuta.
No one is envious of her.
Instead of broadcasting on YouTube in a hotel room on Christmas Eve, why don't they go home and enjoy Christmas with their families?
It's terrible that they'd rather be on YouTube than with their families!
Minato-ku girls, that's what Mr. Igawa calls them.
He's divorced, so if his partner is also single, that's fine, but it is not something to be proud of.
When I see that couple, I'm reminded of the Dream Group commercial in which the girl says, "The boss is amazing!"
Do they have the same target audience?
He thinks he'll get a laugh by saying things like 'Minato-ku girls, pay up!', which proves his sensibilities are finished, but there's no way he'll get through to his followers, who need to realize that.
The Japan Conservative Party should be fully aware that they have brought dishonor to Japan.
I hope they will never use the words "Japan" or "conservative" again.
I've started to feel uneasy unless I watch Akari-chan's YouTube videos every day
I love her unwavering stance and her frankness in saying that she doesn't know something if she doesn't know it.
Kawamura-san appeared on ReHacQ and said he usually receives the total amount of his parliamentary remuneration.
Thank you for explaining the disgusting story of a particular political party in Japan today in a logical way!
Akari-san, it looks like your health is almost back to normal.
I was quite shocked to hear that the racist comment had gone around the world.
As a Japanese citizen, I feel humiliated and embarrassed... I wonder how much longer we will have to be ashamed... Please stop this already!
You two shouldn't be getting along so well, saying things like "You're also at fault."
I don't want people in places like Spain and Germany to believe the wrong discourse of the conservatives.
The conservatives are not referring to people like Hyakuta and Arimoto. They are ordinary people other than them.
What about cutting out and spreading false information when you're shown the real video...?
You should realize quickly that even novelists in the same industry are disgusted by you.
Or rather, please stop being a novelist.
I don't want people with ideas like Hyakuta's to call themselves novelists.
It's too rude.
I like books. I read a lot. I have read many political and essay books, and I have also read Akari's books.
But I have never thought of picking up Hyakuta's books.
I instinctively feel they're dangerous books. lol.
No normal person would say things like wanting to start a war, let alone discriminate against young people or specific foreigners, even if they weren't the leader of a political party.
Do you realize how low your standards are and that you are making public statements about yourself to an unspecified number of people? You should take a moment to reflect on yourself.
You have a wife, children, and a daughter.
Imagine her having a hysterectomy or not being able to get married.
If you still want to make that into a bill, you would be better off living in a country other than Japan.
I'm so happy that Akari-san's daughter is a sensible person by world standards!
Of course, she's the child that Akari-san and her husband have brought up, so I can tell that they've brought her up well, and I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of woman she'll become when she grows up.
Thank you very much.
Igawa is a racist who discriminates against Japanese people, too. Dangerous, scary, dangerous.
The Hyakuta and Arimoto vs Akari showdown will end quickly.
I thought Hyakuta and Arimoto would be more decent, but I was disappointed.
Before wasting tax money, they should step down from politics and get along with their friends.
I wanted to read about Islamic immigration, so I ordered it from a bookshop, but it was out of stock, and I couldn't buy it.
I don't want to use Amazon, but if you know when a reprint is planned, please let me know.
Thank you.
I am a big fan of Ms. Iiyama and look forward to your subsequent work.
When it looks like Bon-chan will end, he shows up, but does he know what time it is?
This article continues.