文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Local newspapers that have nothing to do with culture are no different from Ryuichi Sakamoto

2021年01月13日 11時37分12秒 | 全般
The following is from the latest book published on 12/31/2020 by Masayuki Takayama, the one and only journalist in the post-war world, entitled China and South Korea Lie Under Their Breath.
It is a must-read not only for all Japanese citizens but also for people all over the world.
In particular, those who make a living from and subscribe to the Asahi Shimbun, a foolish newspaper found nowhere else in the developed world, which not only takes pleasure in disgracing its own country to the world but will do any fabrication to do so.
It is primarily the so-called scholars who have been telling us to learn from Germany.
Those who make a living from the South German newspaper have been writing anti-Japanese articles using this newspaper's anti-Japanese articles.
It is the people who subscribe to this newspaper.
And make a living from the T.V. station that airs the story of the Nanking Massacre fabricated by John Rabe as an annual event at the end of every year.
As a result, about half of the German people have an anti-Japanese ideology.
It is a must-read for those in the U.S. who call themselves scholars, such as Alexis Dudden, a Korean agent.
It is without exaggeration to say that it is the best book in the world.
Japan embraces the lie of 1 millisievert per year. 
The moment Einstein heard that Hitler had taken the Joachimsthal mine in Bohemia, he knew that he was on the verge of making an atomic bomb.
It was because of Uraninite produced there. 
Einstein immediately recommended to Roosevelt to start manufacturing the atomic bomb.
It is how the Manhattan Project got off the ground.
However, the great mind that predicted the existence of gravitational waves could not have foreseen that the U.S. president would be even more of a race-culler than Hitler. 
Truman, who took over after Roosevelt's death, was even worse.
Even though he was Jewish, he was a white supremacist who had been a member of the KKK.
He used all kinds of lies to justify Japan's atomic bombing, and he also worked hard to make the power of the nuclear bomb, which only the U.S. had, seem even more extraordinary. 
Herman Muller, a geneticist, was used to set this up.
He was a Communist at heart, and Roosevelt saw this in him, adding him to the Manhattan Project.
His research focused on how dangerous radiation was to the organism. 
However, instead of guinea pigs, he used Drosophila as his research material.
Drosophila has only four chromosomes and can grow from an egg to an adult in nine days.
It is because it can see the genetic results immediately. 
When he exposed Drosophila to a small number of X-rays, he was amazed at the produced deformities.
Muller confirmed that the deformities acted vertically on the children and grandchildren. 
Once exposed to radiation, it's over.
The results of his research were enough to scare the world. 
However, when it did the same experiment on, say, wasps or guinea pigs, there was no change.
The specimens became healthier, and the number of deformities decreased. 
It clarified the reason for this in the 1970s, but the bottom line is that when a malformed cell is born for some reason, the cell itself commits suicide not to threaten other healthy cells.
This phenomenon is called apoptosis.
Genes that give rise to deformities also have a strong ability to repair themselves, and the genes are immediately repaired. 
However, when cell vitality is weakened, the deformed cells do not commit suicide but instead multiply on their own, threatening healthy cells.
It is what we call cancer. 
Drosophila could not undergo apoptosis.
Drosophila was an exception in that it could not repair its genes.
The results of Muller's research had no universality because deformities were born and inherited. 
But in Truman's time, there was not that much clarity.
No one doubted the vertical inheritance theory of Drosophila.
If a single atomic bomb hits a country, it will be unable to escape its genetic abnormalities forever.
No one would be able to stand up to the U.S. any longer. 
In 1946, Truman conspired with Sweden to give Muller the Nobel Prize.
At the same time, he established the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) under the authority of the U.S., which set the allowable level of radiation at one millisievert per year, based on Muller's research. 
He insisted that you wouldn't go against the United States, but now the Drosophila and the ICRP have been revealed.
However, there is one country where the old testament still survives.
Here, the myths of "Drosophila deformities" and "the international organization says one millisievert per year" are continually being told.
Ryuichi Sakamoto, who was a leading storyteller, was diagnosed with cancer due to apoptotic failure.
The reason he is doing well now is not that he worshipped the head of a sardine.
It was thanks to radiation, but the media hides such stories. 
Tamayo Marukawa, a member of the Liberal Democratic Party, pointed out the unnaturalness of this in her speech in Nagano.
The Shinano Mainichi reported it.
Local newspapers that have nothing to do with culture are no different from Ryuichi Sakamoto.
And the even more uneducated Democratic Party of Japan, Asahi, and the TV networks took advantage of it.
It's like Galileo and the Pope's Suprema Sacra Congregatio Sancti Officii. 
Marukawa has rescinded and apologized for saying that there is no scientific basis for the TICRP's one millisievert statement.
But then she muttered, 'The earth is turning.' 
Japan has a foolish authority in the name of the mass media, where common sense and science do not apply.

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