文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

I would like to hear the left-wing media's self-discipline and summation.

2023年04月15日 21時16分09秒 | 全般

The following is from a tweet by Mr. Kadota Ryusho that we just discovered.
The 7.8 incident killed former Prime Minister Abe, and the 4.15 incident in Wakayama where Prime Minister Kishida was targeted.
Thanks to the leftist media and talking heads who praised hateful terrorism last year, the bar for this type of crime has been quickly lowered in Japan.
Foreign media also broke the news.
The myth of safety in Japan has collapsed.
No, before that, Japan's morality itself collapsed.
I would like to hear the left-wing media's self-discipline and summation.

Quoted tweets
Kazue Fujiwara.
No matter how much we say, in Japan, TV and SNS activists defend and deify terrorists, repeat claims that serve their interests, and abuse victims of terrorism like criminals. Some opposition parties and media continue to demonize the government in a scattered manner unnecessarily; it is no wonder such terrorism is occurring anytime!


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