It was in the top 50 searches for the past week of 2022/2/13. 2025年02月13日 09時46分35秒 | 全般 1A politização flagrante dos Jogos Olímpicos de Inverno de Pequim é flagrante2トップページ3La politisation flagrante des Jeux olympiques d'hiver de Pékin est flagrante4Die offensichtliche Politisierung der Olympischen Winterspiele in Peking ist eklatant5La palese politicizzazione delle Olimpiadi invernali di Pechino è flagrante6La politización descarada de los Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno de Beijing es flagrante7l'organizzazione anti-giapponese e antiamericana chiamata ONU ci dice di fare8Il veleno mortale piantato negli SDG spruzzati dalle Nazioni Unite.9the stance of CDP taking advantage of China and deepening the division of the nation10Who is advocating the SDGs and sustainable development?11Das Buch ist voll von Fakten und Erklärungen darüber, warum Korea so ist,12Tedros said WHO opposes the politicization of origin investigations.13Kdo obhajuje SDGs a udržitelný rozvoj?14The Grand Historian Records is full of insanity, wiles, false accusations, and brutality15Top 10 real-time searches 2022/2/11, 23:2616それ以来、朝日新聞は自虐史観を積極的に発信する現在の論調に舵を切り、その「反日病」が治らないまま今日に至っています17China's expansionist, undemocratic, and uncivilized regime is detrimental to Japan's security and18The book is full of facts and clarifications about why Korea is the way it is.19Le livre est plein de faits et de clarifications sur les raisons pour lesquelles20Germany's coach, For me, it's like puppet theater (a manipulated stage)21and Mr. Bach was helping China's propaganda efforts.22文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilizationの人気記事 2022/2/1123El libro está lleno de hechos y aclaraciones sobre por qué Corea es como es.24So that's what Belgium is. Retaliation for that⁉︎25Top 10 real-time searches on goo 2/10, 11:2126Women in Joseon were like sex slaves to yangban27反日プロパガンダを真に受ける能力しかないにも拘わらず欧米や日本で大学教授として生計を立てている人間達が必読28結論から言えば、朝鮮は汚く、未開だった反面、日本は学ぶことの多い、感謝すべき国だ。29The Republic of Korea is ruled by the ghosts of the May 18 Gwangju Incident30ドイツの監督は「私にしてみれば、パペットシアター(操られた舞台)のようだ」と強く非難した31中国の拡張主義的、非民主主義的、非文明的政権は日本の安全保障と民主的生活様式にとって不利益である。32Em primeiro lugar, a China é muito boa em fabricar fatos.33¿Quién aboga por los ODS y el desarrollo sostenible?34High-temperature gas reactor showed its true character35Top 10 real-time searches 2022/2/12, 8:4536It is nothing short of a tragedy that academia has been distorted.37Vem förespråkar SDG och hållbar utveckling?38العضو الدائم في مجلس الأمن الدولي يهدد بغزو عسكري39The blatant politicization of the Beijing Winter Olympics is flagrant40Top 10 real-time searches 2022//2/9, 12:5241Pag-iwas sa Solusyon: Isang Magandang Pangingisda na Ninakaw42It must have been such a disaster that all the previous efforts were instantly wiped out.43O livro está cheio de fatos e esclarecimentos sobre por que a Coreia é do jeito44Nie je to nič iné ako tragédia, že akademická obec bola zdeformovaná.45文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilizationの人気記事 2022/2/846Ủy viên thường trực của Hội đồng Bảo an Liên hợp quốc đang đe dọa một cuộc xâm lược quân sự47Top 10 real-time searches 2022/2/8, 9:3848but Mr. Xi's invitation clearly goes against the idea of anti-doping.49Evitando uma solução: um bom campo de pesca roubado50Yüksek sıcaklıklı gaz reaktörü gerçek karakterini gösterdi « It was a popular page yeste... | トップ | It was a popular page yeste... »
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