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I can't help but feel intense anger at Senator Haraguchi's tweet that

2023年07月24日 19時54分16秒 | 全般

Taro Sekihei.
I can't help but feel intense anger at Senator Haraguchi's tweet that "China is also a democratic country."
If China is a democratic country, why must my comrades who called for democracy in Tiananmen Square be slaughtered? 
Haraguchi, you are no longer a human being.
You are mere human waste. Shame on you!

Quoted tweets
Kiyotaka Kato (MC of the Cultural Broadcasting Station).
Senator Kazuhiro Haraguchi regularly expresses his unique views, but what does he mean when he says, "China is also a democratic country"?
Perhaps you mean the democracy of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the official country name of North Korea?
It would generally be the one-party dictatorship of the Communist Party of China.

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