文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world


2013年06月30日 04時33分55秒 | 日記
From the Be in 2013/6/29, Asahi News Paper

The preamble abbreviation
Simplify a knack after digging into the feature.
Then, it becomes in the thing boiling for which more persons are able to be gotten by using.
Beatles and Bob Dylan will be good example.
Because the wonderful song crosses a border
It learned to be simplified from Wabi-sabi in Japan.
It made have only a necessary feature ultimately in the twitter and the square.
Always, only to add something up is not improvement.
In a lot of cases, the converse, subtraction are improvement.
It presents the book of Wabi-sabi to square all the employees.
The loving - its being this day favor plainly in the yard of “ZEN”
It sympathized with the sense of the aesthetic sense and the design.
There was a yard of “ZEN" where a pattern was beautifully with the rake put to the arboretum near the house.
Japan was a holy place and went to the children's mind with the family like every week.
There was a festival in Japan where a tea is opened with the drum sounding and the carp swimming every year but it liked this yard most.
It thought that it was the time of 8 years old but it of it was told to the mother with " the God one of it if finding a footprint in the pattern ". Then, it had found the logo of the day, Nike to be.
It is learning to have been surprised, saying the wear of the shoes of Nike by the God, too.
It is one of the favorite places even now on the earth.
The omit the last part

The translation is Akutagawa.

Jack Dorsey

2013年06月30日 04時16分35秒 | 日記
As for being hitting completely by the intuition of Akutagawa, the reader is as it knows.
Yesterday of lull in the rain of the rainy season, it was when filling a newspaper into the knapsack to head for Kyoto.
A Be in the Asahi came into view.
Last year, it had a hunch like the time when the woman bureaucrat who should have the Ministry of International Trade and Industry was featured.
It is when such something appears soon.
It was as it.
It was the special story of the founder of the twitter.
It is because he in addition to Steve Jobs, too, was the person whom it isn't possible to separate from the Japanese garden that Akutagawa was more surprised.
Jack Dorsey

The butterfly that a marking was made a flag on Okinawa was discovered in Takao-san in Tokyo.

2013年06月29日 12時22分52秒 | 日記
It was surprised at the news of 7 o'clock of NHK in now.
The writer encountered especially last year to the butterfly in each place.
The Chestnut Tiger (Parantica sita) it was proved that it moved beyond 1,500 km
The butterfly that a marking was made a wing on Okinawa was discovered in Takao-san in Tokyo.
In the example which heads for the south what is more, 2,000 km are said to splash.
Of being moving such a terrible distance by the butterfly to fly in doing that fluttering!
It was more because it saw a big black swallowtail excellently in Mimuroto-ji temple in Uji city where was visited to take a hydrangea today.


2013年06月28日 11時42分04秒 | 日記










The last judge undoubtedly descends to you.

2013年06月28日 11時30分27秒 | 日記
The article in the big space was in the page (being one of the main pages of the newspaper) about the society in Asahi today.
It was telling that the stupid and mean criminal act to apply to the net and to accomplish a mudslinging occurred frequently on the net in the big space in the personal information of the people who writes in to the voice column in the Asahi.
At the same time, it was telling to make the Asahi that these were a crime to the site operating company and to be offering deletion.

The true prime name is dealing in the moment that such a thing occurred.
It deletes immediately.
Because, it is a prime name because it is so.

The PC appears and is only 30 years.
However, some persons who were related with the net and accomplished a large profit are needed by the other day.
Are they first-class?
What doesn't have them in spite of really the frequent occurrence of these problems in them?
Is it uttering, saying being free speech, and so on, but is it true?
It is withdrawn from the Chinese government if what it is said.

Now, it thinks that the situation of that (man is minimum, but ), clearly, to have been completed is a fact.
In other words, while professing with the free speech and so on, it follows power easily.
It ignores the voice of the people of the innocence which doesn't have a name, too, absolutely.
Then, it built up a lifetime or the wealth which is worth millions which it isn't possible to use up even if it hangs.
It is only for the hellish gate that it is waiting to you.

Only for the sin of it was difficult to endure innocent people, to have damaged it and for it to have been griped, you are sent to the bottom of the hellish deep darkness that the punishment is the hardest among them.
Of what of the prosperity and so on one of you in the present life however, it is not.
The last judge undoubtedly descends to you.

By the devil!