【DHC】2020/8/31(月) 田北真樹子×石平×居島一平【虎ノ門ニュース】
00:00:00 準備画面
00:03:20 本編開始
00:14:15 拉致未解決「痛恨の極み」安倍首相辞任
00:38:27 新首相9月17日選出調整 菅氏近く立候補表明/
党員投票見定めて出馬判断 石破氏
00:43:21 「河野氏応援」と小泉氏 出馬は否定/
稲田氏 総裁選に意欲 9月15日軸に調整
01:00:11 トランプ氏「とても残念」 安倍首相辞任に/
「レガシー残さず」中国 安倍氏に厳しい評価
01:17:45 コーナー「石平のCHA 中国情報局」
01:43:57 米国を最も偉大に トランプ氏が再選へ決意
01:54:05 チェコ上院議長が台湾を公式訪問
Had a productive meeting with @SecAzar & the @HHSGov delegation. Thank you to @POTUS and @SecPompeo for supporting the #TaiwanModel & our international participation. Working together, we can prove that democracy is the best system to overcome global challenges. pic.twitter.com/8qztU4ClOK
— 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen (@iingwen) August 10, 2020
Pleased to be in the Czech Republic to meet with President Zeman, Prime Minister @AndrejBabis, Foreign Minister @TPetricek, and other leaders to discuss our security and economic cooperation. We're blessed to have a strong partnership that benefits the people of both our nations. pic.twitter.com/NFdztf7i2x
— Secretary Pompeo (@SecPompeo) August 11, 2020
On behalf of the people of #Taiwan, I’d like to extend a sincere welcome to #CzechRepublic @SenatCZ President @Vystrcil_Milos & all the members of the delegation. Our nations share many core values & we look forward to furthering cooperation in all areas. pic.twitter.com/qEKXB3MLPH
— 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen (@iingwen) August 30, 2020
DEN NULA! 8⃣ senátorů v čele s předsedou Senátu @Vystrcil_Milos stačilo po uvítání ministrem zahraničí Taiwanu @MOFA_Taiwan Josephem Wu ještě na letišti nastínit některá společná témata. Přejeli do centra, absolvovali COVID test a začali se seznamovat s 9⃣0⃣ členy delegace 👇 pic.twitter.com/r9Vskm5Syu
— Senát Parlamentu ČR (@SenatCZ) August 30, 2020