He was a great musician, also so nice and kind person as a human. Why did I used "past tense" to tell about him? Because I've got very sad news about him today.
(B.B.ゴードン。彼はとても優れたミュージシャンであっただけでなく、人としてもとても素晴らしいでした。なぜZUYAが彼の話を“過去形”でするかって? 今日彼について悲しい知らせが届いたからなんですよ...)
When I was in Winnipeg in 1999, I didin't know how to play the music, how to enjoy it, even how to live in Canada. But fortunately, a lots of people taught me how I should do. They are still my precious friends. He was one of them.
Whenever he saw me, he spoke to me, "Hey,Zuya~". Though I was just a strange Japanese boy who couldn't speak English well..., you know.
(彼はZUYAを見かけるたびに、“おい、ZUYA! 元気か?”と話かけてきてくれました。英語もろくに話せなかったわけのわからない日本人だったZUYAに...)
I guess he knows how I love the blues.
I'll never, never, never forget him.
Also I've got a another sad news just an hour ago.
Email my friend send to me told me about another my friend's death...
Brain Miller. 12 years ago,I was hired as a guitar player by him. It was the first time for me to earn money by playing the music.
Hey,my friends! Don't go in a hurry!
(おいおい、みんな! 死に急がないでくれよ~!)