Today (March 4th), as part of the third information activity to promote use of Ako City's Traffic Park, I met with the director of Ako City Post Office and felt a strong sense that my efforts had paid off.
帰り道、仲介して下さった郵便局を訪問して、局長さんへお礼と報告をお伝えして、4月以降、改めて ご紹介戴く様にお願いをしてきました。 これで、郵便の集配でバイクを使う局員の方々の安全に役立つ日が来る事を強く期待できます。
I was unable to meet him on my last visit (2/14) because he was not there, so I made an appointment with the postmaster near my house, and it turned out to be a very good interview.
The postmaster looked over the documents and business card I left with him on my last visit, and was so intelligent that he was aware of GRA's activities, and told me that he also has a strong interest in traffic safety and accident prevention for employees. However, he said that he will be transferred on April 1st, and that he will pass this on to the next person to be assigned.
On my way home, I visited the post office that had mediated my transfer, and thanked and reported to the postmaster, and asked him to introduce me again after April. I strongly hope that this will help improve the safety of postmasters who use motorcycles to collect and deliver mail.

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