京都・宇治の陶芸教室 朝日焼作陶館 スタッフブログ

登り窯の横にかまえた朝日焼作陶館 「深く楽しい陶芸の魅力」に触れることができる窯元ならではの陶芸教室です

誕生日 / Birthday

2017-06-30 10:01:16 | 美味


ハッピィバースディ トゥユゥー♪(英会話教室ですから、発音ばっちりなんです(笑))

生徒Nさん 『 29やったっけ? 』
私 『え?歳ですか? 』そんなわけがない(笑)

その後、教室の事務の方が 『 ゆかちゃんって、29?』
私 『ええっ?歳ですか? 』 


ええ、そうです。 若くありたいという欲望が強すぎる45歳です!(笑)


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The other day, I celebrated my birthday.
I got up one step up the stairs to be a nice woman (lol)

And, from the people in the English conversation class that I attend, I got a cake at the surprise.

Happy Birthday to You ♪
Because it is students in the English conversation classroom, it is perfect pronunciation (laugh)
I make a wish and blow out the candle.

Student Mr,N says, "Did you do 29? "
I "What? My age? There can not be such a thing (lol)

After that, M-san said "Yuka, 29? "
I " Well? Are you asking for my age?"

Shameful mistakes twice in 10 minutes (haha)

Yes, that's right. The desire to be young is too strong, 45 years old! (Lol)

I hope, everyone is also happy to have a good birthday, anniversary, memorial day.
Huh? Me? It is 29 (lol)
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