イラン原油 輸入滞る恐れ EU制裁、再保険認めず 政府、適用除外を要請
According to sources familiar with the matter, there has occured a possibility that crude oil import from Iran to Japan will be delayed, because Japanese indemnity insurance companies will have difficulty in making a reassuarence of the import deal of crude oil by a Japanes firm with an European insurance company due to the EU sanctions against Iran. Under the EU sanctions all insurance companies in its region are banned to make reassurance of Iran-related deals.
Considering the matter very serious, the Japanese government has asked EU exemption of such kind of sanction for Japan. But it is not clear how the situation is going.
According to sources familiar with the matter, there has occured a possibility that crude oil import from Iran to Japan will be delayed, because Japanese indemnity insurance companies will have difficulty in making a reassuarence of the import deal of crude oil by a Japanes firm with an European insurance company due to the EU sanctions against Iran. Under the EU sanctions all insurance companies in its region are banned to make reassurance of Iran-related deals.
Considering the matter very serious, the Japanese government has asked EU exemption of such kind of sanction for Japan. But it is not clear how the situation is going.