from the September 23 Nikkei

2013年09月28日 13時28分17秒 | 新聞記事から
イプシロンで海外衛星 新型ロケット まずベトナム  17年にも NEC、衛星の製造受注

The government has decided to help Japanese firms win orders from foreign nations to launch satellites. According to the plan, it intends to get the first satellite of its kind into orbid in 2017, using the demestiaclly-developed Epsilon rocket. Among many possible nations, Vietnam is believed to be the palce where the project will be first realized. People concerend have already entered into the negotiations with their counterparts of Vietnam. As to manufacturing of a satellite, NEC Corporation is now expected to get the order.
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from the September 19 Nikkei

2013年09月27日 18時35分52秒 | 新聞記事から
法人税率下げ 段階的に 首相指示「来年度から」財務省に 来春の消費増税を前提に

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe met on Wednesday with Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Taro Aso at the prime minister's official residence to discuss economy-sustaining measures on the premise that consumption tax rate would be raised to 8% next April. In the meeting the prime minister instructed the finance minister to stipulate the lowering of the effective corporate tax in its policy.Other ideas the prime minister showed the chief in the state coffers are that the Special Corporate Tax for Reconstruction should be abolished in fiscal 2014 a year ahead of its schedule and that the total company's burden of tax should be lowered to as the level as those in advannced industrial nations in fiscal 2015, which would be a moderate, gradual procedure done in tow steps.
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from today's Nikkei

2013年09月27日 11時29分07秒 | 新聞記事から
柏崎原発 審査きょう申請 新潟知事、条件つき承認 東電、来春再稼働めざす

The governor of Niigata Prefecure granted conditional nod to TEPCO's intention to soon file a application with the nuclear autority for safety inspections with a view to resuming now idled No.6 and No.7 nuclear reactors in Kasiwazaki-kariha nuclear plant in Niigta.

Then, Tokyo Electric Power Company announced on Thursday that it would apply for the Nuclear Rgulatory Autority's safety screening at the comany's Kasiwazaki-kariha nuclear plant on the morning of September 27. TEPCO expects the two reactors to resume their operations next spring.
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from the September 22 Nikkei

2013年09月26日 20時01分31秒 | 新聞記事から
アマゾン、薬ネット販売 4000品目を即日配送 来月にも 価格競争に拍車

It was learned that Amazon Japan K.K., based in Meguro, Tokyo, a domestic leading firm for the Internet mail order services, was going to begin to sell nonprescription drugs in October. Acording to the company's plan, they will likely deal with more than as many as 4,000 items. In some areas people can get their orders delived on the same day. It is said that about 50 million people a month make use of the firm's services. With the firm's services having got such popularity among people, it has so far made a leading role in price-cutting competition in various fields. In the pharamaceutical marketing area also, the move will surely accelerate the price-cutting war.
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from the September 24 Nikkei

2013年09月26日 17時01分20秒 | 新聞記事から
景気「増税後も改善」4割 消費税8% 設備投資けん引 現状は「拡大」が9割

The Nikkeishimbun had carried out the survey of the so-called " One Hundred Presidents Questionnaire",asking how they would think of the economy a year ahead,on the assumption that cunsumption tax rate would be raised to 8 % next April, and made public its compiled result. According to the data, 41.1 percent of the respondents said that the economy would more pick up than the present. Many of them said that the capital investment would increase and the consumer spending would be stable,too.
As to the present economy, 93.8 percent said the economy was expanding steadily.
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