from recent news in Japan

2024年09月30日 09時28分43秒 | 翻訳・通訳
衆院選が10月27日に投開票で実施の公算大 財務大臣に加藤氏 外務大臣に岩屋氏が内定 自民総務会長には鈴木氏

According to sources familiar with the newly elected Liberal Democratic Party president Shigeru Ishiba, he has decided that the House of Representatives should be dissolved (resolved) on October 9, the general elections be started on October 15, and their voting and vote counting be held on October 27. As to the personnel shift on the LDP executives, Shunichi Suzuku, 71, finance minister, is likely to be appointed as the LDP's General Council Chairperson. Concerning the cabinet ministers, Katsunobu Kato, 68, former cabinet secretary, is to be appointed as finance minister, Tsuyoshi Iwaya, 67, former defense minister, as foreign minister, and Gen Nakatani, 66, former defense minister, as defense minister again.
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from recent news in Japan

2024年09月29日 07時08分02秒 | 翻訳・通訳
自民幹事長に森山氏 選対委員長小泉氏 官房長官に林氏 党役員。閣僚人事 11月までに総選挙 念頭に
The Liberal Democratic Party's newly elected president Shigeru Ishiba started forming new personnel scheme for the party and the cabinet on Saturday, and decided to appoint Hiroshi Moriyama,79, General Council Chairperson, to Secretary General, and Shinjiro Koizumi, 43, former environment minister, to Election Strategy Committee Chairperson. Yoshimasa Hayashi, 63, Chief Cabinet Secretary, would continue his present post. As the dissolution of the lower house of the Diet is expected to be done in October and general elections would be held in November, LDP's president Ishiba proceeded into that preparation.
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from recent news in Japan

2024年09月28日 09時25分47秒 | 翻訳・通訳
自民総裁 石破氏 決選投票 高市氏を逆転  1日首相就任

On Friday the Liberal Democratic Party had a meeting where the party's president was decided. And Shigeru Ishiba, 67, former secretary general, was elected as the 28th president of the party. In the first-round election he was the second after Sanae Takaichi, 63, economic security minister, and there was none who got the majority of the ballots. So according to the rule, the run-off election between the top two was held. And Ishiba came first turning the table at the last minute and finally won the race. On October1, the extraordinary Diet is to be convened. And there he is to be appointed as the 102nd prime minister of Japan. On the same day he will form his cabinet.
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from recent news in Japan

2024年09月27日 08時14分24秒 | 翻訳・通訳
袴田さんの 再審裁判で無罪判決が出た 死刑事件では5人目 
静岡地裁判決で 衣類など三つの証拠が捏造されたと認定された 

Concerning the retrial for the murder of 4 people in the family in Shizuoka prefecture taking place in 1966, the Shizuoka District Court delivered a sentence of innocence on Thursday to Iwao Hakamada,88, who had received a death sentence for the robbery and murder. The presiding judge Koushi Kunii recognized the fabrication of evidence, saying" The three pieces of evidence including five pieces of clothes were manufactured by the investigative authorities. " This is the fifth case after the end of the second world war that the final judicial sentences of the death penalty have been turned down in the retrial cases.
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from recent news in Japan

2024年09月26日 07時19分11秒 | 翻訳・通訳
海上自衛隊艦船「いざなみ」が台湾海峡を初めて通過した  これは中国の威圧強化に対抗する措置の一環らしい

It is learned that the Maritime Self-Defense Force's warship Izanami passed through the Taiwan Channel on Wednesday. This is the first time since that the Self-Defense Forces' warship has done it since the establishment of the SDF. It is aimed at issuing a warning against China as a counter measures given the circumstances that China is intensifying its military coercion by violating Japanese airspace in its espionage activities. This is what Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has decided to do after a long period discussion within the government.
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