my way of translation 11/30

2022年11月30日 08時22分57秒 | 翻訳・通訳
The Hell and the Paradise:

An ascetic monk asked an aged monk, "What kind of the place is the hell?" And the aged monk replied, " In the hell there is a big pot where udon noodles are being boiled. There is no way but using long chopsticks as long as one meter in order for people to eat them. It is hard to put them into their mouth even if it is possible to catch them, because everybody is trying frantically to eat them first. So, finally, udons gets cut and move away, and then nobody could eat them."

The ascetic monk asked, " Then, what kind of the place is the paradise?" And the aged monk replied, " Actually, the paradise is also set in the same to the hell. However, when a person there catches the undon by the long chopsticks, he says, first of all, to another person sitting at the opposite side of the pot, " Please have them first." And the person who has received that kindness feels very thankful for that and says, " Please have them this time." Like this, everyone living there can eat the udon."

The above-mentioned things are true of our lives. Whether you only think of yourself, or you are considerate fort others will decide whether you go to hell or paradise.

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my way of translation 11/29

2022年11月29日 09時45分16秒 | 翻訳・通訳
A watershed for your growth as a human being:

When you face difficulty, there are two ways: One is that you are defeated by it and would give up on your dream, or you would make an easy compromise where inappropriate. The other is you could continue making a steady effort without thinking trouble is trouble. The watershed lies there, whether you could grow or not as a human being.

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my way of translation 11/28

2022年11月28日 06時26分51秒 | 翻訳・通訳
A courage to take on a role that doesn't pay:

The more successful, the greater you may be, the more modest you should be. Unless you don't have a courage to take on a role that doesn't pay, you should not be in the top position. If a person without a self-sacrifice mind has some important role,
the people under him have to suffer from adversity derived from that selfish boss.

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my way of translation 11/27

2022年11月27日 09時41分16秒 | 翻訳・通訳
Trust is a reflection of your mind.

A relationship of trust between you and some other person is the result on which your mind is reflected. Even though it may case some damage to you, you have to ger along with that person, trusting him. Only in that kind of circumstances could a trust relationship be born. Trust is what you should find not outside your mind but within your mind.

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my way of translation 11/26

2022年11月26日 10時37分32秒 | 翻訳・通訳
To enhance your mind and expand your business:

In order to expand your business further, there is no way but for you, or business operator to enhance your personality and brush your mind.

Since a while after I established Kyosera corporation, I have long made efforts as hard as possible, thinking," As long as the business performance is decided by the top's capability, I myself, as the top person, should brush up my personality and enhance my capability."

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