from today's Nikkei

2008年03月31日 11時51分17秒 | 新聞記事から
液晶素材増産に3000億円 大日本印刷など2年間で TV世界出荷急増 フィルターやガラス基板 設備投資、すそ野拡大

Domestic material makers are going to simultaneously increase their production of the digital materials for the liquid crystal television sets.
Specifically,Dai Nippon Printing Co.,Ltd. will begin its operation of the new line for the colour-displaying filters, with so much as 23 billion yen invested in it.Nippon Electric Glass Co.,Ltd. also will invest 50 billion yen in enhancing the output of the glass materials.Including these, the estimated total amount of investment of such companies in the fields of staple materials in the periods from fiscal 2008 to fiscal 2009 is expected to be 300 billion yen.The global shipment of the crystal liquid TVs will exceed the 100 million level in 2009,and the business for the materils, whose current annual sales are over three trillion yen, will surely expand further.The business chance for the domestic companies,which are now accounting for 60 to 70 percent of the world's liquid crystal material share,will be extended,in these circumstances that they are seeking to strengthen their production bases.
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from today's Nikkei

2008年03月28日 13時36分30秒 | 新聞記事から
道路「09年度に一般財源化」 首相が新提案、民主は難色 ガソリン 暫定税率期限切れへ 暫定税率 民主「即時廃止を」
On the Thursday afternoon, Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda had a press conference at the Prime Minister's Office,and made a new proposal in terms of the specific road-related tax revenues.In his speech, he expressed his idea that all the revenues coming from the specific road -related taxes should go into the nation's general account revenues from the fiscal year 2009.But he declined the posibility of abolishing the current tentative tax rate for gasolin usage.The Democratic Party of Japan responding to the idea saying it is difficult to receive,the expiration of the current tentative gasolin tax rate regulation at the end of March will be unavoidable.
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from today's Nikkei

2008年03月27日 09時12分21秒 | 新聞記事から
家庭用冷食、一斉に減産 ニチレイ・味の素3割 ギョーザ事件で買い控え 関連産業も影響

Domestic major food makers are reducing their production of the frozen food products for the household use at the same time on a large scale.It is claer that behind the deal there is a recent movement that a lot of consumers have got wary about purchasing such kinds of food products, apparently triggered by the gyoza dumplings imported from China incidents.
Specifically, Nichirei Corporation,ranked second in the domestic frozen food product sector,and Ajinomoto Co.,Inc., fourth in the same sector, both will get their production down to the 70 percent level, compared with those in the previous year.The reduction is expected ,for the time being, to long for only two or three months. But the firms' impact is not so littel in the field that the fallout spreading into the related businesses like wrapping materials might be far larger than imagined.

参考:the gyoza dumplings imported from China incidents は、あまりいい英語とは思いませんが、あえて使ってみました。この種の、強引ともいえる英語をよく目にします。何が強引かといえば、gyoza dumplings imported from China を一つの概念にしている、つまり名詞にして、それを、また形容詞的に使って、最後の名詞、incidents につなげています。そして最初に定冠詞のtheを付けている。新聞などでも時々みかけます。余り使いたくはないが、困ったときは使えばいいのだと認識しています。the China-made gyoza ( dumpling) incidents とすれば、すっきりした英語ではあります。the from-China-imported gyoza incidents もありえるかもしれません。

3割減産→生産を70%にするもあるし、reduce the production by 30 % もある。
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from today's Nikkei

2008年03月26日 11時22分41秒 | 新聞記事から
企業年金、運用見直し 大量退職・株安受け KDDI、世代別に分割 松下、未公開株比率上げ 日本株は縮小へ
In major comoanies there has been recently a trend that they will revise a way of how to manage the fund of their employees' pension scheme, mainly because of recent share prices' plunge and a massive employees' retirement.
Specifically, in KDDI Corporation they are going to divide the funds by generation of their employees, and also in Matsushita Electric Indutrial they will raise the rate of unlisted shares invested. In any cases,investing their funds in Japanese stocks seems to be declining.
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from today's Nikkei

2008年03月25日 09時52分04秒 | 新聞記事から
新日鉄、海外初の高炉 ブラジルで5000億円超 現地法人と合弁 欧米輸出居拠点に

Nippon Steel Corporation has entered into the final stage of its negotiations in the direction that it will build a big-size steel-manufacturing plant in Brazil. According to its draft plan, it is going to invest money of as much as 500-600 billion yen in the project,and start the production there in 2011. In proceeding the deal,it will set up a joint venture company with a major firm there, having more than half of its stake. This is the first time that a Japanese steel maker will have a big steel-making plant with blast furnaces overseas. Proceeding with the project,Nippon Steel wants to make the Brazil the hub in exporting its steel products to the countries in the West.
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