from today's Nikkei

2007年09月30日 15時04分24秒 | 新聞記事から
三セク再建 資産査定へ第三者委 総務省指針 各自治体に設置 再建計画 09年度中に義務付け
The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has decided to launch on new measures for promoting the restructuring of third-sector organizations with management difficulties,some stake of whose each equity a local government has.According to the ministry's idea,for each local government having a third-sector organization which faces a management difficulty,a third-party committee consisting of outside specialists is to be established.The ministry intends to oblige local governments to make such committees asess the assets of the targeted organizations,and to make restructuring plans for them within fiscal 2009. Such organization as now challenged by management dificulties account for about 40% at present of the total third-party otganizations, and are squeezing each local government's finance.

The ministry intends to urge local governments to set up a third-party committee consisting of outside specialsts. となるのでしょう。自治体は1つの委員会しか設置しないのであるからこうなる。だけど、複数で処理することもあるようだ。正確なのは、単数を交えるほうだと思う。
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2007年09月29日 13時01分13秒 | その他
Japan's economy had long been in the long recession since the collapase of its bubble economy in the early 1990s, and recorded a minus growth in 1998 for the first time in 24 years.

In so rigorous conditions of economy,companies,which had been vigorous in capital investment and emplyment on the premise of the ecomomy expanding steadily,came to face the challenges of the so-called "three excess"(excessive emplyment,excessive equipment, excessive debts),suffering from aftereffects of the bubble ecomomy.

参考:いまきづいた事だが、conditions of economy よりも、conditions in the economy の方がいい感じと思える。

Looking at the situation from the viewpoint of corporates' sentiment indexes of emplyment and saleas and production facilities,we can see that sense of exessiveness increased sharply from the beinning of the 1990s,and since then has been staying at the high level until the beginning of the 2000s.

参考:Looking at the situation from the viewpoint of corporates' sentiment indexes of emplyment and saleas and production facilitiesは、Looking at corporates' sentiment indexes of emplyment and sales and production facilitiesとした方がいいのでないかと今思った。それに sitiuationはlook at できない。look into はできる。

And it is thought that such corporates' sense of excessiveness on employment served as a factor that led to employment adjustment,restraint in hiring new graduates,and restructuring.
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2007年09月29日 12時42分35秒 | その他
A,B and C です。けれども厳密にはA,B, and C として、andの前のコンマを入れるほうが正確になります。そういう解説を殆ど見ませんが、native speaker の指導になる本ではそれを書いています。ところが殆どは、andの前にコンマを入れる例は見かけない。けれども、次のような場合は、前にコンマを入れないと、誤解を生む。
A,B and C,D,E and F,and G
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carrier-born aircraft

2007年09月29日 11時20分56秒 | その他
艦載機をcarrier-born aircraft というのを漸く思い出しました。よく出てくる言葉ですが、どうしてもしっくりこなかったものです。carrier とは空母のこと。しかし、富井篤氏の解説を適用すれば、carrierがbear(運ぶ)するaircraft で理屈は合うわけです。
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from today's Nikkei

2007年09月29日 10時55分11秒 | 新聞記事から
燃料電池 携帯向け 来年にも商品化 東芝・日立など 日米韓大手 国際規格を策定 CO2排出半減
Electrical appliance makers,such as Toshiba,Hitachi and Matsushita, are likely to launch on the market their fuel cells used for cellular phones or PCs, beginning from 2008.International standards for fuel cells used for IT equipment will be established within 2008 by major makers in the U.S.,Japan and South Korea to make its low-cost production posible with safety satndards and constituents unified. Using fuel cells in the IT equipment much more will be leading to the carbon dioxide emission reduction,probably nearly to half the prsent.
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