液晶生産 低価格品を縮小 携帯など中小型 海外勢、攻勢で エプソン内外の拠点を集約 東芝など情報端末向け増産
Seiko Epson corporation has decided that it will cut down its production of the small to midum-sized liquid crystal panel,which are low priced and used for cellular phone handsets,taking into consideration the recent fierce competition with foreign makers.Specifically,it will reduce the current six production sites to two by the end of fiscal Another move is that Toshiba and others are going to increase the production ratio of high quality products like portable information terminals.
Seiko Epson corporation has decided that it will cut down its production of the small to midum-sized liquid crystal panel,which are low priced and used for cellular phone handsets,taking into consideration the recent fierce competition with foreign makers.Specifically,it will reduce the current six production sites to two by the end of fiscal Another move is that Toshiba and others are going to increase the production ratio of high quality products like portable information terminals.