欧州利下げ最低の0.75%に 銀行の預け入れ0% 景気下支え 中国は2カ月連続
The European Central Bank decided on Thursday to cut down its market-adjusted interest rate, which is its monetary policy target, by 0.25% to the record-low 0.75%. This is surely because it wants to bolster the economy. This means there is actually almost no interest when people make a deposit in a bank. On the same day the People's Bank of China also eased its monetray policy, which is the consecutive second change of policy.
The European Central Bank decided on Thursday to cut down its market-adjusted interest rate, which is its monetary policy target, by 0.25% to the record-low 0.75%. This is surely because it wants to bolster the economy. This means there is actually almost no interest when people make a deposit in a bank. On the same day the People's Bank of China also eased its monetray policy, which is the consecutive second change of policy.