from July 24 Nikkei

2011年08月02日 19時03分21秒 | 新聞記事から
歳出削減3兆円 財源に 復興予算 今後5年で13兆円 基本方針原案 増税は調整難航も

The government is now working out the basic policy for recinstruction from the Great East Japan Eathquake within the month. And some of its outline was made released yeserday (Saturday). According to it, the period from fiscal 2011 to 2015 is defined as "the extensive restructuring period" and a total of 13 trillion yen is appropiated to the budgets over the next five years including the third supplementary budget in fiscal 2011.

As to the sources of funds, 3 triilionn yen is to be secured by squeezing money from the conventional expenses and the remaining 10 trillion yen is to be expected to come from tax hikes in income tax and corporate tax and selling state-owned properties.

Nevertheless, regarding the tax hikes, people concerned will likely avoid stipulating tax hikes' detailed timing or contents. Tax hike discussion seems to be very difficult to go through.
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from today's Nikkei

2011年08月02日 18時30分23秒 | 新聞記事から
米債務上限上げ 大枠合意 赤字削減、10年で2.5兆ドル  円一時76円台 景気下押し懸念

U.S. Republicans and Democrats in Congress reached a basic agreement with President Barack Obama on the issue to avoid a U.S. default. According to the agreement, the U.S. is to reduce its deficit by 2.5 trillion dollars over the next decade.However, As there is lingering concern about the U.S. economy ahead, in a foreign exchange market on the day the yen temporarily traded at the 76 yen a dollar level. Many concerns about negative effects to the global economy remain unchanged among many market players.
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from today's Nikkei

2011年08月01日 17時57分11秒 | 新聞記事から
中国でコスト削減加速 賃金高騰を吸収 TDK自動化率を7割に 日産現地調達引き上げ 賃金高騰を吸収

Many Japanese companies having their production sites in China are now accelerating their management efforts of cost cutting given the situation that personnel cost has been rising there. As average of wages in China has increased double over the past five years, Japanese firms located there are suffering a decling profitability.It is likely that human resources cost increase will be going on there from now on. Given such situation many are seeking to serch for other areas than perosonnel cost. Specifically, TDK Corporation, which has 18 plants in China, has raised its plant automation ration to about 70 percent by installing equipment dedicated to winding coils to a electronic device factory. And Nissan Motor Co. will further raise its local component purchase ration almost 100 percent from the current 90 percent as well as enhancement of its plant automation. These are some examples of theirs to cope with increasing personnel costs in China.
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