from the November 11 Nikkei

2014年11月17日 11時28分06秒 | 新聞記事から
日中「関係改善に努力」 3年ぶり首脳会談 偶発衝突防止へ協力

The Prime Ministrer Shinzo Abe met with Chinese President Xi Jimping on Monday (10th) at the Great hall of the People in Beijin. The two countries' top leaders meeting is the first afetr a 3 year interval. The meeting lasted for about 25 minutes, reaching an agreement of improving the relatonship and promoting strategic mutual benifits. They also confirmed the need of establishing the system for avoiding contingent clashes between the two countries.
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from the November 12 Nikkei

2014年11月17日 11時03分06秒 | 新聞記事から
与党、衆院選準備を加速 首相・公明代表 週明けに会談

Ruling paries are now rapidly preparing for elections.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is believed to be now mulling postponing the consumption tax rate hike from the current 8% to 10%, schduled to take effect in October, 2015.
Given such situations, the prime minister is also considering implementing the dissolution of the House of Representatives and carrying out the snap election within the year for getting the public's opinion for the prime minister's decision.

It is expected that the meeting between the prime minister and the president of Komei-to Natsuo Yamaguchi wil take place on the day of 17th, when the prime minister comes back to Japan after a series of foreign trips.
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from the November 13 Nikkei

2014年11月17日 10時24分43秒 | 新聞記事から
原発40年越え運転 関電、高浜1、2号機  来春申請 安全対策 課題に

Acording to sources familiar with the matter, Kansai Electric Power Company has decided to extend the operation of nuclear reactors Nos. 1 and 2 at its Takahama Power Plant, in Takahama, Fukui, by some 20 years.

As the two reactors are already more than 39 years old since their starts of operation, the move is sure to draw attention from many people concerned. KEPCO will apply to Nuclear Regulation Authority for the approval after they go through a special rigorous inspection in the end of the year.

At present, there are 7 reactors in the country which is around 40 years since their starts. And this will be the first that a power company will ask the authority to approve the operation of sucha an aging reactor. So, how to secure safety measures will be the next problem.
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from the November 14 Nikkei

2014年11月17日 00時35分19秒 | 新聞記事から
水素価格、ガソリン並みに 燃料電池車 官民で運営費

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and domestic major car makers like Toyota Motar Corporation and Honda Motor Co., Ltd. are going to establish a system in which they can reduce the price of the fuel cell battery to as low as that of gasoline in the near future. Specifically, they intend to burden most of the operating costs for the so-called hydrogen stations in copperation of the public and private sectors, so that stable supply of cheaper hydrogen will be realized. At present, the price of hydrogen is almost twice that of gasoline. Given such a situation, they are going to make efforts to realize a stable supply of hydrogen in our society.
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from yesterday's (November 15) Nikkei

2014年11月16日 17時52分29秒 | 新聞記事から
上場企業、最高益に迫る 今期経常3%増 外需で稼ぐ  円安で上振れも

It is learned, according to the recent data, that the power of securing earnings has been more and more conspicuous among Japan's listed companies.
For the business term ending in March in 2015, the total ammonut of listed companies' overall consolidated recurring profits is expected to be up 3 percent than the previous term. And the amout will be clos to a record-high logged in the business term ending March in 2008, which was just before the so-called financial crisis.
Its breakdown shows that the automobile and electrical machinery industries whose earnings are deriving mainly from foreign demand with high international competitiveness are making up for the domestic-oriented companies which are struggling with a dampened demand due to the consumption tax hike to 8% from 5% in April this year.
If the weaker yen proceeds further, the total profits may move to a higher.
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