from today's Nikkei

2010年03月31日 09時20分24秒 | 新聞記事から
ホンダ 部品調達先 世界で集約 コスト一割削減 新興国にシフト 価格競争にらむ 品質管理も徹底

It is recently learned that Honda Motor Co. has decided to reduce the number of sources of its purchases of automobile components in the world. Under the plan,it is going to integrate its sources of the purchases by item, by up to 50 percent ,by the year 2013. And also it plans to shift its purchase areas, where it will buy the components, from areas of Japan,the U.S. and Europe to emerging countries.

With quantitative effects pursued, it intends to reduce the cost of purchase by 10 percent and at the same time to establish a system for further strengthening its quality control. As automobile markets in emerging countries are now rapidly expanding espacially with low-priced, small-sized vehicles very popular, automobile makers are now forced to reduce its production costs. Under these circumstances, Honda will launch on this deal for aiming at getting competitiveness in terms of prices.

参考:前置詞ofについて:部品調達先をsources of its purchases of automobile components としました。of の数が増えるので気が引けるけれど、これで間違いないといえます。sources of its (automible) component purchases と、簡潔に言おうとすると、私の場合は、頭を使う、つまり、思考行為が伴います。なるべく思考しない。頭を使わないで行こうとすると、前者のように、だらだらと(悪い意味でもない)言葉をつけたしていくこととなる。だらだらと言葉をつけたしていく感覚こそ英語では重要である。・・・今回はさらに、これにthe number がついているので、さらにofが多くなっている。・・・of の使い方は、研究に値します。
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from yesterday's Nikkei

2010年03月30日 11時14分54秒 | 新聞記事から
外需頼み 景気回復は緩慢 生産増 投資に波及も デフレ継続、出口は遠く 好循環の芽企業が主役 設備・雇用過剰感残る 中国バブル世界が注視

Japan's economy is now steadily recovering mainly thanks to demand from overseas.
Bolstered by high economic growth in emerging countries such as China, exports are expanding.

And with the help of domestic policies, companies' productions and earnings are increasing and there have appered sings of stopping of declining in terms of investment for the plants and equipment and employment. There is also a rebound in individual consumption.And when we look into the housing investment,it is getting out of the worst situation.

However, with so-called deflation going on even today, a steady economic recovery, difficult to feel for us, is expected to continue for a while.

Anyway, it is firms' role that will create a good cycle of economy in these circumstances, although on average there is a sense of overcapacity of the equipment and plants and overpopulation of employees in the manufacturing sectors.

Another focus is China's economy. Chinese economy has been expanding at a remarkable pace, but at the same time there has been always a concern about inflation.The world is now paying attention to it as well as having hope.
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from today's Nikkei

2010年03月30日 10時49分28秒 | 新聞記事から
東アジア18兆円基盤整備 ASEAN核に広域で 首脳会議で10月承認へ 交通や通信、650件

Sixteen countries consisting of The East Asia Summit,including Japan, have been tackling to work out the "Asia Inclusive Development Program." Its lateset draft has been made public recently.

According to that, they plan to build up a wide-area infrastructure spanning the areas linking the ASEAN contries, China and India by the year 2020. The number of specific projects totals 650 including transportations and telecomminications with about 18 trillion yen,or 200 billion dollars,estimated as the total amount of its investment.

The plan is expected to be approved in October this year, when the summit meeting is held in Hanoi,Vietnam.
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from today's Nikkei

2010年03月28日 14時45分17秒 | 新聞記事から
厚生年金基金 給付額、収入越す勢い 08年度比率9割超 4割が積立金崩す
 運営 厳しさ増す

According to sources, aging of employees' pension funds is now rapidly going on.
While in fiscal 2008 the number of people who received pension benifits increased for the conscutive second year, the number of people in the working generation who paid pension premiums dcreses for the consecutive 11th year. As a result,the ratio of the amount of pension benifits to that of pension fund revenues was more than 90 percent,at 92.6 percent,which is the highest ever.

Among pension funds there were some whose rations exceeded the 100 percent mark, which accounted for about 40 percent.

In such pension funds, it is real now that they have to take some of their accumulated surpluses in paying their pension benifits.

Like this, management of pension funds is getting more and more difficult.
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from yesterday's Nikkei

2010年03月27日 11時48分55秒 | 新聞記事から
新興国向け輸出で排出枠 独自新制度 政府が検討 2カ国間協定活用 原発などCO2少ない設備

According to sources, the govrnment has a plan to establish a new specific system by which greengases emission volume is regulated starting in 2013 in order to reduce the global warming gases by the year 2020 by 25 percent compared with the level in 1990.

Under the plan, it will conclude a bilateral treaty with emerging or developing countries in the world ,espacialli in Asia. If a Japanese company exports the infrastructure facility or equipment contributing to reducing the carbon dioxide emission, according to the amount of reduced emissions, the volume could be put into the calculation of Japanese reduction of the gases.

Nuclear power stations or high-efficient coal thermal power stations are main targets to be exported by Japanese firms.
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